Tuesday, April 15, 2008

4/14-15 Live Feeds: 6:00 PM-3:00 AM

Ryan has lost about 10 pounds since entering the house and has gained quite a bit of muscle. Natalie has gained 3 pounds. She told Ryan that she is going to start running a mile a day to lose that weight. Ryan thinks that the only way he or Natalie will win the game is if they are the final two. He told Natalie this and made sure that the vote would be unanimous for her to stay this week. Sheila cried since she is so homesick. Ryan misses reality. Sheila claims that she will keep her Alex doll after the show.

Natalie told Sheila about Ryan's promise to keep her this week, so she needs Sheila to break the tie if Adam doesn't pull through for her. Sheila doesn't want to break a tie because then she would look like the bad person for someone. She acted upset that Adam would consider voting Natalie out. The two then started fighting when Natalie claimed that she is the only that has been attacked in the house. They went on for a while before Natalie started crying since she is sure that she will be voted out this week.

Natalie and Sheila made up shortly later and agreed that Sharon needs to be evicted. Natalie plans on talking to Adam soon so she can ensure her second vote to stay. Sheila doesn't trust Ryan at all and thinks that he may vote Sharon out just so Sheila can break the tie. Adam and Sheila agree that Ryan is aligned with Sharon, so they need to be split up next week. Ryan claims that he wants to vote Sharon out now because he feels that his loyalty is to Natalie. He and Adam agree that if Natalie stays, they will be guaranteed final three. Adam says that he will talk to Natalie and let him know afterwards.

Adam and Ryan were the last ones asleep at around 2:00 AM. All HG are still asleep as I post this. It looks like Natalie could be staying after all! Adam and Ryan agree that they have a better chance at being in the final three if they keep Natalie because Sharon will work with Sheila whereas Natalie will try to get Sheila out. As you know, things change all the time in the house, so who knows what lies in store for the remainder of the week!


Anonymous said...

I don't think things will change. As much as I hate Natalie...Ryan is right...the only chance Ryan has on winning is with Natalie. Adam should be smarter though...he could win against a lot of other people.

Anonymous said...

What a crazy house ! I hated it
in the beginnin......now I can't
miss a show ! Go Sharon or Ryan !
Take it to the limits !

Anonymous said...

I agree. I don't think Shelia can win against anyone but Natalie either.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha - I love this freakin' game! These people are crazy.

Anonymous said...

WOOHOO!!!! go nat!!!!

Anonymous said...

I want Nat to win this game!!! she's the only one who knows whats going on!!!! Nat and Ryan in the finals!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am SO relieved that Nat's alliance is finally pulling through for her; even if it is for selfish reasons. Go Nat!!

Anonymous said...

Maybe Nat can start her own breast milk sales company with the $$ if she wins, not to mention her own porno production co, because God tells her to do things like that. What will she give to Matty with her $$ winnings? She'll be the first to actually pay a guy to give him a bj.

Anonymous said...

I am sick of Natalie, and Adam & Ryan are idiots if they keep her. She's too strong a competitor!!

Anonymous said...

you really need to give up on the breast milk thing! no one really cares if you must know. And if she were to decide on porn.....James and Chelsia would be the best leads!! Nat MAY have blown Matt but Chelsia and James did the deed more than once..so get off your soap box and move on

Anonymous said...

Really, I agree with Anonymous 3:00your just pissed that james and chelsia don't know how to play the game....don't hate Nat cause she knows the game and they didn't

Anonymous said...

My God, if Ryan and Adam keep Nat they will make the biggest mistake in BB history. It's her time to go -- get her out!

Anonymous said...

The only reason I can think of for Ryan to keep Natalie is that it gives him a better chance of winning if they are the final two--who in the jury would vote for Natalie!!!!

Anonymous said...

I love Natalie! I hope she stays! I think Sharon is a complete floater! She doesn't deserve to make it to the end, whereas Natalie has at least won an HOH on her own and been loyal to her team. Even if she said one thing to everyone....HELLO it is called game play!!! Everyone is guilty of that, not just her!!

Anonymous said...

anonymous 3:56 I agree!! Gameplay....it's a word that many of these folks don't understand! Nat is the best!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh well - I was hoping that Natalie got hers, but what can you say?? Men are wimps!

Anonymous said...

I think the lone Nat fan is posting and then posting replies to those posts agreeing with their own posts. Talk about a soapbox!

Anonymous said...

Natalie is the most disgusting human being I've ever seen. Don't call it "the breast milk thing." It's more than that it's "the using your abortion to your advantage either to keep larger natural-looking breast or profiting by self-lactating thing." Just a disgusting human being. And to say that you are a follower of Christ. Unbelievable! Can't wait until she comes home to the Beaver state and is confronted for the rest of her life for the sins she has committed.