Daniele and Dick are the final two of BB8! How will they celebrate? Here's the evening events from inside the BB house!
The feeds didn't return until about 7:50 PM following the live show. BB gave the HG champagne. Dick can't believe that the show is coming to an end. Daniele thinks that Jen has been praying every day that Daniele would be the next juror. Dick isn't even nervous about the jury questioning since they have already won the game. Daniele wants some banner planes to fly over the house during the next few days. Daniele is not looking forward to being deathly bored over the last week.
Daniele thinks that Eric's jury question will be vicious since he likes to talk, which is why he got on the show. Daniele thinks that Dick will be questioned about his verbal attacks. Dick says that Zach is stubborn and that he will never admit that people pulled him along in the game. Daniele went to bed at around 1:30 AM, but Dick has remained awake and is still up now.
That does it for the evening! Expect today to be extremely boring as the jury questioning isn't until Saturday.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 394 of 394Does Daniele like anything or anybody in life? She is such a negative person, Jen was right about that.
It's obvious that Dick never did grow up. He's a freak, and his name truly fits him.
It was very disturbing listening to him the other night calling Zach all kinds of names during the live version of the competition on Sho2. It went on for hours.
I will not watch the final show, too sickening.
how sweet would it be if all the jury house refused to vote either one of them winners!!!!
I would love to see Daniele win and NOT split the cash with Dick. Talk about the best ending the show could have. That selfish, whiny brat would show her father what she really thought about him (and said about him in the DR). She used him the whole game to do her dirty work. And Dick would see what a GREAT job he has done in the real world. No matter what he did in BB8, he's still a crappy father in real life.
Why don't all those people out there that has been dogging D&D, just admit the better two won, Have waited for eight years for BB to get it right, now that a team came in and dominated from the beginning to the end, everyone wants to call them whiners or make up some ridiculous story about the two of them, get over it, your people lost!
what if..."america's player" was in fact "CBS's" player...?
They aren't aloud to split the cash, supposedly but being Family, I don't think they could stop it if they wanted to.
I think that Danielle played a great game. I think Dick crossed too many lines. He attacked people to the point of abuse!!! I will be amazed if he doesn't see that he went too far when he sees what america saw. Plus it's always fun to vote for the under dog!!:0)
yea, jury house losers refusing to vote!! What a joke, they won about a total of 5 competitions between them all where D&D won about 12 combined and placed 2nd in 6 others. Idiots are in jury house. Game ISN'T about who's the nicest or sweetest. It's about who competes and WINS. None of them could come close to doing that. END OF STORY.
The final TWIST needs to be daniel winning and then being told that although she gets the title of winner of season 8, she is ineligible for the prize money as per her contract. Immediately thereafter, police should handcuff dick and put him where he belongs, away from society. That is the only way that cbs and the LA DA can redeem themselves at this point.
If this happened it would be the best season ever!
Any competition is not only physical but mental as well. Tired of hearing all the losers talk about "crossing the line" and "negative remarks", etc. Any and all sports (professionals more so than anyone)play the mental game. Most of it is called "Trash Talking". So for all you out there that think such things are outrageous, wake up and welcome to the world of competition.
Anonymous said...
The final TWIST needs to be daniel winning and then being told that although she gets the title of winner of season 8, she is ineligible for the prize money as per her contract. Immediately thereafter, police should handcuff dick and put him where he belongs, away from society. That is the only way that cbs and the LA DA can redeem themselves at this point.
If this happened it would be the best season ever!
September 14, 2007 2:02 PM
I agree...most disgusting and offensive season in BB history. shame on cbs
Anonymous said...
Any competition is not only physical but mental as well. Tired of hearing all the losers talk about "crossing the line" and "negative remarks", etc. Any and all sports (professionals more so than anyone)play the mental game. Most of it is called "Trash Talking". So for all you out there that think such things are outrageous, wake up and welcome to the world of competition.
what blog are you reading? The facts are that Daniel was not eligible to play as per contract and Dick broke the law, as per LA and CA statutes.
I don't think CBS is worried about having to "redeem themselves". This season of BB was their highest rated ever as Julie Chen mentionwed on talk show the other day. You'll be back watching next year just like all the other cry babies. If you want rainbow, unicorns and happy endings go watch Full House and Brady Bunh reruns. It seems to suit those best who are some how annoyed that there are actually people in the world who act like this. It's what makes the world go round. Stop hatin' on the winners.
