Little has happened since my last update. Daniele has been asleep for pretty much the last 10 hours, so Dick was up by himself talking to the cameras and such. He played solitaire, had a late-night snack, and walked throughout the house a few times before finally going to bed at around 4:40 AM. Dick was the first one up today at around 12:50 PM. Daniele awoke about 10 minutes later.
Dick and Daniele America's Real Players!!! Let's face it the majority of people wanted them to win so they had Eric vote in D and D 's favor. I hope once everything is revealed they will see it that way too and thank America for their win.
I have just about had it with Big Brother. I don't think I will even bother watching next year. ...Dick IS the biggest hypocrite. No one should reward him for the depths he went to. What is our world coming to? That is HIS WAY OF LIFE. He needed to listen to Kail and Jameka more- then he might know how to handle the money correctly for his daughter.
I'm gonna watch the finale just to see how it goes. I think I'm done with BB though. It certainly has been rigged from the whole AP sceniro to the abuse they had to put up. The whole Dani was too young and against the contract, Dick's abuse to Jen both dumping tea on her head and burning her with his cigarette. To the verbal abuse they all had to put up with (except when it was someone else trying to abuse Dick, then it was stopped). To Jen geting a penalty vote for eating, yet Dick got nothing for his behavior, to Dick admitting to his "coded" letters.
It certainly put a damper on my view of BB and I think I'm done.
My opinion is not this way because D&D are in the finals, I really didn't have a favorite to win. There have been so many things done and said that were not corrected by CBS.
sorry but when someone grabs at a lit cig, they deserve to get burned by it, maybe her parents didn't teach her not to play with fire. as far as being verbally abusive, I do believe it was partially game play, remember Daniele telling Dick to go after Zach while on the carrots?
I am sooooo done with Big Brother - this was rigged from the start! The rules were followed in D & D's favor- protest should be made cause of Dani's age!!!! That scrawny lil whiny lady wanna be....and a perverted idiot... bet she won't even talk to him when they get out the house!!! My friends and I found cartoons that made more sense this year....this was the raunchiest BB ever!
I agree that Daniele should have never been allowed in the house because of the age thing. rules are rules and BB broke them. I don't remember if I heard of her drinking alcoholic beverages, but if she did, 21 Means 21. Isn't that what we teach our kids. If they put her in there just because of the situation with her dad thinking it will make for good TV, that is just wrong. Zach wasn't my favorite either, but Daniele shouldn't be there, which means Dick wouldn't have made it that far either. I just hope Joe and Dustin make up after this. (JK)
Will told everyone the first year of BB that he was going to lie, cheat and stab anyone and everyone in the back to get the money. No differant than Dick said all through the competition. He was more vocal than Will, but the same strategy!
Please indulge what may be stupid questions but this is my first BB year:
Whay are only the last few evicted houseguests on the jury? Is it just a matter of money? Are the earlier evicted HG's off the payroll once they are evicted?
Why aren't the BB rules on-line for someone to read? I noted that a couple of the HG were reading the rulebook (mostly Daniele and Jen if I recall) so they must have thought the rules were "carved in stone" and something to be relied upon. If the producers can just willy nilly enforce/not enforce rules at their whim, it seems to me that a houseguest that was prejudiced by the rule change--despite what they might have signed--may have a cause of action if the rule change impacted their ability to succeed in the game. I would think that in light of CBS' issues elsewhere the past couple of years (the "wardrobe malfunction" the "Imus" issue) they would want to avoid any controvery that the BB game was unfair in some respect.
Was anyone else struck by the fact that two of the three final HOH challenges involved water? And that Daniele clearly did not like or wasn't comfortable in water? And tended to be cold even in the middle of summer (she always seemed to have a jacket on) I almost felt like they were setting her up to fail (and I was rooting for Zach!)
I would appreciate everyone's thoughts on the foregoing questions.
I agree with that water comment; it was like they were picking things that would be harder for her...maybe to make it more even since she had won so many more comps than the guys had?
And I thought that BB was fascinating! Watching the blogs & chats is even more interesting... observing all of the armchair-experts tear each other apart over a tv show!
And I thought that BB was fascinating! Watching the blogs & chats is even more interesting... observing all of the armchair-experts tear each other apart over a tv show!
Boy do I agree with you on this one. People have taken this to a whole new level. I am sure CBS is just LOVING this!!!
There was a post last night from someone who was so mad that the Presidents' speech would cut into the show. No I know the President isn't the most entertaining person to listen to, but the thought of him interrupting a trivia contest between Zach and Dick.
You know that CBS was watching the chatter from the fans as well, trying to keep up the ratings... they kept up the " Double D's vs The World" war going full force. The fans did it to themselves. You get what you ask for when it comes to T.V.
To Anon 2:20.....crimes in LA are nothing ! look at the driving crimes and drug crimes of Lindsey Lohan, Paris Hilton, Nicole Richey, plus other so-called "celebs"... what did they get ? Rehab ? A couple of hours in jail ? literally nothing !
To the Dani bashers.....Anon.3:38, 3:46, 3:48, 3:50, 3:54 and 4:00pm. I bet u r all BIG FAT UGLY WOMEN... You just WISH u looked like Danielle Donato.....She is H O T ! Thin, Blonde and with a gorgeous face and young and atheletic ! Eat your FAT UGLY hearts out !
ok all you BB bashers.. if you hate it so bad go bash some people in chat room or on another blog. finally you can quit watching the show cause its over and the best has WON! we dont care that you are done with Big Brother and we dont care that you wont watch anymore. you're not swaying us or winning any votes with us.. some of us like a good game.. some of you are very poor losers! like the sequesters.. a bunch of spoiled sports. i wouldnt put it past them to refuse to vote at all
Daniele had said that part of the reason she and her father didn't speak for so long was over borrowed money...
Can't imagine what a large amount like $500,000.00 is going to do for their relationship. I bet within 6 months the brat isn't speaking to him anymore.
Besides who lies about being 20? I would love to tell people I am 20. And please don't respond with the old "You're jealous of Dani." The girl is smokin hot but I hate to tell ya...IT ENDS THERE :-) S
Thank God that I did not go on a reality show when I was 21! I'd never live it down, and that seems like a lifetime ago even though it wasn't that long ago!
Dick & Daniele can not be THAT happy, guys. Yeah they get the money, but I believe Dick and Daniele DO, here, (after it's over) have a conscience. All the people who love them soooo much, man! Don't you all have a conscience, too? You have GOT to know we can not treat people like that in the real world. This has been the REAL Dick we have seen the past three months! And the real Daniele too. I feel sorry for them and hope they can work all their past out and forgive each other. But the rest of the houseguests, hate to say this this,... were really all just pawns compared to this drama..
They dominated by being father and daughter with a sad past..but they can overcome that. Money is not the answer though and neither is being a butthead the whole game. He never let up on a single player-THAT was natural for Dick- we should pray for him instead of making him an idol.
Dani is a HOT chick and Dick is a rocker, a partier, and he is a hell of a lot of fun ! love'm or hate'm............they made the BB Show the best ever ! It doesn't matter who wins......they both won ! Hey, they are national celebs now ! so.....all u jealous people can go cry like Whamber ! GO D & D........ya'll did great ! Can't wait for the next BB ! and.. as far as "drunks" go....Jessica won that prize....I think she stayed drunk every wonder she couldn't win anything ! and those sayin Dani was a brat... what about Jen....that was a BITCH ......she thought she was better than everybody ! Ole' Dick took her down a peg or two ! GOOD !
When did I say the other contestants were saints? I belive my post concerned the 2 finalists...
I'm sorry you confused my post with stating that anybody else in that house deserves the money more than any other constestant. Please don't put words in my post.
I agree that money doesn't solve anything, but I can't judge whether we are seeing the 'real' Dick or Dani, just like I can't judge whether we say the real "Amber" or any of the other HG. Even though it's called a 'reality' show, it's still just TV.
