Big Brother did not wake the houseguests up until around 11am. Much of the morning was spent lounging around. Big Brother put party supplies in the storage room. ( It's Sheila's 46th birthday) Adam, Ryan, and Natalie set up a surprise party outside while Sharon distracted Sheila upstairs. Sharon told Sheila that they had an outside lockdown. Sheila was shocked! She recieved a mug and a letter from her family. Much of the afternoon was spent celebrating. Besides this, not much game wise has occured. Here are some videos of the surprise birthday party.
You know whut, Sheila is 46 years old, and a single mom, and she misses her son.
that never gets old
sheila is wrong for getting rid of nat... nat could win sheila all the money. NOBODY would vote for nat!! whut is she thinking...
i disagree, nat knows that and if nat won a final-3 endurance, she would NOT take Sheila! Get rid of Nat NOW!
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