You just can't take the trailor park trash out of some people. Dick the freak and bone face Daniele are the perfect example.
Why did he have to be soooo nasty and mean, it was abusive.
I hope he buys new cloths with the money. He dresses like he works in a bowling alley.
Anonymous said...
Any competition is not only physical but mental as well. Tired of hearing all the losers talk about "crossing the line" and "negative remarks", etc. Any and all sports (professionals more so than anyone)play the mental game. Most of it is called "Trash Talking". So for all you out there that think such things are outrageous, wake up and welcome to the world of competition.
September 14, 2007 2:06 PM
Condoning such behavior doesn't make it right....remember the old addage....two wrongs don't make a right?....And it is a sad commentary that we all should just just lay down and shut up when others are being humiliated and abused. Is that what we should be doing?? Yikes...what is this world coming to?
Anonymous said...
I don't think CBS is worried about having to "redeem themselves". This season of BB was their highest rated ever as Julie Chen mentionwed on talk show the other day. You'll be back watching next year just like all the other cry babies. If you want rainbow, unicorns and happy endings go watch Full House and Brady Bunh reruns. It seems to suit those best who are some how annoyed that there are actually people in the world who act like this. It's what makes the world go round. Stop hatin' on the winners.
she wouldn't announce that it was the WORSE season EVER now would she??? you're ridiculouS!
"Disgusting", "offensive" oh my!! Welcome to Reality TV people. There is a reason its called that. Turn the friggin channel if your so damn disgusted. You're a BBRN which is BIG BROTHER RUBBER NECKER. Just like a bad car accident on the side of the road, you slow down to peek at whats going on while holding the others up. GET OUT OF THE WAY AND GO WATCH "THE VIEW". You'll obviously feel better about the world around you if you do so.
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Any competition is not only physical but mental as well. Tired of hearing all the losers talk about "crossing the line" and "negative remarks", etc. Any and all sports (professionals more so than anyone)play the mental game. Most of it is called "Trash Talking". So for all you out there that think such things are outrageous, wake up and welcome to the world of competition.
what blog are you reading? The facts are that Daniel was not eligible to play as per contract and Dick broke the law, as per LA and CA statutes.
September 14, 2007 2:07 PM
D&D supporters will believe what they want. he should be finding himself a lawyer and she should be disqualified.
Much as hockey players CAN be and HAVE been charged with assault for fighting during a game, Dick should be prosecuted for his physical assaults on Jen. What makes this truly important is that we as a society cannot allow an entire generation to be led to believe that woman-abuse goes unpunished. This is why it is a very big deal, much more so than someone pouring juice on someone off camera. Humanity is at a crossroads--if we as a society choose not to prosecute ED, we are de facto condoning, and indeed encouraging, the physical abuse of women. This is an objective fact, all opinions aside.
Anonymous said...
"Disgusting", "offensive" oh my!! Welcome to Reality TV people. There is a reason its called that. Turn the friggin channel if your so damn disgusted. You're a BBRN which is BIG BROTHER RUBBER NECKER. Just like a bad car accident on the side of the road, you slow down to peek at whats going on while holding the others up. GET OUT OF THE WAY AND GO WATCH "THE VIEW". You'll obviously feel better about the world around you if you do so.
September 14, 2007 2:13 PM
Bet you think kicking dogs and beating up the elderly is okay too.
she doesn't have to "announce it" idiot. The ratings speak for themselves its called Nielson Ratings dumbass. Yea, I know, they were involved in the fix too. Go to the jury house and hang out with the likes of Self-absorbed Dustin, Beverly hills snob Jen, and ex-crackhead thinks she's a model Wamber. Their just wonderful people themselves.
i like D&D. what i dont care for is the obvious favoritism they received from BB/CBS. I know its a business and they can and will do what they have to to get ratings.
but i enjoyed the show more when i didnt know it was rigged.
dick's coded letters, his abusive behavior, rape comments, the blue ball.
yes the season was entertaining, i just would like it more if they had won without so much help.
i dont blame d&d. hey thats a lot of money to be handed.
No, but I know its the real world around us and you deal with it. I don't sit in a corner or watch TV and pretend its something different.
Anon 1:38 PM
couldn't agree more.
Anonymous said...
she doesn't have to "announce it" idiot. The ratings speak for themselves its called Nielson Ratings dumbass. Yea, I know, they were involved in the fix too. Go to the jury house and hang out with the likes of Self-absorbed Dustin, Beverly hills snob Jen, and ex-crackhead thinks she's a model Wamber. Their just wonderful people themselves.