I don't understand why the fans get so emotionally involved and start trashing each other for their opinions... becuase that's all they are is opinions. Not ONE of us have any first hand knowledge of any of these HG.
I got news for everybody....on the last will end with everyone laughing and hugging each other ! They'll all say....hey, it was a game ! They will all be celebraties when they return home ! Just watch and see ! jen might try to get her a page in Playboy !
You hurt my feelings. I am verbally abused. I should sue you CBS, this blog site, the internet for having this site available, your ISP for letting you get online and abusing me, Apple, for providing you a computer....
I agree, at the wrap party all the HG's will be having fun and talking to each, heck I bet they even congratulate Dick and Daniele for winning. Some people on this site need to be a bit nicer about the HG's and towards the people on this blog. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion....this is America ya know.
i dont know if i liked d&d just coz the rest of the hg were horrible,i mean none of them had an interesting personality,just flawed characteristics accentuated by their self-rightous behaviour,whereas D&D are flawed minus the pretentions.although i rooted for donatos all the way,and felt sorry for the retarded outcasts,they were all very sad.
Why are some of you continually commenting on the "money"? Everyone of those people who applied to be a part of the show did it for the money!!! Quit ragging on Dick and Daniele just because they won. BB has always been about winning $MONEY$, just like survivor, the power of 10, the price is right, wheel of fortune....................... Remember Dick and Daniele had no idea the other was gonna be in the house, they entered those doors to play the same game everyone else did. CBS had the grand idea of the twist this year, not them!!!
6:26 - True about the money! Besides them, what about Eric, he got some money, oh, and so did Dustin......why are you guys just complaining about Dick and Daniele winning money!!!
I am not so sure D and D were such great player's even though they are the final two. I would say it was more that the rest of the houseguests were such morons and totally lacked any game sense whatsoever. Everyone knows...I am sure all of you do...that if there is a strong twosome in the house, you get them out asap or at least break them up. Yet the houseguests let these two stay right up until the end. Then there is Zack's big mistake towards the end, when he could have used the veto to break D and D up..but no...he chooses them over Eric who could not win a challenge if he tried and he did indeed try. I am sure you can all think of many more mistakes made by the other houseguests. I think D and D are getting way too much credit. I think the people in the jury house deserve some too...even though it may not be the credit they are looking for.
BB is over for me too! Worst display I've watched in 8 seasons. Nothing redeeming in this one and the quality of the winners.....well I for one hope they and their supporters are not a reflection of the way our country is headed! GHUA!!!!
All you who are bashing BB8 and say your're not going to watch anymore, don't watch it! Evidently something is keeping your interest or you wouldn't still be watching. I don't necessarily agree with Dick's language or behavior either, but after all, it is reality TV and it's his personality.
CBS are you reading this board.........Can you spell P/U......your audience has come down to morons as well as your houseguests.... Never more for me!!!
How can anyone compare Dr. Will to ED.......a 44 year old acting like a 13 year old infantile AH. Come on I would rather have a role model that was a good role model.............not evil. We know what kind of people like them too don't we? birds and feathers mean anything to ya?
It's ignorant comments like 6:54 that drive me crazy! Do you personally know that Dick has a drug habit? Spent some time with him in rehab? Why can't people just stick to what they 'know' instead of all of the speculation and tearing down each other. (Dick included in that statement. Just because he does it, then everyone else wants to join in?! It's 'sheep' mentality.
7:03 PM - I agree with you. If Dick had a drug habit..he hasn't had any drugs in the BB8 house and I for one never saw him going through withdraw. If anyone has ever expierenced someone going through real drug isn't pretty. And, if by drug habit you mean he smokes dope..well, I think over 50% of the population has done that!
I've watched BB since the first one, and this is the BEST site I've come across in years. It's so quick with the updates. I knew stuff before other people who had time to watch the live feeds they were paying for!
I bet te jury will vote for Dani, because I think that Dick cut to the core of some of the houseguests... it will probably feel like the lesser of two evils, so to speak, for the jury house members.
I sure wished that the end would have been Jameka/or Zach against Dick/or Dani... it would have been the age-old Good vs evil battle! This way is a bit boring. rh
that is what I was thinking but then I thought...what if they feel like Daniele kind of did it sneaky and believed that Dick played the better game being straight forward and stuff IDK...either way a Donato wins so...IDC
I can't see Jen, Dustin, or Jameka giving their vote to Dick. I'm not sure with the early evicted guests becuase they did not get the personal attacks like the others. You know that Nick will be voting for Dani! rh
I bet it will be Dustin, Jen, Jameka, Kail, Nick all for Dani...I'm not sure about Mike, (What was her name?), Eric, Boohya, Joe, & Amber... What does anyone else think?
I am very sad to see D & D in the finals. Eric as America's Player really screwed up the game, and there were other opportunities to break them up or get boh of them out as well. I can't wait to see how everyone reacts to Eric as AP. And if America votes for Dick to win on the CBS website, which will require Eric to campaign for Dick to win, there might be violence in the BB8 jury house before Tuesday. The cameras should be in the jury house now, not in the BB8 house!
It's fun to hear Dick and Daniele talk about what they think it's like in the jury house. Actually D&D...without you ... it's civil! Wonder where the negativity came from??? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm...interesting!
The vote will be 7-0 for Dani to win EXCEPT if America requires Eric to vote for Dick, which will make it 6-1. I will be amazed if Eric can convince any of the jury members to vote for Dick to win, even though Eric is the Master Manipulator. He could sell cellular telephones to Monks who have taken a vow of silence!
Unfortunately, Dick is VERY popular on the website blogs, and those are the same people who are voting for the winner. Those who are reading/writing on this blog are much more realistic about Dick's conduct.
It's so easy to look inside the fishbowl, from the outside! It's harder to see the sharks when you're swimming so close to them them! And we all get her to look at hindsight & say what they 'should' have done, because we see where they are now. I'm sure that it's a bit harder when you're the one under the microscope 24/7. rh
I'm sorry but I just don't understand why people are so mad at CBS for allowing Dick to stay in the house. So you're saying that you want a reality TV show that isn't like real life. You do know that there are people like Dick out in the real world. We put all of these people in a secluded house to see what they'll do to win 500,000 dollars, but you don't want them to call eachother names. I thought that the name calling and anything else but physical contact is part of the game. Maybe you people can get a watered down version of reality somewhere else, there's always Disney World.
According to the participant rule of CBS (Located at: ), Dani was in violation of rule #6; which states:
6. You must be at least 21 years of age at the time of application.
I am surprised to adhere to the integrity of the game that the producers did not uphold the rules.
Eligibility Requirements
Click here for a printer friendly version.
1. If you are selected by the Producers for an interview in the Semi-Finals, you must be willing to travel at your own expense to be interviewed sometime around May and June of 2007 (or as scheduled by the Producers in their sole discretion) at one of the following locations nearest you: Boston, New York, Seattle, Los Angeles, Charlotte, Miami, Atlanta, Chicago, Austin, Tulsa, Salt Lake City, and Lincoln. The Producers reserve the right to add, cancel and/or substitute other cities as interview locations.
2. If you are selected by the Producers for an interview in the Finals, you must be willing to travel to Los Angeles for approximately one week sometime in May 2007 (or as scheduled by the Producers in their sole discretion) for the final selection process. Economy travel (roundtrip to and from Los Angeles and airport nearest your home in the United States), hotel accommodations and per diem will be arranged and paid for by the Producers. If selected as a participant, economy travel to and from Los Angeles and airport nearest your home in the United States will be arranged and paid for by the Producers.
3. You must be willing to live in the Big Brother house located in Los Angeles for approximately 100 days sometime around June through October of 2007 (such dates to be determined by Producers in their sole discretion) with approximately a dozen strangers where you will have little or no privacy. If you are chosen to live in the house, it is your responsibility to make any necessary arrangements with your employer and family in anticipation of your extended absence from home.
