Tuesday, August 21, 2007

8/20 Live Feeds: 6:00-10:00 PM

Jen has decided to turn the heat up for her last week in the house! Will Amber and Daniele ever get to go on their trip? Here's the evening events from inside the BB house!

The DR told Amber and Daniele that they would be leaving within the next 24 hours. Jen says that if she gets evicted, she doesn't want to be part of the jury so America would vote in her place. (She read this in the BB rule book.) She would also have to give up her stipend if she left the game. Jameka cannot believe that Jen is really considering that. Everyone is getting tired of Jen. Daniele says that she has hated her from the moment she first saw her. Amber then starts talking about how shocked she was when Dustin was evicted and that Daniele could have told her beforehand, which immediately shuts Daniele up.

Dick asked Zach if he made any deals with Jen, and Zach of course denied doing anything of the sort. Jen paraded around the house, claiming that she would start eating food and the like because she's leaving Thursday anyway. Jen packed all her stuff in trash bags and hid them around the house. Jen started destroying some of Dick's cigarettes, but BB stopped her before she could do any real damage. Dick wants BB to replace them right away since he is starting to run low on them. Dick then starts to find Jen's stuff, so he hides some of it in the HoH bedroom. BB reminded him not to destroy Jen's belongings but that he could hide them.

BB did replace the cigarettes Jen destroyed, and Jen cried about that. @@ She started eating food while complaining about BB some more. Dick went off on Jen for taking his cigarettes. He says that she will never get her clothes back that he took and that everyone can't wait to see her evicted. Dick started to smoke again, and Jen told him not to smoke in her face. He then burned her with his cigarette. Jen was then called to the DR and was told that she has received a penalty nomination for eating. If she stays this week, she will automatically be nominated again next week regardless of the PoV. Therefore, she continued to eat.

That does it for the evening! Jen knows that she will be evicted, so she is going out with a bang I suppose. Fine by me - it makes the feeds more interesting!


Anonymous said...

lier u think were stupid
u didnt post this when it happened
ur a fake

Anonymous said...

Jen's behaviour makes me think she is basically giving up!! If she is truly the player that I thought she was, she would do her best to try and cut a deal with someone, somehow. I realize that may be easier said than done, but at least I and the rest of the BB8 fans would have a little more respect for her. I guess I was wrong about the competitiveness of Jen. Sorry to see it end like this for her. I really hate that she it threatening a "no vote" for the final......makes me think she is also a sore loser.

Anonymous said...

How did he burn her with his cigs? Did he get in trouble for this? Please let us know more.

Anonymous said...

ED burned Jen with his cigarette? Did I read that right. Was this accidental or done with intent?
I have enjoyed ED antics but intentional harming another player is a deal breaker. I am concerned that BB did nothing (if this was intentional) due to it is a safety factor for BB players and could be a whole legistic nightmare for the network if nothing was done. Will have to watch and see.

Anonymous said...

"Dick started to smoke again, and Jen told him not to smoke in her face. He then burned her with his cigarette. Jen was then called to the DR and was told that she has received a penalty nomination for eating."
Why wasn't Dick kicked out or at least given a penalty nomination for burning Jen with his cigarette? I don't think that is fair.

Anonymous said...

thx for the updates, do the other house guests no of jen's penalty, if so, why not kick jameka out this week and since jen is on block no matter what next week get rid of her then, only makes since to me.

Anonymous said...

Are you serious about Dick burning Jen with his cigarette? I cannot belive BB hasn't booted this MF out! I could not sleep with a lunatic like that lurking around. What is so sad is that BB is surely encouraging him and he sees it as an opportunity to do whatever he wants, even physical harm to other contestants. I don't care how stupid Jen is, (and let's face it, she is stupid)she doesn't deserve to be burnt with a cigarette.

Anonymous said...

Jen was penalized for eating, but Dick WASN'T penalized for burning her with a cigarette?? That's just wrong.

Anonymous said...

I'm a little confused. I usually love Dick and think he's a great player, but you said he burnt Jen with a cigarette. Did he purposefully burn her? That seems pretty damn harsh, and just mean.

Anonymous said...

