Tuesday, September 4, 2007

9/4 Show Recap

Who will win PoV? Will it be used to save either Jameka or Jessica from eviction? Let's find out!

Jameka thought that Zach made a dumb move by not nominating Daniele and Dick this week and thinks that he is aligned with them this week. Jessica wishes that Zach had left last week now. Eric is upset with himself that he convinced Jessica to get Amber out last week. Jessica thinks it's funny how Zach feels threatened by two girls. Jameka hopes that Eric wins PoV so that Daniele or Dick would be nominated. Zach doesn't feel bad for Jessica since she didn't even talk to him before the nominations ceremony. Daniele is fine with anyone but Eric winning the PoV. Eric feels that every move he makes in the game is wrong. He feels horrible that Jessica is paying for his actions this week. Eric wants to support America by being AP but doesn't want to hurt Jessica in the process. Jessica recalled a story where she told someone that she either wanted to be the President or a waitress when she grows up. Dick then made a comment about waitresses being strippers, and Daniele immediately fights back at him since she is a waitress. Daniele and Dick then fight again. Dick cannot stand the way Daniele treats him and speaks to him. Eric and Jessica agree that even if they don't trust Daniele and Dick, they have to be on their side this week to earn their votes.

Janelle has returned, and it's time for the PoV competition! It's a pink garden! Eric compared Janelle to Miss Piggy, and what do you know? Janelle appears! The HG were thrilled. Daniele and Jessica love Janelle's competitive spirit. Each HG will spin around in a pink chair for 60 seconds before beginning the competition. After spinning, each HG would head to the "Janelleovision" screen to see two HG's faces spinning in a morph. The HG had four minutes to guess as many morphs as possible correctly. Dick flirted like crazy with Janelle, getting Zach jealous. Results: Dick - 4, Zach - 6, Eric - 3, Jameka - 2, Daniele - 7, and Jessica - 4, making Daniele the winner of the PoV!

Daniele and Zach celebrated following her PoV win. Eric is sure that Daniele and Dick will keep their promise and vote Jameka out this week. Jessica was mad at how bad Eric did in the PoV competition. Eric promises that he will not let Jessica leave the house this week. Daniele was disgusted that Janelle told Dick that he was hot. Dick was still starry-eyed from seeing Janelle. Dick thinks that Jameka is pretty positive since she will be evicted this week. Eric is confident that Daniele and Dick are still on his side, but Dick has other plans. Eric says that Zach wants Jameka out this week because he doesn't want to mess with Eric if he gets Jessica out.

America chose DICK for Eric to mimic! Eric was thrilled to finally have some fun in the house. Eric has to mimic Dick on three occasions prior to the PoV ceremony. First, Eric smoked. Dick is flabbergasted but honored that Eric has decided to imitate him. Eric loves to finally get some revenge on Dick for making fun of him in the game. Second, Eric spat. Daniele started to get disgusted. Third, Eric mimicked Dick when Dick started to throw cereal and milk on him. Eric achieved his task! Daniele wants Jameka and Zach to go to the final four with her and Dick since they aren't as good as competitions as Eric and Jessica are. Dick doesn't want to screw Eric and Jessica over but agrees that they might have to this week. Daniele says that if they want to split their alliance with Eric and Jessica, then they need to do it this week.

Time for the PoV ceremony! Daniele has many options and needs to decide which is the best option for her and Dick this week. Jessica would love to be saved so she isn't worrying about the vote this week. Jameka would love for Daniele to use the PoV so that Dick will be backdoored. Eric says that no matter what happens this week, he wants Jameka out of the house. Jameka is grateful that she is still here after giving up five HoH competitions. Jessica says that being nominated for the first time is hard, especially next to Jameka. Daniele says that this has been a season of backdooring, but she decided not to use the PoV this week. Jameka isn't ready to be evicted yet and still has to fight this week. Jessica hopes that she can trust Daniele and Dick this week. Daniele will do what's best for her and Dick this week, even if it means going against Eric and Jessica.

Who will be evicted? How will the double-eviction night turn out? Find out Thursday!


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Anonymous said...

OK, for those of you who say you know from public records that Jess has been married before, you're creepy!!! Have you been accused of being a stalker before? Why would anyone take time out of their life to go digging around in a reality show constentant's personal life? Like I said, you're a creepy stalker!!! Get a real life!

Anonymous said...

I think they said they read it on a web site.

Anonymous said...

I believe that Eric, because he is America's Player, is not allowed to win HOH. He is actually throwing the competetions. I think it the part of the twist that Big Brother has included in 8.