4. The house is extensively outfitted with video and audio recording devices which will record, broadcast and exhibit your actions and voice at all times, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week in every room of the house for the duration of your participation in the contest. You will be observed at all times by the Producers as well as the general public watching on television and the Internet.
5. One participant will receive the grand-prize of $500,000. (Except for the two finalists who will receive prize money, a weekly stipend will be provided for each participant for each week that he or she remains in the Big Brother House.) Stipend payments and prize winnings will not be paid until after the broadcast of the final episode of the show.
6. You must be at least 21 years of age at the time of application.
7. You must be a United States citizen and live in the United States.
8. You must not now be a candidate for public office and if selected as a participant, you must agree not to become such a candidate until after the initial broadcast of all programs in which you appear.
9. You must be in excellent physical and mental health.
10. If you are selected to be interviewed, you will be given, and must complete and return (prior to the date of your personal interview in Los Angeles), a Medical History Form.
11. If selected as a finalist you must complete the Participant Form Package, which will be furnished to you by the Producers and will include among other things, affidavits, release forms and waivers for you and your immediate family. You must also submit to physical and mental examinations by Producer-selected medical professional(s) in Los Angeles selected by the Producer and meet all physical and psychological requirements.
12. By applying for participation in Big Brother, you authorize the Producers to conduct civil, criminal, financial, driver-history and any other type of background checks deemed necessary by the Producers.
13. Employees, officers, directors and agents of CBS Broadcasting Inc., Our House Productions, Inc., Endemol Entertainment USA, Inc., and/or of any of their respective licensees, assigns, parents, affiliated and subsidiary companies and the immediate family (spouse, mother, father, sister, brother, daughter or son, regardless of where they live) or members of their same households (whether related or not) of such employees, officers, directors and agents are not eligible to be participants on Big Brother or participate in the application process.
Applicants will further be chosen to create a pool of approximately forty (40) finalists. The Producers reserve the right to change any of the application terms at anytime or to select or not select anyone at their sole discretion.
The Producers are looking for a dynamic group of individuals who are articulate, interesting and exhibit enthusiasm for the project as well as a willingness to share their most private thoughts in an open forum of strangers. This group of individuals, while meeting the technical requirements of the contest, must also have sufficient physical, psychological, and mental capacity to endure approximately 100 days in a monitored house under extraordinary conditions.
Application Instructions
Applications MUST be written clearly or typed and MUST be accompanied by a videotape. The videotape must meet the following restrictions:
1) Length: Maximum length is two (2) minutes. Anything over two minutes will not be considered.
2) Format: VHS only (no mini-DV, Hi-8, 8mm or VHS-C). To transfer the other formats to VHS, simply connect your camera to your VCR and record.
3) Content: Tell us who you are and why you would make the ultimate housemate on Big Brother. Be creative!
4) Deadline: April 20, 2007 or as may be extended by producers in its sole discretion.
All materials you send us (including videotape and photos) will be retained by Producers and become the property of the Producers and will not be returned to you whether or not you are selected as a participant. Any expenses you incur during the application process including postage, shipping and materials preparation (videotape, photos, etc.) are your sole responsibility. Producers will not reimburse you for these expenses. Only one entry per person is allowed. All decisions of the Producers are final and absolute and not subject to inquiry.
Applications will only be considered if they are complete. Complete applications consist of the following:
1) Completed Application Form
2) Two-minute videotape labeled clearly with your name and city/region number.
3) Two color photographs of yourself, each clearly labeled on the back with your name and city/region number. One must be a close-up of your face, the other must be a full-length photo of your entire (clothed) body. Polaroids are acceptable as long as we can clearly see you.
4) Identification - Attach a copy of your driver's license, in addition to a social security card, passport or birth certificate.
Send your application and videotape submission to the following address:
Big Brother (Region #___) P.O. Box 520 11271 Ventura Blvd Studio City, CA 91604
In parenthesis after "Big Brother" on the mailing label, print the region number of the city located closest to your home:
01 - New York City, NY 02 - Boston, MA 03 - Los Angeles, CA 04 - Seattle, WA 05 - Charlotte, NC 06 - Chicago, IL 07 - Atlanta, GA 08 - Miami, FL 09 - Tulsa, OK 10 - Austin, TX 11 - Lincoln, NE 12 - Salt Lake City, UT
Unfortunately, we will not be able verify that we have received your application. If you like, you may wish to send your application package via an expedited courier (such as Fed Ex or UPS). They will provide a tracking number that you can use to verify the receipt of your package. Producers are not responsible for lost applications.
If you are selected for an interview, you will be advised so by the Producers shortly before the interview is scheduled. If you are selected to participate in the final selection process, you will be so advised by the Producers shortly before the final selection process is scheduled.
Producers reserve the right to change the terms of the application and the production schedule at anytime. Producers also reserve the right to not hold any participant applicant interviews, or to modify the manner in which it conducts participant applicant interviews, or to not produce the program Big Brother at all.
Hey Mr. Man who is running this website, Someone else wrote but I want to, too. Can you do another site like this for Survivor? How will we know it's you?? Please reply.
Nick is not on the jury, thus has no vote. he can't vote for Dani.
The jurors will not be happy when they see Zach enter the jury house.
After the winner is announced, the jurors will congratulate D&D. They will not be friendly, or friends afterwards. They hate Dicks behavior in the house and Dani's two-faced, "I'm glad I had a chance to get to know you". (that translates to I hate everyone here)
Anyone who thinks Dani shouldn't have been allowed in the house because she was under 21 when the show started. First of all it states at the bottom of the rules that the producers have the right to change the terms of the application. And oh yea, second of all, who do you think made the rules? The producers. So if they want to change the rules to let someone in, being that they did right the rules and all, they can do it.
Anonymous said... sorry but when someone grabs at a lit cig, they deserve to get burned by it, maybe her parents didn't teach her not to play with fire. as far as being verbally abusive, I do believe it was partially game play, remember Daniele telling Dick to go after Zach while on the carrots?
September 14, 2007 4:45 PM
if you actually WATCHED the would have SEEN dick jabbing at her. yeah...i guess if you got no other "game play" abusive behavior is always acceptable (sarcasm)
Anonymous said... I agree that his verbal "unleashes" were part of his strategy?
Most have forgotten that he used this "strategy" to attempt to get himself evicted when he and Dani were on the block. He said it out loud.
He purposely went off on the houseguests so they would go after him.
Oh yeah, and it STILL didn't work! LOLOLOL!!
Way to go Dick!!!!
it's clear you only saw the "leave it to beaver" version of bb. get the 24 hour feeds next year...oh, yeah ... it's too late to watch the old man with abusive behavior...oh, well.
Anonymous said... Will told everyone the first year of BB that he was going to lie, cheat and stab anyone and everyone in the back to get the money. No differant than Dick said all through the competition. He was more vocal than Will, but the same strategy!
September 14, 2007 5:02 PM
ABUSIVE rants are usually loud. and i don't think that BB2 (that's the season that will was on)...even compares to this season. BB2 was entertaining, this year was pathetic.
it's clear you only saw the "leave it to beaver" version of bb. get the 24 hour feeds next year...oh, yeah ... it's too late to watch the old man with abusive behavior...oh, well.
Typical person who thinks they KNOW everything.
Once again, perhaps you should ask, instead of assuming. I actually have been watching NUMEROUS videos of the uncensored clips, available all over YouTube. Also, Showtime after Dark is alive and well in my house.
Thanks for trying to evaluate me, with no idea at all about what you are talking about.
I still have my opinion, you have yours, but I haven't stooped to the level of, "I know it all".
Dustin - votes Dani (Because Dick harassed him the whole week of his eviction) Jen - votes Dick (because Daniele broke their alliance) Amber - votes Dani (because Dick verbally assaulted her about being a bad mom and she always felt sorry for Dani) Jessica - votes Dick (because she had a closer friendship with him in the house) Eric - votes Dick (assuming America voted for ED and because he had the heart to heart with Dani the week of Jess' eviction and he knows she lied) Jameka - votes Dani (because of Dick's rants) Zach - votes Dani (because he thinks she carried her dad through this game)
Barely winning - Dani by one vote IMO.
