Who will win PoV? Will it be used to save either Chelsia or Sharon from eviction? Let's find out!
Sharon will fight to stay no matter what. Joshuah isn't concerned about Sharon's safety since they are not couples anymore. Chelsia hates that she has to suck up to everyone since she is nominated now. James feels bad about telling Ryan to nominate Chelsia. Sharon thinks that the guys in the house are teaming up against the girls. Joshuah sees his homosexuality as an advantage since he can bond with both genders easily. James assures Chelsia that he will do everything he can to keep her in the house this week. Matt is still butting heads with Natalie. Natalie is fed up with Matt and doesn't care if he is evicted now. Joshuah overheard and developed a plan to backdoor Matt if he promised Ryan two weeks of safety. Natalie reported this to Matt, and Matt informed Ryan about it.
Joshuah approached Ryan about the two-week deal. Ryan isn't sure if he could trust everyone's word for the next two weeks. He then broke the news that Natalie leaked the plan to Matt, and Joshuah seemed surprised. Joshuah informed some of the other HG, and they cannot believe how attached to Matt Natalie is. Ryan is considering backdooring Matt since everyone thinks that they are aligned. The PoV players were chosen by random draw. Ryan chose Adam (HG choice), Chelsia chose Sheila (random), and Sharon chose Joshuah (random). Matt was chosen to host. Everyone except Adam, Matt, and Natalie gave Ryan their word they would give him two weeks of safety, so he agreed to backdoor Matt.
Time for the PoV competition! The HG had to use a large pool stick to hit a pool ball into a pocket. The HG who hit furthest from the Veto pocket each round would be eliminated but would receive a prize. Prizes could be taken away from other HG as well. 1st out - Sheila, who received the PoV. 2nd out - Sharon, who received a motorcycle but decided to trade it with Sheila for the PoV. 3rd out - Joshuah, who received a letter from home and decided to keep it. 4th out - Adam, who received $10,000 but traded it with Sheila for the motorcycle. 5th out - Chelsia, who received a slop pass but traded it with Sharon for the PoV. As the winner, Ryan received the right to wear Jen's unitard from BB8 but traded it with Sheila for $10,000. Therefore, Chelsia wins the PoV!
Sheila was upset with Ryan for stealing her money. James was stoked that Chelsia won the PoV. Sharon isn't sure that Ryan will nominate Matt, but Ryan assured her that he would. Adam thinks that Sheila pulled off the unitard well. Sheila thanked Adam for wanting to give Sheila the money he received. Chelsia told Sheila not to play the "single-mom card" by complaining about needing the money, which set Sheila off. Sheila thinks that either James or Joshuah needs to replace Chelsia instead of Matt because she realizes that Chelsia, James, Joshuah, and Sharon are aligned. She told Ryan about this, and he agrees that he is in the middle of the two sides in the house. A reminder that voting ends tonight for the poll to bring someone back!
Chelsia is excited for Matt to be nominated. Joshuah thinks that he pulled off the most strategic move in BB history by convincing Ryan to nominate Matt. Chelsia did decide to use the PoV to save herself. In her place, Ryan nominated James! Matt paraded around the house, saying that he outsmarted them all and that if anyone had a problem with him in the future, they should bring it up to him personally. Ryan was not happy with Matt's outburst. Joshuah claims that he will still oust Matt eventually. James knows that he got played. Sheila is taking credit for James' nomination.
Who will be evicted? Who will win HoH? Who will return to the house? Find out tomorrow?