September 14, 2007 2:18 PM
this is all true, the jury members are mostly amoral wastes themselves (eric is by far the most evil person to ever be depicted on television), but none of them broke the law. Dick committed assault, and TECHNICALLY Daniel could even be charged with fraud for signing her application. These are facts people. It is embarassing that actual CRIMES would be overlooked by society.
oh my gosh, people talking nasty to others, YIKES!!! Armageddon is coming. Get a life and move on to something else besides crying over your spilled milk. The others were absolutely pathetic in competitions. Case closed.
cbs reserves the right to change the rules... who cares how old dani is/was?
Anonymous said...
oh my gosh, people talking nasty to others, YIKES!!! Armageddon is coming. Get a life and move on to something else besides crying over your spilled milk. The others were absolutely pathetic in competitions. Case closed.
September 14, 2007 2:22 PM
okay, your point is proven, you ARE the least intelligent human to ever exist.
no one is complaining about nasty talk. the complaint is that individuals that BROKE OFFICIAL LAWS are getting away with it. idiot.
Anonymous said...
cbs reserves the right to change the rules... who cares how old dani is/was?
September 14, 2007 2:22 PM
But when Dani signed the contract, the rules were as stated in black and white. Therefore, she did, in fact, break a law by committing fraud. CBS does not reserve the right to change laws. Get a brain cell...
yea, just like Dick was getting penalty points, blah, blah ,blah, now Daniele is getting nabbed for fraud and Dick for assault. Let it go. You'll sleep much easier. Are you the same person who spilled McDonald's coffee on yourself and sued? Talk about a lame society. THE OTHERS LOST. NOT EVEN CLOSE. Dustin 1 total win, Wamber 0 total wins, Jameka 1 total win, Jen 2, Jessica 2. Total them up and they don't come close to just Daniele let alone Dick too. They got totally outplayed by a very young girl and an old wanna be rocker. No other way around it. They didn't come close now there all making excuses as to why. As the old saying goes "Excuses are for Losers"
no ididots are crying because a 20 year old won. BOO HOO. Should make the other "grown ups" feel even worse.
Does anyone else notice how not a single comment written by a D n D supporter has demonstrated even an ounce of intelligence? I suppose simpletons will cheer on simpletons.
YA BABY!!!!!! The Donato's pulled it off. Well they can say that Dani pulled Dick threw the game. But Dick pulled it off and is draging Danni to the Final TWO!! I can't believe it! I am so happy. I really hope that Dick wins. I just think he will be more giving and he does have a son at home. I think Danni will be greedy!
but i doubt she lied about her age. im sure they said "20 yrs old... hmmmm... but check out who her dad is. ok she's in"
Anonymous said...
she doesn't have to "announce it" idiot. The ratings speak for themselves its called Nielson Ratings dumbass. Yea, I know, they were involved in the fix too. Go to the jury house and hang out with the likes of Self-absorbed Dustin, Beverly hills snob Jen, and ex-crackhead thinks she's a model Wamber. Their just wonderful people themselves.
September 14, 2007 2:18 PM
what do you say to such a classy remark.
Are you the same person who spilled McDonald's coffee on yourself and sued?
Comparing a frivolous law suit to an assault against a woman is really sick. Thank you for outing yourself as a rapist...
I really do not think at the finale they will have Dani's boyfriend. I think it will be her Grandma and Nick. Or someone else. I think her boyfriend is DONE with her! That is why Nick was at power of 10 and not her boyfriend. I am sure that is REALLY why she cried when she found out who was there. Because she knew she blew it.
Anonymous said...
Does anyone else notice how not a single comment written by a D n D supporter has demonstrated even an ounce of intelligence? I suppose simpletons will cheer on simpletons.
September 14, 2007 2:27 PM
does anyone notice how some people can only comment on things they know nothing about? specious people will be specious
Speaking of Simpletons. Go watch Full House, it will have the happy ending you must certainly crave for in every show you watch. Unfortunately, that doesn't happen in Reality TV.
anon 2:27 PM
couldn't have been stated more perfectly
does anyone notice how some people can only comment on things they know nothing about? specious people will be specious
September 14, 2007 2:32 PM
Nope, but thank you for strengthening the argument that not a single D and D supporter has made a single intelligent comment.