That is unless Eric is successful at campaigning for whoever America chose.
You guys can sit here and say your done all you want. Don't like it don't watch anymore. As many are leaving BB picked up a huge ton of viewers this year that have never watched a show in the last 7. Something must have drawn new viewers. What could it have been?? OHHH I KNOW!! It was DICK! ED! KING RICHARD!! CBS I am sure will not cry over losing a few tight asses, LOL!
I have an idea for Big Brother 9, let's put Dick back in the house with a bunch middle aged people and throw in a few Hells Angels and see how far his tactics get him. He wouldn't last about 5 mins. before someone knocked him on his a@@ sending him to the hospital. The only reason he got away with his tatics on BB8 was because everyone was to young and intiminated to stand up to him. I think that it was pathetic when he was baggering the women that not one of the men in the house stood up to him. Whether you like the house guest that he was yelling at or not, that would have been the honorable thing to do. But then again they were to young and afraid to stand up to him and he took advantage of that. How PATHETIC can one man be. He's a miserable man.
I think your right except Jameka. I think she will vote Dick because she did say he had one of the best games. I think she will vote by that and not by emotions. She seems like a pretty smart person all in all.
Too youngs to stand up and say F- OFF no they were not. They chose not to. Whatever their reasons were. They chose not to stand up to him. Zach did not let ED intimidate him at all I don't think but he also never stood up to him to protect someone else. I think they didn't is because they did not want to make him their definate enemy. When Zach fought back Dick just stood there in awe when they were on the carrots in the first part of final HOH> When he was laughing at him Dick did not have to much to say because I think he couldn't belive it finally someone came back at him. I actually saw respect on his face!
it's clear you only saw the "leave it to beaver" version of bb. get the 24 hour feeds next year...oh, yeah ... it's too late to watch the old man with abusive behavior...oh, well.
About Dani and the age issue. I am very sure that they new her real age. If they want to let an 18 year old in they can it's up to them. I doubt very seriously she lied or why would she say I am 20 and have her 21 bday in the house. COme on people common sense. CBS wanted her and they allowed it!
9:37 PM I agree that Zach had more balls then the rest, but he is also 30 and alot bigger then Dick. I'm sure that most of those young adults on that show had never been around someone of his character and they were scared of him or they were a bunch of cowards. Like I said put him in a house with his peers and I am sure it would have been a much different show.
my question is did Amber get past question # 9 on the BB contract ? you know, mentally and physically competent ? How on earth did she slide by ? LOL LOL LOL
Anonymous said... it's clear you only saw the "leave it to beaver" version of bb. get the 24 hour feeds next year...oh, yeah ... it's too late to watch the old man with abusive behavior...oh, well.
Are any of you watching BBAD? D&D no longer have to play the game. They WON. So what is Daniele's excuse for being such a Bitch to her dad now? I can't stand the guy I think he's low class and disgusting. HOwever, all he's trying to do is have a conversation with her and try to make showtime interesting for the viewers. All Daniele can do is Whine, and tell Dick to Shut up and tell him he's annoying. Wake up Dick. She used your ass to get to the money. Now that she is guaranteed atleast $50,000.00 she doesn't need you anymore. She can't wait to get out of the BB House and away from you. Now whose the Pawn.
Dick sitting on the patio in the BY talking to himself saying "I don't think she carried me in the competions, I did my fair share"
Daniele in bed. She was extremely annoyed with her father tonight while he was trying to talk to her. Daniele continuously told him to "shut up" and You're so annoying"
Any bets out there on how long it's going to take after Tuesday the 18th that Daniele stops talking to him again? She used him to get to the finals. Now that they won, she want's nothing to do with him. It's only 9:00 there Dick said and he can't believe he's alone with no one to talk to. My God she can't talk to her dad now? They're the only two left in the house and she doesn't have patience with the man to hold a conversation. I refuse to vote. It just doesn't matter. They're both loosers.
I just want to thank whoever kept us up to date on what was going on in the BB House. They did a great job! I know I went to this site daily! I appreciate all your hard work even though there has been so much negativity, there has been alot of positive. Thanks again! I hope you do it again next year. I'll be back.
After reading what was going on in the house now, I have to say.. Wow now they have to separate themselves?? That is too funny! The love of money is the root of all evil!
i think dick is dick,, and dan is !!!!!! then as always the life is not fair,, zack is the best .coz he played this game against 13 haters, and hi is 3rd, i think he has to win this game,, go zack,,,but this is the life,,btw dick will win... 5-2
Go job to the both of you, everyone had their own game plan but yall's ended up working! Again Way To Go, I know it was stressful!!
Good job America's voters!! Ya'll ended up working together...again way to go!! I know it was stressful!
Dick and Daniele America's Real Players!!!
Let's face it the majority of people wanted them to win so they had Eric vote in D and D 's favor.
I hope once everything is revealed they will see it that way too and thank America for their win.
I have just about had it with Big Brother. I don't think I will even bother watching next year. ...Dick IS the biggest hypocrite. No one should reward him for the depths he went to. What is our world coming to? That is HIS WAY OF LIFE. He needed to listen to Kail and Jameka more- then he might know how to handle the money correctly for his daughter.
Anon 4:22 PM
That pill would be way to big for Dick to swallow!
way too big!
Dick might start ranting and raving all over again when he finds out that he really didn't win this game at all. Now that would be a fun finale.
I'm gonna watch the finale just to see how it goes. I think I'm done with BB though. It certainly has been rigged from the whole AP sceniro to the abuse they had to put up. The whole Dani was too young and against the contract, Dick's abuse to Jen both dumping tea on her head and burning her with his cigarette. To the verbal abuse they all had to put up with (except when it was someone else trying to abuse Dick, then it was stopped). To Jen geting a penalty vote for eating, yet Dick got nothing for his behavior, to Dick admitting to his "coded" letters.
It certainly put a damper on my view of BB and I think I'm done.
My opinion is not this way because D&D are in the finals, I really didn't have a favorite to win. There have been so many things done and said that were not corrected by CBS.
sorry but when someone grabs at a lit cig, they deserve to get burned by it, maybe her parents didn't teach her not to play with fire. as far as being verbally abusive, I do believe it was partially game play, remember Daniele telling Dick to go after Zach while on the carrots?
I am sooooo done with Big Brother - this was rigged from the start! The rules were followed in D & D's favor- protest should be made cause of Dani's age!!!! That scrawny lil whiny lady wanna be....and a perverted idiot... bet she won't even talk to him when they get out the house!!! My friends and I found cartoons that made more sense this year....this was the raunchiest BB ever!
I agree that Daniele should have never been allowed in the house because of the age thing. rules are rules and BB broke them. I don't remember if I heard of her drinking alcoholic beverages, but if she did, 21 Means 21. Isn't that what we teach our kids. If they put her in there just because of the situation with her dad thinking it will make for good TV, that is just wrong. Zach wasn't my favorite either, but Daniele shouldn't be there, which means Dick wouldn't have made it that far either. I just hope Joe and Dustin make up after this. (JK)
what "coded letters" are being referred to?
I agree that his verbal "unleashes" were part of his strategy?
Most have forgotten that he used this "strategy" to attempt to get himself evicted when he and Dani were on the block. He said it out loud.
He purposely went off on the houseguests so they would go after him.
Oh yeah, and it STILL didn't work!
Way to go Dick!!!!
Will told everyone the first year of BB that he was going to lie, cheat and stab anyone and everyone in the back to get the money. No differant than Dick said all through the competition. He was more vocal than Will, but the same strategy!
Please indulge what may be stupid questions but this is my first BB year:
Whay are only the last few evicted houseguests on the jury? Is it just a matter of money? Are the earlier evicted HG's off the payroll once they are evicted?
