Tuesday, August 12, 2008

8/12 Live Feeds: 7:00 AM-6:00 PM

Jerry seen here looking absolutely thrilled to death. Wouldn't you agree?

BB woke the HG up at around 8:00 AM this morning. Jerry claims that he has lost 10 pounds since entering the house and will be in great shape by the time he leaves. Today is Keesha's parents' anniversary. April complained about Ollie snoring again last night. Libra wants to do The Amazing Race now that she has conquered BB. She wouldn't race with anyone except her husband though. Memphis would do The Amazing Race with his girlfriend.

Keesha and Libra liked Ollie when they first met him. Keesha doesn't anymore since he is always around April, and Libra doesn't like Ollie anymore because of things he said to her earlier in the week. Libra doesn't think that Ollie will win because everyone will think that if he wins, April wins too. Libra says that she feels uncomfortable around Jerry because he grew up in a racist society.

Dan can't believe that Libra wants to be evicted when thousands of other people would love to be in the house. Another fish has died. Dan rubbed yogurt on Keesha's leg as a joke, so she rubbed it in his pillowcase. Dan then started chasing Keesha around the house with honey, so Keesha called for a truce. Dan then hid Keesha's dog toy that she received when she was HoH. He is planning on creating a mystery tonight in order for her to find the toy.

Jerry thinks that the next HoH competition will be physical. Jerry is also fed up with Keesha's screeching laugh. Jerry thinks that he will be nominated next week unless he wins HoH. Jerry told the HG that he was married to his first wife for about a year and then claims that his children don't even know about his first wife.


Anonymous said...

Jerry keeps knocking Dan down for playing against him, lying...Isn't that what Big Brother is about? Jerry is a lier to and not a very good man!!!

Anonymous said...

Jerry is such an idiot!! I hate that either Keesha or Libra will be leaving this week but that's the game of Big Brother. I hope that Dan wins HOH and puts up Ollie and Jerry, then turns around and backdoors that slut April!

Anonymous said...

What would be real funny is to see Jerry and Dan go on the block together and the HG vote out Jerry and keep Dan...sweet victory for Dan!! So sorry Jerry Buh Bye!!

Anonymous said...

The only thing that I would worry about with putting Jerry and Dan on the block would be seeing Dan go home. The idiot group would probably vote to keep Jerry!

Anonymous said...

The only thing that I would worry about with putting Jerry and Dan on the block would be seeing Dan go home. The idiot group would probably vote to keep Jerry!