Nope, but thank you for strengthening the argument that not a single D and D supporter has made a single intelligent comment.
September 14, 2007 2:34 PM
LOL, seriously all you Dick-suckers, it is so kind of you to display your stupidity so proudly!
OH NO! You all need help. DICK AND DANNI WON!! It does not matter all you crap about how old she is. You must make stuff up just to have some thing to complain about. It does not effect you! SO shut it. It is old now. It has been weeks of none stop excuses. Get over they won. You can not change it.
so many out there living such sheltered lives. Ice tea on your head. Oh my. its assault!!. Please. Try doing something more about crimes in general than something so pathetic happenig on a TV show.
Anonymous said...
so many out there living such sheltered lives. Ice tea on your head. Oh my. its assault!!. Please. Try doing something more about crimes in general than something so pathetic happenig on a TV show.
September 14, 2007 2:36 PM
Spoken like a true rapist.
D&D win!
You lose...
Intelligent enough for you?
Anonymous said...
I really do not think at the finale they will have Dani's boyfriend. I think it will be her Grandma and Nick. Or someone else. I think her boyfriend is DONE with her! That is why Nick was at power of 10 and not her boyfriend. I am sure that is REALLY why she cried when she found out who was there. Because she knew she blew it.
September 14, 2007 2:31 PM
Once she became "infatuated" by Nick (because that is all that it is for the both of them) she never turned back and kicked her boyfriend to the curb, so to speak, never once feeling a bit of remorse.
Latest Rumor..... Evel Dick is being cast as Mr. Brady in new feature film of Brady Bunch. Now that's entertainment. Let's see Greg pull that Johnny Bravo crap now.
D&D win!
You lose...
Intelligent enough for you?
September 14, 2007 2:37 PM
intelligent enough for community college. LOL.
now people are rapist for rooting for D&D. What a friggin loser. Oh shit, are you placing a lwasuit against me now for calling you a loser? Plus, I said shit. Oh shoot.
Anonymous said...
does anyone notice how some people can only comment on things they know nothing about? specious people will be specious
September 14, 2007 2:32 PM
Nope, but thank you for strengthening the argument that not a single D and D supporter has made a single intelligent comment.
September 14, 2007 2:34 PM
love it...case is closed
intelligent enough for community college. LOL.
actually thats grade school moron
Try doing something more about crimes in general than something so pathetic happenig on a TV show.
September 14, 2007 2:36 PM
This comment explains perfectly why you will never amount to more than a second-class citizen. Do you want fries with that?
Wow you are all nuts. Please sign up for BB9! I would love to see how well you do!
Anonymous said...
D&D win!
You lose...
Intelligent enough for you?
September 14, 2007 2:37 PM
intelligent enough for community college. LOL.
September 14, 2007 2:38 PM
this stuff gets funnier and funnier; better than the game itself.
The reason that supporting Dick is, objectively, support of rape is that what he did is not far short of rape. He sent a message to society that women should be domineered over and that such behaviour should be accepted by society. Those who support the continued presence of such an individual in society de facto support and encourage the rape of women. This is a fact. you can state opinions all day long--not a single one of you have argued against the facts that ED is a woman-abuser. Are you sufficiently educated now?
at least any D&D responses have some character to it. I much rather be around that than the bland, lawsuit conspiracy seeking losers that are abound. Your all just like Dustin, self-absorbed and thinking you're so much better than those around. Guess from our viewpoint, you made our argument concerning your pathetic ways. Thanks, CASE CLOSED AGAIN!!
at least any D&D responses have some character to it. I much rather be around that than the bland, lawsuit conspiracy seeking losers that are abound. Your all just like Dustin, self-absorbed and thinking you're so much better than those around. Guess from our viewpoint, you made our argument concerning your pathetic ways. Thanks, CASE CLOSED AGAIN!!
thank you again for strengthening the arguments against you.
maybe we should lock dick up for rape just to please these people. Or execute him... we cant risk having him on the streets!
Anonymous said...
at least any D&D responses have some character to it. I much rather be around that than the bland, lawsuit conspiracy seeking losers that are abound. Your all just like Dustin, self-absorbed and thinking you're so much better than those around. Guess from our viewpoint, you made our argument concerning your pathetic ways. Thanks, CASE CLOSED AGAIN!!
check it out ladies and gentleman: the next individual to be featured on "to catch a predator".
Anonymous said...
No, but I know its the real world around us and you deal with it. I don't sit in a corner or watch TV and pretend its something different.