Why aren't the BB rules on-line for someone to read? I noted that a couple of the HG were reading the rulebook (mostly Daniele and Jen if I recall) so they must have thought the rules were "carved in stone" and something to be relied upon. If the producers can just willy nilly enforce/not enforce rules at their whim, it seems to me that a houseguest that was prejudiced by the rule change--despite what they might have signed--may have a cause of action if the rule change impacted their ability to succeed in the game. I would think that in light of CBS' issues elsewhere the past couple of years (the "wardrobe malfunction" the "Imus" issue) they would want to avoid any controvery that the BB game was unfair in some respect.
Was anyone else struck by the fact that two of the three final HOH challenges involved water? And that Daniele clearly did not like or wasn't comfortable in water? And tended to be cold even in the middle of summer (she always seemed to have a jacket on) I almost felt like they were setting her up to fail (and I was rooting for Zach!)
I would appreciate everyone's thoughts on the foregoing questions.
I agree with that water comment; it was like they were picking things that would be harder for her...maybe to make it more even since she had won so many more comps than the guys had?
From the rulebook:
Sorry I don't have the link handy.
This is not ver batem, but it is the gist of their 'rules'....
The contestants must be 21 years or older.
in the small print, CBS has the right to modify, change the requirements if necessary.
Hope this helps. By the way, as a first time poster, be prepared to read all of the conspiracy theories.
Now I am reading posts that Dick cheated on the last HoH because, according to the theories, he was able to see Zachs answers...
My goodness.. what next?
And I thought that BB was fascinating! Watching the blogs & chats is even more interesting... observing all of the armchair-experts tear each other apart over a tv show!
You wrote:
And I thought that BB was fascinating! Watching the blogs & chats is even more interesting... observing all of the armchair-experts tear each other apart over a tv show!
Boy do I agree with you on this one. People have taken this to a whole new level. I am sure CBS is just LOVING this!!!
There was a post last night from someone who was so mad that the Presidents' speech would cut into the show. No I know the President isn't the most entertaining person to listen to, but the thought of him interrupting a trivia contest between Zach and Dick.
Just made me laugh.
You know that CBS was watching the chatter from the fans as well, trying to keep up the ratings... they kept up the " Double D's vs The World" war going full force. The fans did it to themselves. You get what you ask for when it comes to T.V.
To Anon 2:20.....crimes in LA are
nothing ! look at the driving crimes and drug crimes of Lindsey
Lohan, Paris Hilton, Nicole Richey,
plus other so-called "celebs"...
what did they get ? Rehab ? A
couple of hours in jail ? literally
nothing !
To Anon said you
wasted 3 months ? why the hell
did u keep watchin ? you are a
Anon 2:10....I got news for you...
2 wrongs DID INDEED make a right !
They wound up with the Big Bucks !
HA-HA-HA ! get a life !
To the Dani bashers.....Anon.3:38,
3:46, 3:48, 3:50, 3:54 and 4:00pm.
I bet u r all BIG FAT UGLY WOMEN...
You just WISH u looked like
Danielle Donato.....She is H O T !
Thin, Blonde and with a gorgeous
face and young and atheletic ! Eat
your FAT UGLY hearts out !
Daniel is disgusting. Fact.
ok all you BB bashers.. if you hate it so bad go bash some people in chat room or on another blog. finally you can quit watching the show cause its over and the best has WON! we dont care that you are done with Big Brother and we dont care that you wont watch anymore. you're not swaying us or winning any votes with us.. some of us like a good game.. some of you are very poor losers! like the sequesters.. a bunch of spoiled sports. i wouldnt put it past them to refuse to vote at all
People complain about "Dani Bashers", and in the same breath start bashing other fans! Way to Go & Lower Yourself to the Same Level!
D & D!!
Daniele had said that part of the reason she and her father didn't speak for so long was over borrowed money...
Can't imagine what a large amount like $500,000.00 is going to do for their relationship. I bet within 6 months the brat isn't speaking to him anymore.
Besides who lies about being 20? I would love to tell people I am 20. And please don't respond with the old "You're jealous of Dani." The girl is smokin hot but I hate to tell ya...IT ENDS THERE :-)
I have never met anyone that would use that language and act that way that Dick did. He must be bi-polar.
I will tune in to watch but not to see who wins, but to watch Eric reveal the twist. Danielle is spoiled little girl.
S 5:59
You're right! If she grows up, she could turn into someone really awesome... but she's got a way to go yet.
You wrote:
Daniele had said that part of the reason she and her father didn't speak for so long was over borrowed money...
How quickly you have forgotten that Jess and Carol got into an argument over $5.00
Perhaps you should gather all your facts together before judging.
Thank God that I did not go on a reality show when I was 21! I'd never live it down, and that seems like a lifetime ago even though it wasn't that long ago!
Dick & Daniele can not be THAT happy, guys. Yeah they get the money, but I believe Dick and Daniele DO, here, (after it's over) have a conscience. All the people who love them soooo much, man! Don't you all have a conscience, too? You have GOT to know we can not treat people like that in the real world. This has been the REAL Dick we have seen the past three months! And the real Daniele too. I feel sorry for them and hope they can work all their past out and forgive each other. But the rest of the houseguests, hate to say this this,... were really all just pawns compared to this drama..
They dominated by being father and daughter with a sad past..but they can overcome that. Money is not the answer though and neither is being a butthead the whole game. He never let up on a single player-THAT was natural for Dick- we should pray for him instead of making him an idol.
Dani is a HOT chick and Dick is
a rocker, a partier, and he is a
hell of a lot of fun ! love'm or
hate'm............they made the
BB Show the best ever ! It doesn't
matter who wins......they both won ! Hey, they are national
celebs now ! so.....all u jealous
people can go cry like Whamber !
GO D & D........ya'll did great !
Can't wait for the next BB ! and..
as far as "drunks" go....Jessica
won that prize....I think she stayed drunk every wonder she couldn't win anything !
and those sayin Dani was a brat...
what about Jen....that was a BITCH
......she thought she was better
than everybody ! Ole' Dick took her
down a peg or two ! GOOD !
Hey 6:06
When did I say the other contestants were saints? I belive my post concerned the 2 finalists...
I'm sorry you confused my post with stating that anybody else in that house deserves the money more than any other constestant. Please don't put words in my post.
Ya Frickin' Tard!
I agree that money doesn't solve anything, but I can't judge whether we are seeing the 'real' Dick or Dani, just like I can't judge whether we say the real "Amber" or any of the other HG. Even though it's called a 'reality' show, it's still just TV.
I don't understand why the fans get so emotionally involved and start trashing each other for their opinions... becuase that's all they are is opinions. Not ONE of us have any first hand knowledge of any of these HG.
Well said 6:12pm.
I got news for everybody....on the
last will end with
everyone laughing and hugging each
other ! They'll all say....hey, it
was a game ! They will all be
celebraties when they return home !
Just watch and see ! jen might
try to get her a page in Playboy !
You wrote:
Ya Frickin' Tard!
You hurt my feelings. I am verbally abused. I should sue you CBS, this blog site, the internet for having this site available, your ISP for letting you get online and abusing me, Apple, for providing you a computer....
Try again.
Quit your wining people!!! The show is over and Dick and Daniele are the Winners!!! Enough already!
I am so so so so happy for Dick and Daniele :)
I agree, at the wrap party all the HG's will be having fun and talking to each, heck I bet they even congratulate Dick and Daniele for winning. Some people on this site need to be a bit nicer about the HG's and towards the people on this blog. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion....this is America ya know.
i dont know if i liked d&d just coz the rest of the hg were horrible,i mean none of them had an interesting personality,just flawed characteristics accentuated by their self-rightous behaviour,whereas D&D are flawed minus the pretentions.although i rooted for donatos all the way,and felt sorry for the retarded outcasts,they were all very sad.