I don't think I have ever been so angry at a TV show than I was last night. Jen may have destroyed someone's cigs, and all the house dislikes her, yet no one deserves to be called the names that Dick slandered her with. I cannot believe BB let that go on, much less that neither Zach or Eric didn't stop him. Would Eric let him talk like that to Jessica...I wonder? If Dustin or Mike were still in the house, would they have allowed that to happen and continue as long as it did? What low lifes...all of them. That just changed my decision on who should win the game...no one deserves it!!!! I mean really, Dick can rant and rave and do all that he does, yet when someone else..who is disliked less, or just as much...starts talking "big", he/she gets slandered. They are all so scared of Dick, it's incredible. Jameka just sat there all quiet and innocent...whinning because Jen ate a food. Yet it was ok for Dick to say whatever he wanted. The reason she didn't say anything was because she knew Dick would lay into her if she even thought about opening her mouth. Oh well, such it is. BB really disappointed me to the end that I don't even care to watch anymore. This was in fact the WORST BB in history.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand how CBS allows Dick to verbally and phsically abuse Jen. She may be a little annoying, but it's nothing compared to how annoying and gutless Dick is. "America" tell me how can it be acceptable to blow smoke in someone's face and burn them with a cigarette? If he had done this to a dog "America" would probably cry for him to be evicted and brought up on charges.

Anonymous said...

1 princess down, 1 to go. What is Jen's problem? I knew she was unstable when she cried over her picture on the wall! I won't miss Jensa or Jenth degree AT ALL!!!! BYE BYE JEN!!!!

Anonymous said...

If I were Jen I would be contacting my attorney when I leave that house. Does defamation of character or sexual harrassment sound familiar??? And it's all on tape!

Maybe Vanna or her ex can help her find a good one and if that excuse of a human being (Dick) wins the cash....the sweetest of revenge would be to sue him for all of his winnings. That would be the best ending to this horrific season of BB8.

Anonymous said...

Did Dick not get reprimanded or anything for burning Jen?

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know how much of a stipend they get?

Anonymous said...

Ok....please tell me that I misunderstood and he didn't really burn her physically with a cigarette?????

Anonymous said...

I told you guys that liked Jen... (she is CRAZY)... I think she really has physcological problems...(she really needs medical attention)!!

Anonymous said...

Are the producers not going to do anything about Dick burning her?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? WTF?!?!

Anonymous said...

You made it sound like Dick burned Jen on purpose! She was trying to grab the cig.out of his hand and burned herself.Not his fault she was so stupid to grab a lit cig.
Also is she really pregnant? Would big brother let her stay if she was and would they let her stay on slop?What about the growing baby` nutrition in these early stages?

Anonymous said...

dude, this is some bullshit. dick can BURN somebody with his cigarette and receive no penalty at all meanwhile jen is penalty-nominated? is it just me, or does BURNING somebody seem like it would break some sort of non-violence rule. I have no idea how Dick continues to be so powerful week after week but it's seriously pissing me off.

Anonymous said...

The wording on here is a little misleading...Jen reached for Dick's cig and actually, in the process burned herself.. he did not burn her - as it reads here - like he did it on purpose.

Anonymous said...

I think Jen will be saved this week just like Dick was saved last week. BB is controlling the game according to the popularity of the players Jen is popular, Jameka is not. Jen will automatically be nominated next week anyway so she's a freebie. Dick will get everyone to get rid of Jameka and Amber will have a nervous breakdown all week.

Anonymous said...

Good for Jen. This year, the BB producers are running the show! I think people are seeing how involved they are. It is obvious that they tell them what to do, how to nominate and vote. Go out with a bang next week Jen, get Jameka out this week!

smoke said...

Dick did not burn Jen, she was hitting at him and grabbed the cigerette at which time she burnt herself.

Anonymous said...

Honestly watching the feeds it makes you wonder why BB's "therapists" don't intervene more regarding Dick. It isn't that he's childish or cruel, but is seriously the most narcisstic person in there -- that's why he hates Jen -- she is self-centered but not to the degree he is and by Dick, everything (including his daughter's affection) is a contest.

I was struck by how beaten down Eric, Jessica and Jameka looked -- they honestly all looked like dogs in the corner waiting to be beaten by Dick. And they will unless they figure out how to get him out.

Dick is an all-American pig -- it's men like him that make the righ wing nuts happy -- they have a target -- this is what America is fighting for? For some dried up rock and roll wanna be to beat up on women half his age?

Anonymous said...

Dick did not burn Jen, she was hitting at him and grabbed the cigerette at which time she burnt herself.

Anonymous said...

This is when I go back and forth on both Jen and Dick. I cannot believe that she got a penalty for eating and Dick got nothing for BURNING her? They are both nuts!

