Saturday, April 12, 2008
4/12 Live Feeds: 6:00AM-4:00PM
4/11-12 Live Feeds: 6:00PM-7:00AM
Ryan and Adam talked in the backyard. Ryan told Adam that nobody wants to take Adam to the finals because Adam will win. According to Ryan, James is in the jury house convincing the jury to vote for Adam to win. Ryan says he doesn't care however and that he will take Adam to the finals. Adam says Sheila would too. Adam is somewhat shocked but does not say much. Ryan says they can talk about evicting someone after the Veto Ceremony on Sunday but not until then. Perhaps they will keep Natalie. This is not very likely however because Ryan has a "secret" alliance with Sharon.
After dinner, Sheila and Sharon bashed Natalie in the HoH Room. Sharon said Natalie thinks she is the "top shit" Sheila says Natalie is afraid Sheila will nominate her and Sharon said Natalie should not have dropped out of the competition then. Sharon thinks Natalie is a liar. Natalie said she was good with puzzles, however in last night's PoV competition Natalie didn't do so well. They then start making fun of her fake boobs. Supposedly Sharon thinks Natalie can't touch her elbows because of her big boobs. They think Natalie is extremely fake, especially when she talks to Julie during the live shows. Sheila is finally getting why Josh, Chelsia, and James hated Natalie.
Natalie thinks she will be nominated. She is not going to talk to Sheila because she trusts that Adam and Ryan will vote to evict Sharon. Natalie said she is going to stick with Ryan and Adam 24/7 so Sharon can't campaign. Natalie said she has her campaigning down to perfection.
Friday, April 11, 2008
4/11 Live Feeds: 3:00AM-6:00PM
4/11 Live Feeds: PoV Winner
4/10-11 Live Feeds: 4:30 PM-3:00 AM
Sheila trusts Ryan and Sharon more than Natalie. She told Adam that Natalie will target the two men if she stays this week. She wants Adam to go to the final three with her along with either Ryan or Sharon. Adam says that he will nominate Ryan and Sharon if he wins HoH next week. Sheila told Adam that if Natalie wins PoV, she will make sure that Natalie doesn't use it to avoid Ryan being nominated. Sheila assured Ryan that Sharon is fine with evicting Natalie this week. Natalie told Sheila not to nominate her if Sharon wins PoV because she doesn't think she will stay against Adam. Sheila doesn't want to nominate Ryan since he saved her last week.
The HG were informed that the PoV competition would be tonight instead of tomorrow. (It is probably the "morph" competition where BB mixes facial features of various HG.) Adam hopes that the PoV will involve the golf set BB gave them a while ago. Ryan started to count various objects around the house. The feeds have been blocked since around 12:15 AM for the PoV competition. I'll have the scoop when they return!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
4/10 Live Feeds: Nominations
4/10 Live Feeds: 3:00 AM-4:30 PM
Adam and Ryan were the last ones asleep last night at around 3:55 AM. BB woke the HG up this morning around six hours later. Natalie has noticed that the ants have returned to the BB house. (Usually every season, BB has to spray the house for ants.) Natalie and Sheila complained about their lower backs hurting from last night's competition. Ryan told Adam that he would save him with the PoV if he is nominated. Adam wants Natalie nominated instead of himself, but Sheila promised Natalie that she wouldn't nominate her in exchange for winning HoH. Ryan and Sharon still seem cool with going to the finals together. Adam complained some more about Sheila wanting to nominate him. Sheila assured him that he will stay this week even if the nominations stand.
Ryan and Sheila agree that Natalie is their biggest threat, and Ryan promises to use the PoV if he wins it so she can be nominated. They agreed to go to the final three with Adam. Sharon claims that she threw the HoH competition last night. She assures Natalie that she will be safe this week because either Adam or herself will be evicted. Natalie said that she only threw the HoH competition to Sheila so she could play next week. She promised not to nominate Sheila next week should she win HoH if Sheila keeps her safe this week. The feeds have been blocked since around 4:10 PM for the nominations ceremony. I'll have the scoop when they return but expect Adam and Sharon to be nominated.
4/9-10 Live Feeds: 9:00 PM-3:00 AM
The HoH competition lasted over three hours total. When Sheila dropped following her win, she claimed she broke a tooth. Natalie and Ryan only dropped out of the competition because Sheila promised to nominate Adam and Sharon, ensuring that one of them will be evicted this week. Ryan told Adam that he will save him if he wins PoV. Natalie is thrilled that TC has won HoH for a fourth week in a row. Adam and Natalie folded up James's bed because nobody will ever sleep there since they supposedly had sex in it. Natalie claims that she could have easily won HoH but did the Christian thing to do by throwing it to Sheila.
