Who will be nominated? Let's find out!
Dan stayed true to his word and didn't care what the other HG thought. Steven got close to Brian and almost cried when he was evicted. Ollie says that his relationship with April is way more important than his relationship with Brian. Jerry had no choice but to go against Brian. Angie isn't looking forward to continue staying in the house with people she doesn't like. Libra was thrilled to see her biggest threat Brian leave. Jessie thinks that Brian's picture looks better in black and white. Renny is glad to please her son by not being the first HG evicted. Jerry reminds the HG that he wasn't wearing military gear when he nominated Brian because he wanted to show everyone that he was doing something unlike him.
Jessie is thrilled to win HoH so he can seek revenge on Renny. Keesha was annoyed by April jumping into Jessie's arms when he won. Angie is worried about what Jessie thinks about her after she tried to keep Brian in the house. Renny is preparing herself for another long week in the house. Steven notices that the house was immediately divided after Jessie won HoH: those that liked Brian and those that didn't. Memphis wants to work with Jessie in the game. Angie doesn't like the people who don't like Brian. Dan knows that he will be nominated this week. He warned Steven about being nominated, who wasn't worried until then.
Time to see Jessie's HoH bedroom! Jessie mainly received pictures of his bodybuilding, which he of course bragged about. Renny claimed that her son has better legs. April isn't into the bodybuilding figure because she likes guys with "cushion." Dan noticed that Jessie mainly had pictures of himself. Steven was the only HG not to go see Jessie's room, which Jessie took notice of. Jessie said that Steven was rude for doing so.
Libra wants Angie and Steven nominated, but April thinks that he will put Renny up. Libra hopes that he doesn't waste a week on Renny. Jessie told the HG that he would be nominating Renny, which got bad reviews. They told him to nominate Steven instead of Renny next to Dan because he almost won HoH this week. Jerry told Angie and Libra about his wife having Parkinson's disease. He made it clear that he will not put her in a hospital as long as he is alive.
Steven is sure that everyone knows that he is gay, and he thinks that everyone is okay with it. Dan has never been around gay people before, so he is glad to finally meet Steven. Angie tried to explain herself to Jessie about why she aligned with Brian. Jessie didn't understand why she would align with the one person who wanted Jessie, Memphis, and Michelle out. Jessie still doesn't understand and isn't sure if he should keep Angie safe this week or not. Keesha and Steven share a love of dogs. Keesha says that her dog even comes before her boyfriend.
Time for the food competition! The HG were split into two teams: Green - Angie, Dan, Jessie, Michelle, Ollie, and Steven; Red - April, Jerry, Keesha, Libra, Memphis, and Renny. HG had to stop wine from pouring into several holes using corks. At the same time, members from the opposing team had to get as much wine that seeped through as they could. The team who collected the most wine would win. The green team won!
Renny was looking forward to working with wine since she is from New Orleans. April and Libra were disappointed to get both Jerry and Renny on their team. Keesha was annoyed about their complaining. Libra doesn't want to be on slop two weeks in a row. April felt the same way. Ollie tried not to drink the wine for fear of becoming an alcoholic. Dan did an excellent job collecting the corks, while April complained about being too short to throw the corks to her teammates. Memphis was annoyed by April's lack of attempting. Jerry also found it hard plugging the corkholes. Renny wanted to prove herself in the competition. Keesha was pleased with Renny's performance in the competition. Michelle did a good job keeping the wine from spilling out as she transferred it across the yard.
Steven loved the result from the competition so April and Libra could be on slop for a second week in a row. Keesha love seeing April and Libra fight and is starting to get sick of them. Dan tried to get Jessie talk to him one-on-one before the nominations by asking to use his restroom. Jessie finally went up to his bedroom after a while, and Dan was still there waiting for him! Jessie brought Ollie with him, so Dan failed in his attempt to talk to Jessie. Libra finds talking to Memphis hard because he doesn't show much emotion. Libra asked him this, and Memphis revealed to her, April, and Jessie that his dad died when he was 15. He also mentioned that he had a bad relationship with someone shortly after. Memphis hopes that he will succeed in the game by not showing a weak side. Libra thinks that Memphis will get emotional once he has a child.
Dan finally got a chance to talk to Jessie. Dan said that he had to keep his word to Brian and hopes that Jessie understands. Jessie doesn't have a problem with Dan aligning with Brian since he was with him from the beginning. Dan said that he would give the same loyalty to Jessie is he keeps him safe this week. Jessie is considering it.
Angie thinks that she could be nominated. Renny never feels safe in the house, especially with Jessie as HoH. She thinks he should target someone else though. Dan thinks that he helped himself slightly by talking to Jessie. Steven thinks that Jessie is cocky and wouldn't nominate him unless someone convinced him to do so. Jessie wants to target only one HG even though he is nominating two. He thinks that he could pay the price next week through his nominations.
Time for the nominations ceremony! Order of keys: Keesha, Ollie, Michelle, Jerry, April, Libra, Memphis, Angie, and Renny, leaving Dan and Steven nominated for eviction. Jessie says that both of them played the game too early. In addition, Jessie called Steven out for not showing up to see his HoH bedroom. Steven claimed he was sleeping, but Jessie says that it took him almost 24 hours after Jessie received it to go see it.
Steven thinks that Jessie is a tool and is controlling the house. Dan isn't giving up yet. Renny is shocked that she isn't nominated and will continue to lay low this week. Jessie wants to target Steven this week because Dan will stay loyal to him.
Who will win PoV? Will it be used to save either Dan or Steven from eviction? Find out Tuesday!