I recently had the chance to talk with Daniele Donato. Here is what she had to say:
Hey Daniele, thank you for taking time to do this interview!
Of course!! <3
What’s life been like following your Big Brother stint? Catch us up on all the happenings in your world?Well, a lot. haha. Life is busy busy busy. But I like it that way. But I'm for the most part back into my normal life just a lot of working and doing "normal" things. whatever that means...
What do you think about this season’s house guests? Who do you like? Who do you hate? And who do you think will win?Well, um. I plead the 5th. haha. No, I was just expecting more from this group.. more gameplay that is. Adam has been my favorite since day 1. I am certainly still rooting for ballaaaah!!
Do you think this season is similar to your’s with the whole Christianity argument? Do you think your dad would attack Natalie like he did Jameka if he was in the house?I think its hard to go into that house and proclaim your beliefs and not end up looking like a hypocrite to be honest. That is all i will say on this topic. :x
Have you talked with any of the early evictees from this season? If so, who? More or less, what is up between you and Alex ?haha. Yes I have talked to Jen, she is a total sweetheart. I spoke with Neil once awhile ago, talked to Parker last week; he's a very nice guy, and yes Alex. & well, don't you wish you knew?! haha. Don't you watch housecalls? Marriage and babies.. obviously!
Do people still recognize you on the streets? What do people say to you? What’s the craziest thing someone has said to you?Yes I get recognized everyday still. I don't mind it though I think it's funny. Everyone has nice things to say constantly. Old woman ask me to hook them up with pops & of course the Nick questions loves to comes up. Craziest thing? I don't know if it's crazy, but I had some people start screaming and crying so happy.. and that's just weird. haha.
What do you think of Jen and Nick? ( You don’t have to answer this question if you do not want to)I think that I hope they're happy. & to everyone who keeps asking if it makes me mad.. the answer is not at all.
I read you got into a car accident a couple weeks ago, how are you and your car? Any injuries?It was tiny. I was probably being dramatic.. but hey nobody has ever hit me before & the guy didnt have insurance. But everything is fine thank you.
Do you still communicate with people from Season 8? Ie Nick, Kail, etc. Have you talked with Amber since the show?
I talk with Kail often. I also keep in contact with Mike and Zach occasionally.
Do you plan on doing anymore reality television shows? Ie Amazing Race or Survivor. This includes a 2nd Big Brother appearance-Allstars ?We'll just have to wait & see what the future holds.
Finally, anything else we should know? Any new surprising information?I'm pregnant & married what else do you want from me? haha. (For people who don't get sarcasm, i love you!!)
Thanks to Daniele for doing this interview.