Anonymous said...

Regarding what was said below. From what I saw Jen hit Dick before he burned her. She kept trying to hit him so that is how she got burned.

"Dick started to smoke again, and Jen told him not to smoke in her face. He then burned her with his cigarette"

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe that BB is allowing this asshole to stay in the house and ASSAULT this woman! He poured a glass of ice tea on her, and now has burned her with his cigarette?! This is abuse!

Anonymous said...

Why is Jen such a sore loser? How much is their stipend? I am interested to know what they get paid...

Anonymous said...

Wow, Jen is such a poor sport. Did she honestly go into the game thinking she would be the final winner? That's what it sounds like to me. She has no one to thank for being ousted except herself now. She could have spent this time campainging and causing another twist. She really needs to go home now.

bbforever4 said...

Dick did not burn Jen, she burned herself. She was trying to grab the cigarette out of Dick's hand, and she burned herself, all he did was hold the cigarette. Dick did nothing wrong. She went totally insane.

Anonymous said...

Boooooo for you Jen!! I thought we would have seen some real game play from her instead of being a BIG BABY! Bye bye Jen, now you really need to go. You are a real poor sport in the BB game!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Okay, first Dick throws a cup of juice over Jen's head, then he burns her with a cigarette----and BB is okay with this?

Why does BB stop Jen from destroying Dick's cigarettes, but when Dick burns Jen with cigarettes, Dick is not reprimanded? What in the world is going on here!?

Jen has every right to be mad about being backdoored. She has taken so much abuse during the show, it's time for her to finally get mad and stop pretending that nothing bothers her.

Jameka experienced the same meltdown when Dick targeted her day after day.

Daniele and Jessica would fold like tents if anyone ever did the things to them that Dick did to Kail, Jen, Amber, and Jameka.

Jen may not win BB, but she will continue to have a successful career outside the house.

I don't know how anyone could blame Jen for being pi**ed off.

I cannot wait for Daniele to be evicted. Sorry, but Dani is not a better player than Jen.

Jen has had to endure far worse things in the house than Dani, and Jen did not have anyone in the house to fight her battles.

Dani is weak. Without Dani's father telling her what to do and protecting her along the way, Dani wouldn't have made it this far after Nick left.

If I were Jen I would start eating too. But Jen shouldn't leave without getting her stipend.

Jen should have been AP. Probably would have been more fun to watch.

Jen is very keen to what is going on around her. She picks up on certain comments that are blurted out by mistake while everyone else is clueless.

I think that the final two should be Dick and Jen. They are the two best players in the house.

Eric is just a puppet, and I am tired of his shifty eyebrows and his trollish grin.

Amber and Jameka are not deserving since they played a weak game.

Daniele let her father do all the dirty work for her (and was sometimes caught by the camera smirking about it). She barely had to lift a finger.

Zack should place third just because.

Jessica hasn't endured anything. Her nomination was easy.

I can't wait for this season to be over. I just want to see who wins already. I keep thinking that BB will have an interesting twist soon. Tired of waiting.

Anonymous said...

Dick burned Jen with a cigarette???
I believe that is an assault.
Shouldn't Dick be thrown out of the house for that?

Anonymous said...

Great job with the updates.....much appreciated. I saw the video of jen destroying the cigs in the SR on you tube, but I haven't been able to find any video of the actual fighting.....Does anyone know of any?

Anonymous said...

I am actually an ED fan. Despite the fact that he can be extremely abrasive, I find his brutal honesty refreshing in comparision to the other HG. However, if I read this feed correctly it appears that ED purposely burned Jen with his cigarette. That is a bit much even for me. I wonder what action BB will take against him for that incident? It seems like if nothing happens to him that would be a big liability for BB even if all the HG sign a waiver. I realize that ED brings in a lot of ratings for BB but this particular incident might cause even the most loyal watcher waiver. I am even on the fence about watching the show now. I am all about entertainment but it just feels wrong to continue watching a show that allows someone to physically harm another without any reprimand.

Anonymous said...

how is it that dick can burn her with a freakin cigarette and nothing happens!?!?

somebody explain to me how this is OK in the eyes of BB....

Anonymous said...

ok first of all jen was told by dick to back off and she tried to grab his cig so he burned her but she kept trying to get the cig and dick told her to not do it or she will keep getting burned. i understand that cigs are bad for you but give me a break destroying them to get even with dick.she is so stupid and needs to go. she was out played by everyone and i know one nanny i would never ask to watch my kids.i started falling for the poor jen thing but i am so glad that stupid bitch is leaving....

