Renny seen here doing a midget impression.
Jerry seemed to have gone overboard on his speech like expected. Michelle didn't like how he only talked about Dan when Dan wasn't even nominated. Michelle reminded Jerry to keep the focus on Libra this week since that is who she wants out. They can take care of Dan next week. April and Ollie think that either Jerry didn't take his medicine today, or he needs to see the psychiatrist. I say both.
Dan told Michelle to see how much April, Jerry, and Ollie are around her when she doesn't have HoH next week. Dan thinks that those three are only being friendly to her because she has HoH this week. Michelle told Keesha that Jerry has taken things too personal in the game and wants to see him evicted soon. Another banner plane flew over the house, but noone was able to make out what it said this time.
Jerry thinks that all Catholics will hate Dan after they hear his PoV ceremony speech. @@ - Get that guy out of there! Ollie told Jerry that his speech wasn't that impressive, but Jerry didn't agree. Jerry continued to rant and rave about Dan, much to the annoyance of the house. Memphis is worried about nominating April and Ollie and one of them winning PoV because he doesn't want to nominate Jerry since Jerry would probably be evicted instead of April or Ollie.
Jerry needs to get off that high horse thinking he's better than everyone else. He needs to go soon - that voice is sooo annoying. Dan is the only sane person in that house so he should just leave him and his religion alone!!!
Jerry has nothing else to pick on Dan about so he is throwing his religion at him. I wonder if Jerry is religious? If so I don't think God would be happy with him right now. Jerry is just a "sheep" following whatever cum face (april) says and will continue to do whatever his alliance wants till the end. He needs to be backdoored, basically just for the humiliation part of it
Jerry thinks that all Catholics will hate Dan after they hear his PoV ceremony speech
I think this is the MOST arrogant houseold on this show EVER, and that includes Dr. Will's seasons
Give it a break Jerry....we're sick and tired of hearing you harp on Dan. He's the only good guy in the house. Jerry needs to get over himself. I would love to see jerry, april and ollie out of the in that order!
Jerry is in for a rude awakening when he leaves the house and finds out what BB viewers think of him.
why is jerry birching about dan taking his cross off to lie when jerry himself took his marines stuff off when he has to betray someone?????? it's EXACTLY the same. maybe he'll have a stroke
I hope when they do get Jerry out that Julie throws him under the bus and asks him why if he was such a proud Marine did he have to take all his Marine cloths off.
I'm sure he will have a "stroke" thinking about April's real cha-chas.
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