Sheila received her HoH bedroom along with pictures of her family, a letter from home, make-up, wine, and a Coldplay CD. Adam and Sharon understand why Sheila has to nominate them this week. Sheila wants Ryan to win PoV so he can save Adam and Natalie can be nominated and evicted. Sheila says that if PoV is used in any way, she will nominate Natalie. Sharon claims that she (herself) isn't a good competitor since she was out of the HoH competition within minutes. Sheila was surprised at how quick Sharon dropped out.
Natalie is worried about being backdoored this week. Sheila told her to worry about that when the time comes. Adam is worried about being evicted this week instead of Sharon, but Sheila assures him otherwise. (If nominations stay the same, Sheila wants Sharon out.) Adam and Ryan are the only two HG currently up at this time.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Endurance Competition
6:06PM: Sharon is already out. Everyone else is still hanging strong.
6:30PM: Ryan, Natalie, and Sheila are still hanging in there. Ryan seems to be having the most difficulty. Sheila is content and said she will go all night. She wants pictures and a letter for her birthday. Natalie is being loud like always, saying she knew it was going to be endurance. @@
7:00PM: The three remaining Houseguests are hanging in there. Not much has changed. Sheila really wants to win but Natalie says she has a feeling she is not safe. Sheila told Ryan he is good with her because he saved her ass.
7:30PM: Everyone still hanging in there. It seems we could be in for a long night. The house guests have been talking about the live show. Sheila said she feels old right now contrary to her answer to Julie's question. They talked about the pranks. Sheila wished they had shown the PoV prank.
8:00 PM: All HG still in the competition. Even though the three left are aligned, nobody seems to be making any sort of deal or planning on dropping. Plan for a long night with this competition!
8:30PM: All three are still hanging in. Not much going on. They talked about James and how he tried to stir things up before he left. Sheila says she is hurting.
8:45PM: Ryan dropped.
9:00 PM: Natalir droppd. Sheila wins HoH!
4/9 Live Feeds: 3:00 AM-5:00 PM
4/8-9 Live Feeds: 3:00 PM-3:00 AM
Sheila cut Sharon's hair. Adam his received his HoH camera and wrote his HoH blog. James asked everyone if they are working with Natalie, and they all agreed that they were. Natalie claims that BB made her highlight her hair before entering the house. Adam suggests nominating Natalie and Sharon, then Sheila if PoV is used next week. He and Ryan agree that Sheila will throw the next HoH competition since she is playing both sexes of the house. Sheila knows that she will be evicted next unless she starts winning something.
Ryan told Sharon that he will throw the next HoH competition to her if it comes down to only them. Sharon and Sheila tried to convince Adam and Ryan that Natalie is the biggest threat left in the game and needs to be targeted next week. Sheila wants to go to the finals with Adam, especially since they were originally soulmates. Sheila thinks that Sharon will win the game. She, Adam, and Ryan all agree that they wouldn't vote for Natalie to win the game. Sheila confirmed that Natalie lied about being a cheerleader just so Matt would like her.Sheila wants to backdoor Natalie next week instead of nominating her at first so she won't try as hard for the PoV.
Natalie gave Adam and Ryan a haircut. Adam and Sheila agree that they need to target the other two women during the next two weeks. James is excited to go to the jury house to finally have some fun. He also dyed his hair pink again. He asked Ryan why he isn't voting for him to stay this week after he told James that he would have his back in the game following James breaking the tie to evict Matt instead of Ryan a few weeks ago. Ryan said that it would not be beneficial for him to keep James this week. James again told Sheila that he is rooting for her to win the game. He is currently the only HG still awake.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
4/8 Show Recap
Sheila is not happy about her nomination and would never have betrayed Adam. Ryan thinks that Adam was a coward for not nominating James. James wants to show everyone that he is honest this week. Natalie is fine with playing both sides as long as it keeps her safe in the game. Sharon thinks that Adam has become a bigger target than James now. Natalie said that she would be willing to make a deal with James to stay this week. James told Sharon, which infuriated her.
Adam apologized about not nominating James, but Natalie isn't sure if she forgives him since she is still at risk this week. Natalie made a deal with James, saying that she won't nominate James next week if he wins the PoV and doesn't use it this week. James thinks that he may be able to stay this week now.