Anonymous said...

Thank You so Much for the postings!! This is my fav. site to get my updates from. Having said that, I would like to point out that this post is misleading.

Dick did not burn Jen with his cig. She burned herself trying to grab the cig out of his hand. Jen is the one who went after him. Dick was the one sitting there already smoking when she came outside with food and sat down beside him.

Anonymous said...

Dick burned Jen with his cigarette....and BB did nothing about it?

Anonymous said...

LMBO! This Is Sooo Funny! I knew Jen was going to act a fool. LOL, Danni better hope she doesnt stay, and Jen is crazy! Doesnt she know there could still be a chance 4 her. She Could make deals, and America Could Have Still Possibly Helped Her. Now America probably hates her Now!

Anonymous said...

He didnt burn her with his cigg....she reached for it to take it out of his hands and burned herself...she also made that announcment about her being nomitnated next week....insinuating that they might as well keep her because she has to go up next week anyway

chaque said...

lol, Jen is ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

Good-bye Jam this week and jenn next week. Its almost to the point that lets get rid of Zac, Amber next and see who screws over who the best. Something tells me that daddys little girl is not as nice as she is acting.. I would give a handfull of cash to watch ed reactions if someone treated his daughter like he treats everyone else in the house. Is there anyone that ed has not called out and talked to like they are trash. According to him everyone there is a "bitch" less Little d and big d.
Please tell me the next twist is ed and jen are bf/gf I know its asking too much for them to be married to each other :-)

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

I have a question is this the first year that the HG have been so vocal as to what happens in the diary room. I have never known there to be so much tattling about what goes on in there.

Anonymous said...

Dick didn't intentionally burn her with his cigarette, she was grabbing for it and he told her she would get burned and she did...As he kept saying ALL night he didn't start this one and he is right. All the houseguests think she may have to be taken out on a stretcher and in a straight-jacket. They kept talking about her being PSYCHO and needing to go.
I can see a twist with Jen getting a penalty nomination and not being able to play for POV (according to Zach, he asked while he was in the DR and they said no POV for penalty nominations) they might get rid of Jemika this week. They have nothing to lose they can get rid of Jen next week.

Anonymous said...

I missed the description of the trip that the girls are taking. How did that come about?

Anonymous said...

What do you mean by this? "The DR told Amber and Daniele that they would be leaving within the next 24 hours."

Please explain. Thanks. Oh...and thanks for all the dedication you put in to posting updates on this site! You ROCK!


Anonymous said...

I'm a Dick fan and would love to see him in the final two and Jen going home would be fine by me. But I have to say pouring tea over her head is one thing but burning her with a cigarette is another. He should have some penalty for that. She handled it better than me. I would have totally clicked and anybody else would have too.

Anonymous said...

OMG!! I try to listen throughout the day..but nothing this good has happened why I was listening! Not a whole going on right now....

I hate that Jenn is leaving...she has been mislead by so many of the housemates...I feel for her!

Anonymous said...

He burned her with his cig??? Am I reading that right?

Anonymous said...

Coward DIck should be kicked out for trying to burn Jen. The coward only pick on girls and little boys.
If you noticed he did not pull that on Mike, Nick, or Zack.

Anonymous said...

what is the "STIPEND" and how much is it?

Anonymous said...

jen will give up a stipend[?]if she leaves the show. what is it????

Anonymous said...

How is it that Dick can burn Jen with his cigarette and not have to suffer any consequences. I would say that burning someone with cigarettes is a much bigger offense than destroying the cigarettes. I like Dick sometimes but other times he is too out of control.

Anonymous said...


What a big baby. Things are not going her way. She knows she is going home so she just does whatever she wants now?

What about the jury. The rest of your responsibilities as a HG. You get evicted which has not even happened yet and she has a pissy fit.

Dick I got. I knew what he was trying to do but this is just a little girl not getting her way tantrum.

WOW! Well I guess everyone handles it differently.

What's this about Dickl burning her? Did he do that on purpose. I am shocked he did not get in trouble if he intended to burn her!

I am in no way a Jen fan and I do like Dick but burning someone on purpose is a form of physical attack.