Why are some of you continually commenting on the "money"? Everyone of those people who applied to be a part of the show did it for the money!!! Quit ragging on Dick and Daniele just because they won. BB has always been about winning $MONEY$, just like survivor, the power of 10, the price is right, wheel of fortune....................... Remember Dick and Daniele had no idea the other was gonna be in the house, they entered those doors to play the same game everyone else did. CBS had the grand idea of the twist this year, not them!!!
Right on the money!! (no pun intended.)
I could not agree more!
I'm sure the money will come in very handy for them. I hope they enjoy every moment spending it!! They deserve it.
6:26 - That's Right!!!
Best of Luck always Dick and Daniele! BB8 Winners!!!
6:26 - True about the money! Besides them, what about Eric, he got some money, oh, and so did Dustin......why are you guys just complaining about Dick and Daniele winning money!!!
I am not so sure D and D were such great player's even though they are the final two. I would say it was more that the rest of the houseguests were such morons and totally lacked any game sense whatsoever. Everyone knows...I am sure all of you do...that if there is a strong twosome in the house, you get them out asap or at least break them up. Yet the houseguests let these two stay right up until the end. Then there is Zack's big mistake towards the end, when he could have used the veto to break D and D up..but no...he chooses them over Eric who could not win a challenge if he tried and he did indeed try. I am sure you can all think of many more mistakes made by the other houseguests. I think D and D are getting way too much credit. I think the people in the jury house deserve some too...even though it may not be the credit they are looking for.
BB is over for me too! Worst display I've watched in 8 seasons. Nothing redeeming in this one and the quality of the winners.....well I for one hope they and their supporters are not a reflection of the way our country is headed! GHUA!!!!
Yes, there were many mistakes made by the houseguests.
They had plenty of chances to break them up.
Don't forget though, that when the Dons' backs were against the wall, they went out and won the competitions that helped them through.
I am not arguing what you have written, just pointing out that the Dons' were also very dominant in the challenges.
All you who are bashing BB8 and say your're not going to watch anymore, don't watch it! Evidently something is keeping your interest or you wouldn't still be watching.
I don't necessarily agree with Dick's language or behavior either, but after all, it is reality TV and it's his personality.
If you don't like BB then don't watch BB then you all like such big baby cry rrraaaaa :( . Who care I like BB fun to watch . Yahooo GO D&D
CBS are you reading this board.........Can you spell P/U......your audience has come down to morons as well as your houseguests.... Never more for me!!!
anybody know if there will be a Survivor China blog like this one?
They put up D&D they all bunch Loser not vote D&D out house too scare D&D in jury house hahaha Lmao
How can anyone compare Dr. Will to ED.......a 44 year old acting like a 13 year old infantile AH. Come on I would rather have a role model that was a good role model.............not evil. We know what kind of people like them too don't we? birds and feathers mean anything to ya?
You wrote:
CBS are you reading this board.........Can you spell P/U......your audience has come down to morons as well as your houseguests....
And you were right in the middle of it all with us "morons" the whole way!!!
You'll be back next year on Sunday,Tuesday, and Thursday. Just like the rest of the people that are saying they will never come back.
Yea why not you can fly cockooo 6:46
They won get over it...they are the best Duo ever!!!
Right on you got it everybody be back watch BB next year LMAO
6:41, why are you still reading this blog if you're not happy with BB8? It' keeping you up to date on what's going on! It's all about D & D now!
I'm sure CBS doesn't think everyone is moorons.
I'll bet Dick's nose can't wait to get out of there so Dick can buy some blow with all that money.
I love the Donatos GREAT JOB!!!
Maybe dick ex might be back ask for money dick will blow the money away matter in not close to month boom money gone dick will have find a job
It's ignorant comments like 6:54 that drive me crazy! Do you personally know that Dick has a drug habit? Spent some time with him in rehab? Why can't people just stick to what they 'know' instead of all of the speculation and tearing down each other. (Dick included in that statement. Just because he does it, then everyone else wants to join in?! It's 'sheep' mentality.
I am so glad we have each other. This is the best blog.
Finally, some positive feedback~! I agree 100%
I agree I lov ethis blog too!!!
7:03 PM - I agree with you. If Dick had a drug habit..he hasn't had any drugs in the BB8 house and I for one never saw him going through withdraw. If anyone has ever expierenced someone going through real drug isn't pretty. And, if by drug habit you mean he smokes dope..well, I think over 50% of the population has done that!
So who do you think the jury will vote to win???
I've watched BB since the first one, and this is the BEST site I've come across in years. It's so quick with the updates. I knew stuff before other people who had time to watch the live feeds they were paying for!
I hate BB, I'm going to poke my eyes out
I bet te jury will vote for Dani, because I think that Dick cut to the core of some of the houseguests... it will probably feel like the lesser of two evils, so to speak, for the jury house members.
I sure wished that the end would have been Jameka/or Zach against Dick/or Dani... it would have been the age-old Good vs evil battle! This way is a bit boring.
that is what I was thinking but then I thought...what if they feel like Daniele kind of did it sneaky and believed that Dick played the better game being straight forward and stuff IDK...either way a Donato wins so...IDC
I can't see Jen, Dustin, or Jameka giving their vote to Dick. I'm not sure with the early evicted guests becuase they did not get the personal attacks like the others. You know that Nick will be voting for Dani!
I bet it will be Dustin, Jen, Jameka, Kail, Nick all for Dani...I'm not sure about Mike, (What was her name?), Eric, Boohya, Joe, & Amber... What does anyone else think?
everyone tired of talking...
Congrats on your win Dick! Your a wonderful role model for every young man in America.
I am very sad to see D & D in the finals. Eric as America's Player really screwed up the game, and there were other opportunities to break them up or get boh of them out as well. I can't wait to see how everyone reacts to Eric as AP. And if America votes for Dick to win on the CBS website, which will require Eric to campaign for Dick to win, there might be violence in the BB8 jury house before Tuesday. The cameras should be in the jury house now, not in the BB8 house!
It's fun to hear Dick and Daniele talk about what they think it's like in the jury house. Actually D&D...without you ... it's civil! Wonder where the negativity came from??? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm...interesting!
Neither Kail, Nick, Mike, Joe, or "what's her name - Carol" are on the jury.
The jury consists of Dustin, Amber, Jen, Jessica, Eric, Jameka and Zach.
Anonymous said...
Congrats on your win Dick! Your a wonderful role model for every young man in America.
September 14, 2007 7:42 PM
Hoping the above comment is sarcasm.
It was
I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee this site!!!!!!!!!! I just wish that the BB8 outcome was wayyyyyyyyyyy different!!! Those two are vile!!!
The jury consists of Dustin, Amber, Jen, Jessica, Eric, Jameka and Zach.
Wow the people who didnt know this obvioulsy dont know much about bigbrother. Must be Donato Fans.
The vote will be 7-0 for Dani to win EXCEPT if America requires Eric to vote for Dick, which will make it 6-1. I will be amazed if Eric can convince any of the jury members to vote for Dick to win, even though Eric is the Master Manipulator. He could sell cellular telephones to Monks who have taken a vow of silence!
Anonymous said...
They put up D&D they all bunch Loser not vote D&D out house too scare D&D in jury house hahaha Lmao
September 14, 2007 6:43 PM
have you actually watched this show?
Unfortunately, Dick is VERY popular on the website blogs, and those are the same people who are voting for the winner. Those who are reading/writing on this blog are much more realistic about Dick's conduct.
I think another Kodak moment, in addition to his eviction moment, will be on Dustin when he sees Zach arrive at the jury house.
I can't decide out of him and Eric which one is more of a weasel.
More abuse of Jen from Dick
Pretty funny, but then again, I have a warped sense of humor.
It's so easy to look inside the fishbowl, from the outside! It's harder to see the sharks when you're swimming so close to them them! And we all get her to look at hindsight & say what they 'should' have done, because we see where they are now. I'm sure that it's a bit harder when you're the one under the microscope 24/7.