Sheila is getting fed up with cleaning up after everyone. Time for the PoV competition! HG were told an event that happened in the house. They then had to find a rock which was labeled with the correct day number that the event happened. If everyone answered correctly, then the last person to return with the rock was eliminated. If someone answered incorrectly, then the person who was farthest off would be eliminated. Order of ousting: Natalie, Sheila, James, Sharon, and Adam, which means that Ryan has won the PoV! Ryan sees this as his opportunity to take out James. Sheila was glad to see Ryan beat Adam since Adam nominated her. Sharon hopes that she can stay this week. James isn't giving up just yet.
Sheila hopes that Ryan will save her with the PoV. Sharon told Sheila that Natalie has been trying to make deals with James this week. Sheila realized that if Natalie will turn on her, then anyone can turn on her in the game. James tried to make a deal with Ryan to not use the PoV so they can work together with Sharon next week.
Ryan isn't sure if he should trust his alliance or James. James thinks that it would be in Ryan's best interest to take his offer and stray from Natalie. In the end, Ryan did decide to use the PoV to save Sheila from eviction. In her place, Adam nominated James. James knows that the entire house is against him this week, but he is still holding strong. Sharon hopes that the house stays with their wanting to get James out. Adam took the easy way out by nominating James as a replacement. Ryan's new goal is to evict James this week.
Who will be evicted? Who will win HoH? Find out tomorrow!
4/8 Live Feeds: 3:00 AM-3:00 PM
James was the last one asleep last night at around 3:55 AM. BB woke the HG up at around 9:35 AM this morning. BB gave Ryan some exercises to do for his still ailing neck. Natalie told Sheila that she would nominate her if she won HoH next week. Sharon thinks Natalie will throw the next HoH competition since she is playing both sides of the house (Adam/Ryan and Sharon/Sheila). Sheila thinks that she is the George (BB1) of this season. (I agree!)
BB told James that he needs to wear more clothes than just his underwear while roaming the house. He then stripped completely naked and layed out next to Natalie, who freaked. Natalie claimed that she had a dream last night where she saw a penis; she is convinced God was telling her that she would be seeing James's today. @@ James has been roaming the house wearing nothing for most of the day, much to everyone's disgust.
4/7-8 Live Feeds: 7:00 PM-3:00 AM
James told Ryan that Natalie has been telling Sharon about TC's (Team Christ - Adam, Natalie, and Ryan) plans for the remainder of the game. Natalie claims that she just listens to Sharon and then reports everything she says back to the guys. Ryan knows that Sharon and Sheila are against him, Adam, and Natalie now. Ryan is very nervous about his safety in the house now. Sheila told Adam that Natalie is playing both sides of the house and that she is the biggest threat left. Sharon thinks that Adam and Ryan would keep Sheila in the game over Natalie. Sheila wants to backdoor Natalie next week.
TC agrees that Sharon and Sheila must be nominated next week. Natalie says that they only have to worry about Sharon winning HoH next week since Sheila will not win. Natalie called Sharon "the mole" since she receives TC's game plans via Sheila. James told Ryan that if Sharon stays this week, the women would team up on the men next week. He says that he could take out Natalie for him if he stays in the house. James claims that he already has Sheila's vote, so he only needs his.
Ryan told Adam that there is no way that he would keep James this week. Sharon is really upset that Natalie called her a mole. Ryan wants to nominate Natalie and Sharon next week because he doesn't know which one of them to trust. Sharon says that she will nominate Adam and Sheila and then try to backdoor Natalie if she wins HoH next week. James is the only HG still up at this point.
Monday, April 7, 2008
4/7 Live Feeds: 3:00-7:00 PM
Adam and Ryan are worried that Sharon is trying to bring Natalie and Sheila over to her side. They want to target her next week. Sheila doesn't trust Natalie completely and would rather go to the finals with Sharon than Natalie. Sheila doesn't think she would win in the finals though since she already has three enemies on the jury: Chelsia, James, and Joshuah. She doesn't want to win HoH next week since she is playing both sides of the house. James plans on making fun of Natalie for the duration of the week.
James and Sheila agree that Natalie will nominate Sharon and Sheila if she wins HoH next week. She thinks that Adam and Ryan want to bring Natalie to the final three, but James doesn't think so since neither of them wouldn't be able to beat her in the finals. James seems like he wants Sheila to do well in the game, and he plans on getting into Natalie's head so she will be too rattled for the next HoH competition. Ryan is still feeling sore.
4/7 Live Feeds: 3:00AM-3:00PM
Big Brother woke the houseguests up at about 10:30am. Shortly there after, Big Brother called for an outdoor lockdown. James played golf, and Natalie and Sheila sunbathed and talked about targets for next week.