Anonymous said...

ok, this girl has seriously got problems, she needs to go, she should have already been gone, fine by me if we(America) get to have a vote in the finale, to bad however that someone who was already evicted like Nick or Kail who would have participated is already gone, just shows how immature Jen is.. Can't wait to NOT see her anymore!!!!! I cannot remember anyone not choosing to participate and I hope she gets a scar from the cigarette burn!!!!!

Anonymous said...

How come none of my comments ever appear?

Anonymous said...

I think that since Jenn already thinks she's going home and is blatenly disobeying the rules and eating "real food" instead of slop, They should vote out Jameka this week and Jenn would automatically be nominated next week with no hopes of winning the POV.. That would be awesome!! Another week of watching her get what she deserves from Dick... I love him.. I think he super honest and loyal.. he calls it like he sees it and sees that Jenn is a dumb self worshiping two-faced HO. She's getting what's coming to her.. NO ONE should mess with a man's Last bit of smokes.. is she nuts?? That's like committing suicide!

Anonymous said...

Well, the updates were doing great until today. Where are you today????

Anonymous said...

After her display and blantent disregard for the rules, Jen needs to be kicked out today. Dick was wrong for blowing smoke in her face. But that doesn't give her the right to eat when she is on slop.

During the middle of that, it looks like Showtime block the feed for about 5 minutes. Did they block that altercation on the live feeds as well?

Anonymous said...

OMG last night SHotime show was great!!! Jen acts like she could careless what BB thinks and will do what ever she wants. I could not believe that she hit Dick, Dick kept warning her that she was going to get burned on his cig and tried to move his hand back futher each time she tried to grab it. Then they stopped broadcasting for a few minutes when it really got heated between Jen and Dick. From what I gathered after when the feeds came back up was that Jen got burned. Eric said something about flames but Jen was seen later on eating a cucumber at the kitchen counter. Jen I think wants to go out with a bang and is being such a bitch! Bye bye Jen on thursday!

Anonymous said...

Does @@ mean anything???

Anonymous said...

Dick "burned" Jen with his cigarette? And he gets to stay?

Anonymous said...

if Dick really burned her wouldnt that get him kicked out?

Anonymous said...

Since Dick burned Jen "he needs to go that is just uncalled for.I think that both of them need to go home this week if they want to act like that!!!!!!! SEND THEM HOME NOW!! DON'T HAVE A VOTE THIS WEEK!!THEY NEED TO GO

Anonymous said...

Did I read that right? Dick burns Jen with his cigarette? And Jen gets a penalty for eating regular food! Something is very screwed up at CBS if they condone someone being harmed by another house guest. I like Dick for his bizarre personality but that's going too far.

Anonymous said...

I think you need to tell the whole story behind Jen getting burned with Dick's cigarette. You might want to mention that Jen slapped him and he stuck his hand out and burned HERSELF!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the crew is keeping BB busy this season. As this is my 1st season do HG carry on like this all the time? Seems pretty childish????

Glad she is going!

Anonymous said...

Correction - ED did not burn Jen with his cigarette. She was stupid enough to try to grab it to smash it, and she got herself burned. All he did was blow smoke rings in her face.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the updates. Love the Jenn dramam going on now. :)
Do you do videos by any chance?

Anonymous said...

If Jen should be evicted for eating then Dick should have been evicted weeks ago for being abusive. Let's not sit here and say that Dick has not stepped over the line time and time again. He has crossed way over that line and nothing has been done to him. He should have been thrown out of this game longgggggggggggggggggg ago.

Honestly, this show makes me sick!

This will go down as the worse BB show in history!

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe all this crap is going on....I cannot believe that everyone in the house has let ED talk to Jenn that way...I understand that she is annoying but come on...enough is enough!!

It is killing me that the live feeds are blocked...I wonder what is going on?

Anonymous said...

Everyone is making a big deal of Dick trying to burn Jen, but watch the the video before you comment. She was trying to grab a lit cig from him. Of course she is gonna get burned. That just shows how stupid she really is. It just upsets me with the comments when you have no clue what happened. Dick might be a pain and make it hard on people in that house, but you have to admit without him it would make for a pretty boring show. He makes the entertainment and keeps everyone watching to find out what he will do next.

Anonymous said...

Worse BB in history....there you have it CBS producers. You need to be canned!! Amazing how CBS can ruin a good thing. Hmmm....so sad.

Anonymous said...

i cant belive you did not add that they had to cut off the feed for a min or that wonderful dick was telling eric that they migh have to vote out jemika knowing that jen will be up next week and not be able to get off with pov sems like you missed alot of the good stuff

Anonymous said...

