Dan seen here checking himself out in the bathroom last night.
Michelle says that she will not tell anyone who to vote for this week so everyone can make their own decision. Jerry and Michelle think that Dan doesn't try to win competitions because he is AP. Dan thinks that he will be nominated if PoV is used this week. Michelle told Dan that she doesn't want him to use the PoV if he wins it. Keesha thinks that she will be evicted over Libra this week because Libra could go at any time since she is such a target.
Michelle told Renny that she nominated Keesha to ensure that Libra will be evicted because she knows that Dan, Memphis, and Renny will all vote for Keesha to stay. Keesha and Libra agree that if the PoV competition this week contains any luxuries, they will go for the luxuries instead of the PoV. @@ April and Ollie agree that Keesha will be evicted if Libra wins the PoV.
Michelle told Keesha that Libra is her target this week. Michelle says that she didn't nominate April because she was worried that April would be evicted instead of Libra. Keesha told Michelle that she will not target her if she stays in the game. Keesha told Renny that she trusts Michelle. April told Michelle that she isn't aligned with Jerry and that Jerry is driving her crazy. April told Michelle that if Keesha wins PoV, Libra will still be evicted.
Keesha and Memphis think that they will be nominated if someone from April's group wins HoH next week. It sounds like everyone is on slop until after the PoV competition, and the HG will have their feast on Saturday night. April wants Keesha and Libra to apologize to her for their actions last week. Apparently, none of the former HG cheered on Libra during the food competition.
April told Ollie that if the next HoH competition comes down to the two of them, she will let him win HoH. Michelle thinks that the PoV competition will have something to do with the house. Dan said good-night to Jerry again last night, and this time Jerry responded. Michelle was the last one asleep last night at around 1:40 AM. All HG are still asleep as I post this.
Jerry needs to get off of his high horse. Just because he fought in the Civil War doesn't mean he's a great person.
I think it needs reiterating that this is the worst cast in BB history.
Couldnt have said it better. Its going to get worse too if Libra and Jerry leave there wont be anyone to dislike.
I agree about Jerry, he thinks he has the best game in history...NOT..."hes gonna turn this house upside down" whatever. I cant stand to listen to him talk game, get over yourself already. If he were in any other season he would have been chewed up and spit out by now.
If Jerry fought in 'The Civil War'
it would be a miracle that he was still alive!!!!
I can't believe a 75 year old man has been able to stay in the BB house as long as he has.
I give him credit for that because he has annoyed everyone and still manages to stay.
Kind of like Libra.
Duh 3:20. I think you need to learn the word "sarcasm".
jerry is a biatch. if he thinks dan should renounce his religion for a strategic move in a GAME (which was america's vote anyways), then he should permanently take himself out of the marines for breaking his word to brian
what a hypocrite!
I think Jerry needs to meet up with Evil Dick,,that would heat things up :))
I agree anon 6:02pm
Dan did the same thing Jerry did. I wish, someone in the house had the guts (DAN) to remind him of that!
why does jerry dislike dan so much. Jerry is a dick and I cant wait for the day he is sitting in that chair and julie says, "jerry you have been evicted" now get the hell out
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