I'm sorry but I just don't understand why people are so mad at CBS for allowing Dick to stay in the house. So you're saying that you want a reality TV show that isn't like real life. You do know that there are people like Dick out in the real world. We put all of these people in a secluded house to see what they'll do to win 500,000 dollars, but you don't want them to call eachother names. I thought that the name calling and anything else but physical contact is part of the game. Maybe you people can get a watered down version of reality somewhere else, there's always Disney World.
According to the participant rule of CBS (Located at: ), Dani was in violation of rule #6; which states:
6. You must be at least 21 years of age at the time of application.
I am surprised to adhere to the integrity of the game that the producers did not uphold the rules.
Eligibility Requirements
Click here for a printer friendly version.
1. If you are selected by the Producers for an interview in the Semi-Finals, you must be willing to travel at your own expense to be interviewed sometime around May and June of 2007 (or as scheduled by the Producers in their sole discretion) at one of the following locations nearest you: Boston, New York, Seattle, Los Angeles, Charlotte, Miami, Atlanta, Chicago, Austin, Tulsa, Salt Lake City, and Lincoln. The Producers reserve the right to add, cancel and/or substitute other cities as interview locations.
2. If you are selected by the Producers for an interview in the Finals, you must be willing to travel to Los Angeles for approximately one week sometime in May 2007 (or as scheduled by the Producers in their sole discretion) for the final selection process. Economy travel (roundtrip to and from Los Angeles and airport nearest your home in the United States), hotel accommodations and per diem will be arranged and paid for by the Producers. If selected as a participant, economy travel to and from Los Angeles and airport nearest your home in the United States will be arranged and paid for by the Producers.
3. You must be willing to live in the Big Brother house located in Los Angeles for approximately 100 days sometime around June through October of 2007 (such dates to be determined by Producers in their sole discretion) with approximately a dozen strangers where you will have little or no privacy. If you are chosen to live in the house, it is your responsibility to make any necessary arrangements with your employer and family in anticipation of your extended absence from home.
4. The house is extensively outfitted with video and audio recording devices which will record, broadcast and exhibit your actions and voice at all times, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week in every room of the house for the duration of your participation in the contest. You will be observed at all times by the Producers as well as the general public watching on television and the Internet.
5. One participant will receive the grand-prize of $500,000. (Except for the two finalists who will receive prize money, a weekly stipend will be provided for each participant for each week that he or she remains in the Big Brother House.) Stipend payments and prize winnings will not be paid until after the broadcast of the final episode of the show.
6. You must be at least 21 years of age at the time of application.
7. You must be a United States citizen and live in the United States.
8. You must not now be a candidate for public office and if selected as a participant, you must agree not to become such a candidate until after the initial broadcast of all programs in which you appear.
9. You must be in excellent physical and mental health.
10. If you are selected to be interviewed, you will be given, and must complete and return (prior to the date of your personal interview in Los Angeles), a Medical History Form.
11. If selected as a finalist you must complete the Participant Form Package, which will be furnished to you by the Producers and will include among other things, affidavits, release forms and waivers for you and your immediate family. You must also submit to physical and mental examinations by Producer-selected medical professional(s) in Los Angeles selected by the Producer and meet all physical and psychological requirements.
12. By applying for participation in Big Brother, you authorize the Producers to conduct civil, criminal, financial, driver-history and any other type of background checks deemed necessary by the Producers.
13. Employees, officers, directors and agents of CBS Broadcasting Inc., Our House Productions, Inc., Endemol Entertainment USA, Inc., and/or of any of their respective licensees, assigns, parents, affiliated and subsidiary companies and the immediate family (spouse, mother, father, sister, brother, daughter or son, regardless of where they live) or members of their same households (whether related or not) of such employees, officers, directors and agents are not eligible to be participants on Big Brother or participate in the application process.
Applicants will further be chosen to create a pool of approximately forty (40) finalists. The Producers reserve the right to change any of the application terms at anytime or to select or not select anyone at their sole discretion.
The Producers are looking for a dynamic group of individuals who are articulate, interesting and exhibit enthusiasm for the project as well as a willingness to share their most private thoughts in an open forum of strangers. This group of individuals, while meeting the technical requirements of the contest, must also have sufficient physical, psychological, and mental capacity to endure approximately 100 days in a monitored house under extraordinary conditions.
Application Instructions
Applications MUST be written clearly or typed and MUST be accompanied by a videotape. The videotape must meet the following restrictions:
1) Length: Maximum length is two (2) minutes. Anything over two minutes will not be considered.
2) Format: VHS only (no mini-DV, Hi-8, 8mm or VHS-C). To transfer the other formats to VHS, simply connect your camera to your VCR and record.
3) Content: Tell us who you are and why you would make the ultimate housemate on Big Brother. Be creative!
4) Deadline: April 20, 2007 or as may be extended by producers in its sole discretion.
All materials you send us (including videotape and photos) will be retained by Producers and become the property of the Producers and will not be returned to you whether or not you are selected as a participant. Any expenses you incur during the application process including postage, shipping and materials preparation (videotape, photos, etc.) are your sole responsibility. Producers will not reimburse you for these expenses. Only one entry per person is allowed. All decisions of the Producers are final and absolute and not subject to inquiry.
Applications will only be considered if they are complete. Complete applications consist of the following:
1) Completed Application Form
2) Two-minute videotape labeled clearly with your name and city/region number.
3) Two color photographs of yourself, each clearly labeled on the back with your name and city/region number. One must be a close-up of your face, the other must be a full-length photo of your entire (clothed) body. Polaroids are acceptable as long as we can clearly see you.
4) Identification - Attach a copy of your driver's license, in addition to a social security card, passport or birth certificate.
Send your application and videotape submission to the following address:
Big Brother (Region #___)
P.O. Box 520
11271 Ventura Blvd
Studio City, CA 91604
In parenthesis after "Big Brother" on the mailing label, print the region number of the city located closest to your home:
01 - New York City, NY
02 - Boston, MA
03 - Los Angeles, CA
04 - Seattle, WA
05 - Charlotte, NC
06 - Chicago, IL
07 - Atlanta, GA
08 - Miami, FL
09 - Tulsa, OK
10 - Austin, TX
11 - Lincoln, NE
12 - Salt Lake City, UT
Unfortunately, we will not be able verify that we have received your application. If you like, you may wish to send your application package via an expedited courier (such as Fed Ex or UPS). They will provide a tracking number that you can use to verify the receipt of your package. Producers are not responsible for lost applications.
If you are selected for an interview, you will be advised so by the Producers shortly before the interview is scheduled. If you are selected to participate in the final selection process, you will be so advised by the Producers shortly before the final selection process is scheduled.
Producers reserve the right to change the terms of the application and the production schedule at anytime. Producers also reserve the right to not hold any participant applicant interviews, or to modify the manner in which it conducts participant applicant interviews, or to not produce the program Big Brother at all.
Good luck!
Hey Mr. Man who is running this website,
Someone else wrote but I want to, too. Can you do another site like this for Survivor? How will we know it's you??
Please reply.
Nick is not on the jury, thus has no vote. he can't vote for Dani.
The jurors will not be happy when they see Zach enter the jury house.
After the winner is announced, the jurors will congratulate D&D. They will not be friendly, or friends afterwards. They hate Dicks behavior in the house and Dani's two-faced, "I'm glad I had a chance to get to know you". (that translates to I hate everyone here)
You wrote:
I am surprised to adhere to the integrity of the game that the producers did not uphold the rules.
Sorry, but ya gotta keep reading. Towards the bottom it is written:
Producers reserve the right to change the terms of the application and the production schedule at anytime.
I hate BB, I'm going to poke my eyes out
Anyone who thinks Dani shouldn't have been allowed in the house because she was under 21 when the show started. First of all it states at the bottom of the rules that the producers have the right to change the terms of the application. And oh yea, second of all, who do you think made the rules? The producers. So if they want to change the rules to let someone in, being that they did right the rules and all, they can do it.