September 14, 2007 2:19 PM
guess we all have different life experiences and we should all agree to disagree.
society! band together! dick will be the downfall of mankind! take heed!
Guess the sodomiser of men, Dustin is a much better example of a huma being huh? Or Wamber, the feeble-minded crackhead. Oh wait, the snobby Beverly Hills nanny is much better person. She takes her on mothers pic of wall. Such swell and wonderful people. The fact is, its all what makes the world go round. No one is the same and all have there own way of living and getting by. If it doesn't suit your way, then so be it. Does that make you so much better. Stop casting stones as none of us truly know any of these people other than what you see on TV. If you think you do, then your wasting your time and life worrying about others way too much that have no affect on your life what so ever.
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
people and their "Daniele envy" kill me.
September 14, 2007 7:25 AM
Envy of what? Maybe a woman has envy of her physical beauty but there is nothing from a game standpoint to envy. Her dad did all the dirty work to save her including the finale which is the only competition that matters if she wants $500,000. Envy? uh--NO
September 14, 2007 7:54 AM
exactly right. why would it mean that we envy whaniele? we can speak our minds and have our opinions without being ENVIOUS of an immature 21 year old!!!
Anonymous said...
Guess the sodomiser of men, Dustin is a much better example of a huma being huh? Or Wamber, the feeble-minded crackhead. Oh wait, the snobby Beverly Hills nanny is much better person. She takes her on mothers pic of wall. Such swell and wonderful people. The fact is, its all what makes the world go round. No one is the same and all have there own way of living and getting by. If it doesn't suit your way, then so be it. Does that make you so much better. Stop casting stones as none of us truly know any of these people other than what you see on TV. If you think you do, then your wasting your time and life worrying about others way too much that have no affect on your life what so ever.
September 14, 2007 2:49 PM
why would you need to degrade the people above to make your point? not nice.
why would you need to degrade the people above to make your point? not nice.
September 14, 2007 2:54 PM
the funny thing is, no point was even made. just more support of the notion that supporters of d and d are criminals themselves.
Anonymous said...
intelligent enough for community college. LOL.
actually thats grade school moron
September 14, 2007 2:40 PM
did this person just diss their original post? think sooooo!
what's funnier is that the coursework at many grade schools is far tougher than community college. Take an honor student form CC and put him in a 6th grade math class at Winchester--failure is certain.
not dissin' my post. just having fun with the sore losers complaining about a television show. who really cares honestly. in my opinion, D&D were the most captivating... good or bad. they were given the edge in the game and won.
a lot of you comment on the low intell. of d&d fans. id be willing to bet this d&d fan is more intelligent than most of you haters.
thats all
talk about nose up in the air, "JEN"
Anonymous said...
what's funnier is that the coursework at many grade schools is far tougher than community college. Take an honor student form CC and put him in a 6th grade math class at Winchester--failure is certain.
September 14, 2007 3:00 PM
take most americans and put them in a 6th grade math class and failure is certain
People...GROW UP!!
I just finished reading these posts, and once again, I am amazed how so many people here are so perfect! (sarcasm)
My one observance, is how there are so many people that moan, bitch, complain, swear, etc. about how terrible of winners that the Dons' are.
Then you are quick to put down every quirk they have.
Were any of you ever taught about being a sore loser?
Yeah, we all rooted for who we rooted for, but because your choice didn't win, you have to put them down?
Why can't you just accept that they won!
I am sure a lot of bashing will come my way for this, but good grief people, GROW UP!
Anonymous said...
not dissin' my post. just having fun with the sore losers complaining about a television show. who really cares honestly. in my opinion, D&D were the most captivating... good or bad. they were given the edge in the game and won.
a lot of you comment on the low intell. of d&d fans. id be willing to bet this d&d fan is more intelligent than most of you haters.
thats all
September 14, 2007 3:01 PM
and the facts:
-you did "diss" your own post.
-you are not having fun
-D and D were not captivating
-you would certainly lose that bet. where is your MD from? Your PhD? Yes, I do have both. Cheers.
and the facts:
-you did "diss" your own post.
-you are not having fun
-D and D were not captivating
-you would certainly lose that bet. where is your MD from? Your PhD? Yes, I do have both. Cheers.