I am sorry it should say Jen buned her self on Dick cig not Dick buned her she did it her self with no ones help. She is a nut job that is for sure

Anonymous said...

I think that everyone should read all the other comments and realize that jen actually burnt herself and that they should see that jen is a sore loser and that shows for the way she is acting now. Dick DID NOT burn her, he was actually telling her to quit before she got burned.

I think that Jen should have been gone a LONG LONG time ago, she is just so self-centered and it also very clear the jealousy that she has towards dani.

I am a dani fan. She has totally kicked ass in this game and it has nothing to do with her dad telling her what to do. bc she came up with the idea that eric must be the leak not dick. she is a very smart girl and makes good decisions. yes her dad took her off the block but didnt jameka take jen off the block??? so lets not sit here and say oh dani has her daddy helping her out bc everyone is helping each other out to get better in the game.

Anonymous said...

I saw the feed Jen NEVER hit dick she was telling him not to blow the smoke in her face ( he had done it right in her face a few times) wow i cant even belive that there are some on here defending him you guys are sick

Anonymous said...

Everyone on here that feels sorry for Jen must be as big as nut as she is . I know her and she is the most selfish person in the world and if she don't get her way no one will be happy and Dick isn't the frist one she has hit.

Anonymous said...

dick tells it how it is....he says what most two-faced people are scared to say....if he purposely burnt her then i have lost respect for him....but as what the clips show SHE BURNT HERSELF! she is a little drama queen.all attention has to be on jen so of course i can see her playing a little injured house guest. its sad to live off of others showing pity to you. GROW UP JEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I would love to see Dani in the finals!

Anonymous said...

Jen is a idiot. I just caught the end of the fight when Jen was stuffing her face with food - shouldn't she be given more penalties for the all the food she ate. I mean seriously, who eats cucumbers like that! Personally I think they should just send her home and be done with her, save everyone the trouble - she's not worth it! Dick can be a little nasty and rude, but it's a game people - get over it. I would love to see Dani and Dick in the final two! Jen and her stupid rule book need to take a hike!

Anonymous said...

"Dani is weak. Without Dani's father telling her what to do and protecting her along the way, Dani wouldn't have made it this far after Nick left."

Whoever left this is so ignorant; so do you mean to say that Dick is the reason for her WINNING TWO HOH competitions and a couple of POV'S???? WOW that is funny. Just face it, DANI IS A VERY STRONG PLAYER and Jen is in NO COMPARISON to Dani!

Anonymous said...

if dick didnt burn jen on purpose than you have a duty to clarify this in your post.

it clearly states dick burnt jen with his cigarette, and its a rather poor attempt at getting hits to your website.

Anonymous said...

He was blowing smoke in her face, and while she was trying to slap him, she burned herself. Dummy!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am not a JEN(ital) fan, but I think she has played a great game. Dick was intentionally blowing smoke in JENs face and JEN asked him several times to stop before she tried to take the cigarette from his hands (she wasn't trying to hit him). Dick is a bully and is disgusting between his spitting, swearing and passing gas. He needs to leave the game. He appears to have the emotions of a spoiled seven year old. He burned her and he should leave.

Anonymous said...

dick is not 2 faced then you are not remembering 2 weeks ago when him and dani told jen the had her bacK? you guys only see what you want to see not to faced?? he hated Eric and Jen and Zack until he thought he might need them !! again you cant pick what things to use to define him as a person you have to look at it all and most of you just dont see what you dint want to see

Anonymous said...

Dick blew smoke in Jen's face. Then she tried to slap the cigarette out of his hand. That is how she got burned.

Anonymous said...

for the perosn that said that jen was not hittin dick, watch it again, she is standing over him, with her hands on him

Anonymous said...

What part of Game do people not understand? All of this lieng and cheating is to be exspected. No, I do not agree with some of ED's words, but you know he does speak his mind. At least he has the guts to be bold unlike all the others who pretty much say what everyone else wants to hear. I mean CBS proved he wasn't lieng with the name dropping that has to show something about his word. Every week things change, words change, groups change, that is just Big Brother. This isn't anything new.

Anonymous said...

Dick burned her accidently when Jen took a swing at Dick and he moved and her arm grazed the cig. so get off your high and mighty wagon.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i did watch the feeds jen was tring to grab the cig after Dick cont to blow it in her face when she reached for the cig he burnt her on purp.

Anonymous said...

