Friday, July 25, 2008

7/25 Live Feeds: 1:00-8:00 PM

Angie and Keesha pictured here talking in the HoH bedroom.

It seems that Libra got 2nd in the PoV competition. She complained about getting 2nd in most of the competitions thus far. Jessie wants to be the last person to talk to Keesha before the PoV ceremony. Jessie wants to nominate April and Ollie next week. Michelle agreed. April and Keesha promised to take each other to the finals. April is really sick of Libra and claims that she wants to beat her up. Jerry told Jessie that he is safe this week as along as Jessie keeps his cool.

April and Ollie want to nominate Jessie and Memphis next week. April doesn't like Memphis. The two are thinking about evicting Jessie this week since this would be the perfect opportunity to do so.

Angie told Keesha that she would have nominated April and Libra had she won HoH, not Keesha. Keesha told Angie that she nominated her mainly because she was the only one who didn't talk to her after she won HoH. Angie told Keesha to save Jessie with the PoV so Libra can be backdoored. Keesha said that she nominated Jessie since he nominated Steven. Keesha knows that Libra has been bothering everyone, so she has tried to tell her to calm down.

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