Anonymous said...

ok this is a game you are in it for yourself....why do people keep complaining about "this person lying" or about "this person being a backstabber?" isnt that what you have to do in order to get the prize money???? you have to tell lies and make alliances and then break them in order to stay longer in the game, some of yall just take this game too personal.

i dont think that some people should be so quick to judge dick bc nobody is in the position to look down on another person other than god himself.

nobody is perfect we all have our faults so lets not just bash each houseguest bc if you were in there everyone else would do the same to you.

im tired of hearing about dick being such a bad dad/person, he may have made some mistakes but he really is trying to make it up to dani. as far as his mouth, well we all have a freedom of speech and at least he says what he means (most of the time).

as far as dani and nick well that is her business. she is 20/21 years old so lets not bash her bc she changed up boyfriends or is whiney....im not saying cheatin is right but its her life and she chooses wut she does with it.i think she is a very smart person and has done great in this game.

zach has pretty much stayed out of all the drama and as far as playing in the competitions he has not done as well as some of the other houseguests, which is fine. i beleive that he doesnt need to win just bc he hasnt done much in the game.

jess, she has shown to be a nice and happy girl for most of the show. yeah she did show her true colors on last night show i think it was rude wut she said but all the other houseguests has also said mean things before to. she did pretty good in the competitions and it was smart of her to lay low in the begining with all the drama.

eric is ap. i think he is doing VERY well considering his tasks that are asked of him. like zach he has not done as well in the competitions as the other houseguests. and please quit juding him on his looks....he might be insecure about himself but isnt there something on you that you may be insecure about? how would you feel if someone bashed one of your insecurities?

i believe that jameka is a christian and true about her religious beliefs. but just like any other christian you are going to have sins....god knows that we are perfect. so please quit saying oh that is nice for a christian to say bc NOBODY IS PERFECT OTHER THAN GOD HIMSELF!!!!

all im trying to say is that everyone has faults....everyone is going to tell a lie in the game GET OVER IT!!!! quit pointing the finger saying oh she is a slut, he is an a**, she has a whiney voice, he is a weasel bc unless you are perfect like god then you arent in any position to judge others.

Anonymous said...

sorry i meant to put "god knows that we ARE NOT perfect" on 1:11 commment

Anonymous said...

Dick is a lowlife slob how can people in this country like him he is a f up man. He say's alfull things about women he looks dirty when people leave he never say's good-by and talks s_it. about them.
He looks like he smells like stale p_s_y.

Anonymous said...

get a life 2:06

Anonymous said...

yeah u act like you havent ever done something wrong before....do u think ur perfect or something?

Anonymous said...

anon 1:48 a.m.

You're wrong. CBS did allow an unsuitable person on that we are disgusted to watch...and I hope that they correct their mishaps and NEVER allow such an abusive degenerate to step foot in their show again. They are setting the wrong precedent...for sure.

We are just as entitled to watch this game as the rest of you...Dick only got through this game because America helped him along and there were idiots in the game. Believe me...a different season...with people who have even half a brain...he wouldn't have lasted two weeks.

Anonymous said...

anon 1:48 a.m.

You're wrong. CBS did allow an unsuitable person on that we are disgusted to watch...and I hope that they correct their mishaps and NEVER allow such an abusive degenerate to step foot in their show again. They are setting the wrong precedent...for sure.

We are just as entitled to watch this game as the rest of you...Dick only got through this game because America helped him along and there were idiots in the game. Believe me...a different season...with people who have even half a brain...he wouldn't have lasted two weeks.

Anonymous said...

anon 2:59 wut do u mean by america helped him along? just curious, i didnt know that he got helped by them....hmmm

Anonymous said...

2:06 that is sad that you know wut stale p_s_y smells like HAHA

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think Dani and Dick are auful, Eric is a whimp and a terrible player , Jessica or Jameka should win...but how dumb of Jameka to give up five attempts at HoH Duh~~and I do agree that Jessica was dumb to let Eric persuade her to let Dani and Dick stay last week ......but sheesh who said people on big brother are smart anyway?

Y durham said...

I really hope the double eviction results in the eviction of one of the Danato's they have gotten a little too cocky and way too confident for my taste; they are really showing their true "color". Damn, we know Zach is a straight up racist, but Danielle and Dick have made some nasty, underdelying comments about Jameka. They're late night comments are getting a little offensive and if one of them dosen't leave, I swear a lot of viewers will! I will see to that.

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