I hate BB, I'm going to poke my eyes out
After reading the application, I have to agree that Dani should be disqualified.
Those producers at CBS are idiots! Daniele clearly must have stolen someone elses drivers license, and birth certificate, and forged her name on them.
Then, just to cover her tracks, her social security number provided for background checks, clearly wasn't hers.
Yup, she pulled a fast one on CBS.
(um, sarcasm, for those of you that wanted to begin throwing daggers).
Anonymous said...
sorry but when someone grabs at a lit cig, they deserve to get burned by it, maybe her parents didn't teach her not to play with fire. as far as being verbally abusive, I do believe it was partially game play, remember Daniele telling Dick to go after Zach while on the carrots?
September 14, 2007 4:45 PM
if you actually WATCHED the would have SEEN dick jabbing at her. yeah...i guess if you got no other "game play" abusive behavior is always acceptable (sarcasm)
Anonymous said...
I agree that his verbal "unleashes" were part of his strategy?
Most have forgotten that he used this "strategy" to attempt to get himself evicted when he and Dani were on the block. He said it out loud.
He purposely went off on the houseguests so they would go after him.
Oh yeah, and it STILL didn't work!
Way to go Dick!!!!
it's clear you only saw the "leave it to beaver" version of bb. get the 24 hour feeds next year...oh, yeah ... it's too late to watch the old man with abusive behavior...oh, well.
Anonymous said...
Will told everyone the first year of BB that he was going to lie, cheat and stab anyone and everyone in the back to get the money. No differant than Dick said all through the competition. He was more vocal than Will, but the same strategy!
September 14, 2007 5:02 PM
ABUSIVE rants are usually loud. and i don't think that BB2 (that's the season that will was on)...even compares to this season. BB2 was entertaining, this year was pathetic.
You wrote:
it's clear you only saw the "leave it to beaver" version of bb. get the 24 hour feeds next year...oh, yeah ... it's too late to watch the old man with abusive behavior...oh, well.
Typical person who thinks they KNOW everything.
Once again, perhaps you should ask, instead of assuming. I actually have been watching NUMEROUS videos of the uncensored clips, available all over YouTube. Also, Showtime after Dark is alive and well in my house.
Thanks for trying to evaluate me, with no idea at all about what you are talking about.
I still have my opinion, you have yours, but I haven't stooped to the level of, "I know it all".
Dustin - votes Dani (Because Dick harassed him the whole week of his eviction)
Jen - votes Dick (because Daniele broke their alliance)
Amber - votes Dani (because Dick verbally assaulted her about being a bad mom and she always felt sorry for Dani)
Jessica - votes Dick (because she had a closer friendship with him in the house)
Eric - votes Dick (assuming America voted for ED and because he had the heart to heart with Dani the week of Jess' eviction and he knows she lied)
Jameka - votes Dani (because of Dick's rants)
Zach - votes Dani (because he thinks she carried her dad through this game)
Barely winning - Dani by one vote IMO.
That is unless Eric is successful at campaigning for whoever America chose.
dick and daniele are national celebs now!
that is by far the funniest blog i've read yet!! hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
like dick said to zach: in your own mind!
You guys can sit here and say your done all you want. Don't like it don't watch anymore. As many are leaving BB picked up a huge ton of viewers this year that have never watched a show in the last 7. Something must have drawn new viewers. What could it have been?? OHHH I KNOW!! It was DICK! ED! KING RICHARD!! CBS I am sure will not cry over losing a few tight asses, LOL!
I have an idea for Big Brother 9, let's put Dick back in the house with a bunch middle aged people and throw in a few Hells Angels and see how far his tactics get him. He wouldn't last about 5 mins. before someone knocked him on his a@@ sending him to the hospital. The only reason he got away with his tatics on BB8 was because everyone was to young and intiminated to stand up to him. I think that it was pathetic when he was baggering the women that not one of the men in the house stood up to him. Whether you like the house guest that he was yelling at or not, that would have been the honorable thing to do. But then again they were to young and afraid to stand up to him and he took advantage of that. How PATHETIC can one man be. He's a miserable man.
I think your right except Jameka. I think she will vote Dick because she did say he had one of the best games. I think she will vote by that and not by emotions. She seems like a pretty smart person all in all.
Too youngs to stand up and say F- OFF no they were not. They chose not to. Whatever their reasons were. They chose not to stand up to him. Zach did not let ED intimidate him at all I don't think but he also never stood up to him to protect someone else. I think they didn't is because they did not want to make him their definate enemy.
When Zach fought back Dick just stood there in awe when they were on the carrots in the first part of final HOH> When he was laughing at him Dick did not have to much to say because I think he couldn't belive it finally someone came back at him. I actually saw respect on his face!
it's clear you only saw the "leave it to beaver" version of bb. get the 24 hour feeds next year...oh, yeah ... it's too late to watch the old man with abusive behavior...oh, well.
About Dani and the age issue. I am very sure that they new her real age. If they want to let an 18 year old in they can it's up to them. I doubt very seriously she lied or why would she say I am 20 and have her 21 bday in the house. COme on people common sense. CBS wanted her and they allowed it!
9 :32 Yeah, but Jameka also knows that Dani won the most competitions and had a great game as well
9:37 PM
I agree that Zach had more balls then the rest, but he is also 30 and alot bigger then Dick. I'm sure that most of those young adults on that show had never been around someone of his character and they were scared of him or they were a bunch of cowards. Like I said put him in a house with his peers and I am sure it would have been a much different show.
my question is did
Amber get past question # 9 on
the BB contract ? you know, mentally and physically competent ?
How on earth did she slide by ?
Anonymous said...
it's clear you only saw the "leave it to beaver" version of bb. get the 24 hour feeds next year...oh, yeah ... it's too late to watch the old man with abusive behavior...oh, well.
September 14, 2007 9:40 PM
go do your homework
anon 9:37 PM
you're right. dick's a coward. he would seek out the weak and attack.
i'd like to see ED and Zach in a celebrity boxing match (with headgear and very big gloves) for charity
Jameka REALLY needs to win that POV
Are any of you watching BBAD? D&D no longer have to play the game. They WON. So what is Daniele's excuse for being such a Bitch to her dad now? I can't stand the guy I think he's low class and disgusting. HOwever, all he's trying to do is have a conversation with her and try to make showtime interesting for the viewers. All Daniele can do is Whine, and tell Dick to Shut up and tell him he's annoying. Wake up Dick. She used your ass to get to the money. Now that she is guaranteed atleast $50,000.00 she doesn't need you anymore. She can't wait to get out of the BB House and away from you. Now whose the Pawn.
Going to Bed don't need to see that Tommy Lee want to be talk to himself while he's farting and burping. Now that's entertainment.l
Dick sitting on the patio in the BY talking to himself saying "I don't think she carried me in the competions, I did my fair share"
Daniele in bed. She was extremely annoyed with her father tonight while he was trying to talk to her. Daniele continuously told him to "shut up" and You're so annoying"
Any bets out there on how long it's going to take after Tuesday the 18th that Daniele stops talking to him again? She used him to get to the finals. Now that they won, she want's nothing to do with him. It's only 9:00 there Dick said and he can't believe he's alone with no one to talk to. My God she can't talk to her dad now? They're the only two left in the house and she doesn't have patience with the man to hold a conversation. I refuse to vote. It just doesn't matter. They're both loosers.
I just want to thank whoever kept us up to date on what was going on in the BB House.
They did a great job! I know I went to this site daily! I appreciate all your hard work even though there has been so much negativity, there has been alot of positive.
Thanks again! I hope you do it again next year. I'll be back.
After reading what was going on in the house now, I have to say.. Wow now they have to separate themselves?? That is too funny! The love of money is the root of all evil!
i think dick is dick,, and dan is !!!!!! then as always the life is not fair,, zack is the best .coz he played this game against 13 haters, and hi is 3rd, i think he has to win this game,, go zack,,,but this is the life,,btw dick will win... 5-2
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