The three girls talked. They think Adam did not nominate James because he was trying to get James’ jury vote. Sheila isn’t buying it because she thinks the jury will vote for who they like the most. Sharon said if she wins HoH that she will nominate the “boys” I assume she is talking about Ryan and Adam. Natalie thinks Sheila will be in the final 3. Sheila says she is nervous for the final three competitions because the are so crucial. Sheila and Sharon continued to talk game. Sheila thinks Natalie is full of shit. She thinks Natalie will take the guys to the end because that is who Natalie can beat. Natalie joins the conversation and did admit that the guys were trying to get her to nominate Sheila and Sharon. Sheila cries because she is scared. She doesn’t know who to trust etc.
They switch to silly talk. They talk about their first time having sex and talk about one night stands. Sharon said she made Jacob wait until they were 19 to have sex. She wanted to make sure they knew what they were doing before they did it. Sheila said she made a guy wait 15 years for sex. Sharon continues to talk about Jacob. Jacob got texts from another girl. She says Jacob and she were practically married. Jacob decided to cheat on Sharon and in November chose the other girl over Sharon. I guess Jacob was jealous because Sharon had guy friends. He decided to get revenge by cheating on her.
Besides that, not much is occurring. They continue to talk about relationships and life outside of the house. Do not expect much in the coming days. James doesn’t seem to be campaigning much.
4/6-7 Live Feeds: 8:00 PM-3:00 AM
Sunday, April 6, 2008
4/6 Live Feeds: 5:00PM-8:00PM
Many of the house guests have been napping. Only Sheila and Adam are awake at this moment. It looks like James will still be evicted but who knows. I say this because Ryan has an alliance with Sharon and it would be stupid for him to go back on his word. It would only be another vote lost on the jury.
4/6 Show Recap
Sheila thought that Joshuah would go off on the house when he was evicted. Ryan thought Joshuah's exit speech was cheesy since he hasn't had dignity throughout the game. James says that by his allies being evicted, he is getting stronger in the game. Sharon was really sad to see Joshuah evicted since she had gotten so close to him in the house. Adam couldn't believe how upset Sharon got. He claims that he is more confident in his duties as HoH this time around. Natalie claims that she had a dream that Adam won HoH, and it came true! She thinks that God is talking to her. @@ James was upset since another ally of his would probably be evicted this week. Sheila doesn't feel safe with Adam as HoH since he is always "joking" about nominating her. Adam received some flowers in addition to the pictures and letter from his family in his HoH bedroom. Natalie told Adam that she is sticking with him and Ryan and not Sheila. Ryan agrees that Sheila will be the first HG off Team Christ evicted. After seeing James by himself, Adam felt bad since James knows that he will be targeted once again this week. James claims that he will survive this week and end up winning the game.
Adam, James, and Ryan toilet-papered Sheila's bedroom since she hasn't done a whole lot in the game yet. Natalie then jumped out of a trash can and scared her. Sheila was pleasantly amused and blamed Adam for the recent pranks. She is used to the pranks since she has three brothers and a son who have always pranked her. She has really been missing her son lately, and Adam has been comforting her. Sheila says that Adam is the only one she can talk to about her son. Sharon formed an alliance with Ryan to be the final two. Ryan says that Sharon has replaced Joshuah for him. Adam is thinking about nominating Sheila instead of James this week.
Sharon has been taking care of James now that Joshuah has been evicted. James is grateful for her assistance. Ryan hated being on slop last week so it is essential for him to perform well during this week's food competition! Speaking of which, now is that time! As a team, HG had to fill as many containers labeled with various food groups and luxury items with gravy. However, they had to build tracks of mashed potatoes for the gravy to flow through. They only had ten minutes to fill as many containers as they could. If they failed to fill a single container, they would receive slop and mashed potatoes for the week. HG received meats and fish, desserts and snacks, outdoor toys, dairy and eggs, bread and pasta, and a BBQ grill. They failed to receive fruits and veggies, beer and soda, and a gourmet feast.
James wanted to show Adam that he hasn't crossed him once in the game. Ryan overheard Adam and James talking, which got him nervous about Adam not nominating James. Adam wants to nominate Sharon and Sheila now. Natalie and Ryan tried to convince Adam to do otherwise because if James wins PoV and saves Sharon, Adam has to nominate either Natalie or Ryan, who would be be evicted since James and Sharon would have the majority of votes. Adam talked again with James, and Natalie broke up their talk. Adam and Natalie immediately sided against James, which prompted him to break down and cry. Even Adam started to cry. Natalie left, and Adam realized that James would never turn against him if he kept him in the house this week. James promised not to use the PoV, and Adam agreed to nominate Sheila instead of him.
