Sunday, August 10, 2008

8/10 Live Feeds: 9:00 AM-5:00 PM

Memphis seen here wearing his onion necklace.

Jerry was the first one up today at around 11:40 AM. Libra says that she is ready for some peace and quiet after all the fighting yesterday. Keesha regrets drinking yesterday since it made her turn into a crazy person. She doesn't want to drink for the rest of her time in the house. Ollie says that he has never heard so much screaming in his entire life. Keesha doesn't want anyone to jinx her by telling her that she will be safe this week.

Libra told April that she was in the DR for three hours last night and wants to be evicted. Libra apologized to April for her actions yesterday. Libra wishes that she would have been evicted last week so she wouldn't have to go to the jury house. Apparently, BB took the steak knives away from the HG during the fighting last night. Renny complained about someone using the wipes in the bathroom to wipe themselves and then throwing them away instead of flushing them. Jerry said that he has been doing that and didn't know the wipes were flushable.

April thinks that America will love her for not starting any drama last night. @@ Jerry told Michelle that he wants Dan out more than Memphis now. April got mad at Ollie for not sticking up for her last night. Dan and Memphis agree that Jerry cannot win HoH next week because one of them would be evicted. Ollie told Jerry that he would nominate Memphis if he won HoH next week.

NOTICE: Due to golf, tonight's show won't begin until around 8:45 PM ET.


Anonymous said...

stupid cum face April has to be evicted asap. she gets pissed at others for flipping sides so easily but she is one of the first to go to the HoH room and celebrate when manchelle won.


Anonymous said...

lol thats great manchelle. couldnt agree more. Jerrys kind of nasty I would have been disgusted to see that in the trash. I hope Memphis wins HOH next week and Jerry gets evicted.

Anonymous said...

How did Memphis come to be required to wear the onion necklace?? I know it was because of the POV but does anyone know how it came about?? Is it real onions?? How gross,,,,Not only onion breath but onion head,neck,chest,etc....:))

Anonymous said...

Hey Memphis can't help having to
wear onions.....that's a stupid
BB call ! Jerry needs to get in
the real world...doesn't even know
what to do with a toilet wipe !
What friggin' century is he living
in ? April is the biggest HO in
BB history and that ole' nasty
Ollie is the other HO ! Those 2 are
an insult to the freakin' human
race. They are like rabbits ! Except that rabbits are cute and
have more class than those ugly 2 !