First of all my whole body was cringing with this episode....my husband and I argued over wether or not dick burned jen... the first time was an accident cause she tried to grab the cig but then he kept telling her to grab it so he could burn her on purpose... BUT the thing that had me cringe is when he kept calling her the "C" word..... under no circumstances should ANY man call a female the "C" word.... and for all the other HG to just sit there and let him call her that over and over not to mention other names was beyond dispicable... I hope he goes and i was a fan but that is just to much.... and if anyone was acting like a baby it was dick for crying to BB about his cigs being destroyed and making them replace them and then hiding all of Jens cloths in the HOH room while Danielle is gone so that she cant even change her clothes... BB is majorly rigged this year and is so boring... this was the most exciting thing that has happened and DICK should get penalty nominated next week right along with jen for burning her

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

The wording on here is a little misleading...Jen reached for Dick's cig and actually, in the process burned herself.. he did not burn her - as it reads here - like he did it on purpose.

I just watched my tivo of last nights show and he actually held the cigarette in such a way as it would definately burn her. He is disgusting and this just may be the last time I watch BB!!!

Anonymous said...

He didn't burn her. She hit the cigarette trying to knock it out of his hand.

Get your facts right.

Anonymous said...

accident or not i think Jen and Dick should be evicted at the same time for the way they both acted. If dick stays he can always go behind another person in that same way.dick should have been gone a long time ago for his actions aganist the other players. cbs needs to wake up and get serious with theses houseguest before a fight really breaks out.Even though Jen got a penalty i would still vote her out on thursday, better yet they should not have a vote they should just eveict her.

Anonymous said...

wake up CBS things like this should not be happening. Jen and Dick should leave immediately.if dick stays who knows what else is going to be up his sleeve to win

Anonymous said...

Dick DID NOT burn Jen with a cigarette. He blew smoke in her face, she got mad and yelled and hit him {tried to at least. i think she did} and take it away from him, and she accidentaly burned herself

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You watched the live feed and the BBAD you would see that Jen grabbed a lit cig. out of Dick's hand and burned herself even the other hg's witnessed it live say that it is Jens fault. ED warned her several times that it was lit and that she would get burned if she did not quit grabbing at it and his hand was all the way against the wall. Jen is being a baby becasue she is getting backdoored. As a matter of fact she started the altercation and is mad because BB is not backing her up she thinks that she is princess and now says that she refuses to go to the sequester house. She should not be evicted but ejected from the game.

Anonymous said...

You idiots!!!

Dick kept blowing smoke in Jens face. She has every right to get him and his cig out of her face.

I am a non-smoker, and I would have slapped his ugly mug if he kept blowing smoke in my face.

I have said long ago that Dick needed to go.

I hope that none of the remaining men are left in the final two. They are weasles for not coming to any of the women's (Kail, Jen, Amber, and Jameka) defense when Dick verbally abused them. This man has no self control.

I'm telling everyone to vote for everyone to be evicted, except Jen because it would piss D&D off!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh. The LIVE FEEDS sound like a MUST SEE this season. I'm sad I don't at least get Showtime.

Anonymous said...

I would love to know how much the players are paid to go on the show. Even if Amber doesn't know what stipend is - she's getting one. LOL And if Jen is really Vanna White's baby's nanny - Vanna needs to fire her butt. She's not mentally stable enough to babysit a flea.

Anonymous said...

Watch the replay people, Jen burned herself when she was hitting Dick and reaching for the cigarette!!!! Don't make it out like Jen is the victim here, she is furious because she lost HoH and wasn't picked for the PoV competition. She is basically NUTS!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Omg people, everyone knows that it is expected to have some fighting and dishonesty on this show. If you think that this is the "worst big brother ever" or you say "oh im never going to watch it again" then so be it. Nobody is twisting your arm making you watch it. The fighting and dishonesty on this show is what attracts a lot of its viewers. Apparently you like something about it if you keep watching it and comments the big brother talk page. Yeah some of the houseguests go to the extreme but what would you do if you were in the house???? wouldnt you do anything to get that money prize???? ok then, give those players a damn break and if you dont like what you see on tv its not hard to change the damn channel.

Anonymous said...

DICK didn't reach out and burn her, she tried to grab at him and he told her she was going to get burned, and SHE did it anyway. DICK didn't get in trouble because he didn't do anything wrong. AND why is Jen still in the house??? SHAME ON BB! They should have made her leave when she kept eating.