James hopes that he got through to Adam this week. Ryan knows that he and Natalie are in a bad position this week if James is not nominated. Adam has been hearing everyone tell him what is best for them regarding this week's nominations, but he needs to do what is best for himself. Order of keys: Natalie, Ryan, and James, leaving Sharon and Sheila nominated for eviction. Adam wanted everyone to try during the PoV competition, which is why he nominated Sheila instead of James for eviction this week. Sheila told Adam that he is the biggest jerk in the house. She was heartbroken because she would have never nominated Adam. James loved to be safe this week and plans on sticking with Adam for the duration of the game. Ryan thinks that Adam has made three enemies in exchange for one friend this week. Natalie can't believe that Adam fell for James' antics.
Who will win PoV? Will it be used to save either Sharon or Sheila from eviction? Find out Tuesday!
4/6 Live Feeds: 1:00-5:00 PM
Natalie is upset that James has been making fun of her. She doesn't understand why Adam and Ryan aren't defending her. James told Sheila that she is in a perfect position to make the finals because everyone thinks that they can beat her in the end. Ryan claims that he will visit Adam in Florida instead of going home following the show. Sharon only has 80 pages left in the Bible. (She is trying to finish the entire book before leaving the house.) James told Adam that he needs to go after Natalie next. Adam wants to go to the finals with Ryan. Sheila thinks that she will be evicted next week unless she wins HoH.
Ryan doesn't trust Natalie as much since James told him that she was trying to make a deal with him this week. He and Adam agree that they need to bring Sheila to the final three with them. Natalie is thinking about telling James that he has her vote to avoid him harassing her all week. Adam offered to help James stay this week, but James claims that he has accepted his fate and is ready to be evicted. Natalie claims that she wants to stick with the other two women in the house but then told Sheila that she doesn't feel comfortable with Sharon winning HoH next week. Ryan's neck is feeling better now that he had a chance to rest on it.
That does it for this afternoon! Don't forget about the show tonight, which starts shortly here on the east coast. It should entail the food competition and nominations ceremony. As always, I'll have the recap of it up shortly following its conclusion!
4/6 Live Feeds: 10:00AM-1:00PM
Sharon and Ryan talked in the backyard. They think they are in a perfect situation. Sharon thinks Sheila would nominate Adam should Sheila win HoH. Ryan agrees. They get a little of topic when Sharon tells Sheila her butt is missing. They start talking game again. Sharon warns Ryan to be careful when talking to Sheila and Adam because Sheila and Adam talk to each other. Ryan says he tells Adam everything.
James and Sheila join Ryan and Sharon. James tells Sheila that her speeches are really good. James seems teary-eyed at this point. He tells her that she could get anyone to use the veto on her. James then tells her that Natalie is the biggest threat in the game and Sheila totally agrees. James says he would vote for Sheila should she make it to the finals. Sharon said she would too and Sheila is surprised.
James says the DR is mad at him because he did not try to get Natalie nominated. James wants to go off on Natalie and asks Adam if Adam would get mad if James did so. Adam says no. James starts to pick on Natalie asking her why she hasn’t been working out ever since Matt left. James explains to the others why he is mad at Natalie. He says Natalie said she wanted to work with him but then went off on him behind his back. James says he is not like Chelsia. He won’t go off on her religion/abortions but will go off on her.
Natalie thinks James is making fun of her and that everyone is laughing at her. Sharon tells James this and James thinks it is funny. James tells Sharon not to laugh because Natalie could be a benefit to Sharon in the game. Natalie says James is a liar and manipulator. Ryan says only 3 more days.
The houseguests are enjoying a nice day. They are being called to the DR one by one. Ryan made burgers and hotdogs for everyone. Expect James to be going off on Natalie all week!
4/6 Live Feeds: Veto Ceremony
4/5-6 Live Feeds: 8:00 PM-10:00 AM
Sharon doesn't think that Natalie will win the game because of all the trash talking she has done about everyone. Her and Sheila hope that Natalie will take them to the final three because she cannot win against Adam or Ryan. After seeing the doctor, Ryan was told that he is not allowed to participate in any physical activity for the next 48 hours. Apparently, his muscles were spazzing out on him or something. After seeing Sharon give James a massage, Natalie is convinced that she was working with James all along. She now wants to nominate Sharon and Sheila if she wins HoH next week.
Ryan told James that he will use the PoV, but he isn't sure if Adam will nominate James or not. He doesn't care if Natalie gets nominated instead. Natalie saw James and Ryan talking, so she got nervous about her safety this week. Adam assures her that James would be nominated. Adam was the last one asleep last night at around 2:20 AM. BB woke the HG at around 9:15 AM this morning.