September 14, 2007 3:05 PM
MIT bitch! cheers
why is it that people on here comment about others thinking that they are "better" than anyone else? it has nothing to do with feeling above anyone else. feelings about dick are coming down to the fact that abusive behavior is abusive behavior. there is no place for it in society or on a game show. i would hope than NO ONE supports abusive behavior in any way, shape or form.
Anonymous said...
why is it that people on here comment about others thinking that they are "better" than anyone else? it has nothing to do with feeling above anyone else. feelings about dick are coming down to the fact that abusive behavior is abusive behavior. there is no place for it in society or on a game show. i would hope than NO ONE supports abusive behavior in any way, shape or form.
September 14, 2007 3:09 PM
i support only in shape... sorry :)
I don't think ANY of us would seem that sweet if we had cameras covering our every move. None of us are perfect and probably acted childish and self-centered at Dani's age. Being a parent, I thought the lengths that Dick went for her were heart warming. I wish Zach could have got something for his endurance in the first comp. He deserves it. But, I am glad that Dani and her dad are close again and hope it continues.
so Eric doesn't get to vote now
he deserves another shot on a future BB
this isn't american idol or dancing with the stars
get rid of this AP for good
it's simply not fair to the contestants. i.e., sanjaya
BB should do a BB8 redo without AP
it should include everyone except the eventual winner.
Eric deserves nothing. He gets 40k for manipulating Jessica. Now the only thing he deserves is to be castrated.
I agree that eric is evil. Jess should cut it off herself.
Anonymous said...
I don't think ANY of us would seem that sweet if we had cameras covering our every move. None of us are perfect and probably acted childish and self-centered at Dani's age. Being a parent, I thought the lengths that Dick went for her were heart warming. I wish Zach could have got something for his endurance in the first comp. He deserves it. But, I am glad that Dani and her dad are close again and hope it continues.
September 14, 2007 3:15 PM
he could have done it in a more respectful way.
as a parent, would you have not been horrified if one of your children were on the other end of one of his abusive rants? i don't think that it would be feeling very "heart warming" to you if his attacks were being played out against one of your own. these people whom he attacked are someone's daughter, mother, niece, nephew, aunt, uncle. not so heartwarming for their family members. don't make it out to be so "honorable". there was nothing honorable about it.
Anonymous said...
BB should do a BB8 redo without AP
it should include everyone except the eventual winner.
September 14, 2007 3:24 PM
i agree....and since it will be both dick and daniele as they are splitting the pot...they should not be included. cbs should repay these people for the time wasted in that house.
I can't wait to see Daniele face when Dick wins the money......she will be so mad at him.
id like to see d&d again against 6 other pairs. no AP. see if they could pull it off again/or fail miserably. no desire to see amber or dustin again
Anonymous said...
so Eric doesn't get to vote now
he deserves another shot on a future BB
this isn't american idol or dancing with the stars
get rid of this AP for good
it's simply not fair to the contestants. i.e., sanjaya
September 14, 2007 3:22 PM
Eric deserves nothing !! he agreed to do what hwas asked of him.
okay, my second rant:
The Americas Choice.
I think it was a good twist.
(stop swearing everyone!)
Here is my opinion:
So many people seem to "think" that the AC played a huge part in the Dons' making it to the final.
Answer me this? We (AC) were able to watch EVERYTHING, Eric, didn't have that option. So, if "America" hated the Dons' so bad, why were they never targeted for eviction?
(except the double eviction night, but, do you HONESTLY think that Dick, based on Erics opinion, was going to put Dani up this far?)
"Eric didn't have a chance to play his game and therefore it was unfair."
my reply:
Eric didn't walk away empty handed. He got compensated. Yes, he did have to campaign for America, but there were sooo many other instances where this mole did his fair share of playing, and deceiving.
I would be surprised if Danielle DOESN'T win.
Daniel winning will be good, cause she can't get any money. Dick winning would be better because it would be great to see Skelewhore's bratty reaction.
HA HA! "Skelewhore!" I love it!
Anonymous said...
Daniel winning will be good, cause she can't get any money. Dick winning would be better because it would be great to see Skelewhore's bratty reaction.
September 14, 2007 3:38 PM
Aside from the absurdness of this comment (theyre both gonna get money), a lot of you jump all over dick's abuse to women. listen to this meathead. degrading women...especially those with eating disorders.
Daniel penned her own reputation as a prostitute.
Not all women with eating disorders look like skeletor and are simultaneously in the "oldest profession." Your statement that calling Dani Skelewhore is degrading to women is completely unfounded.
True. Danielle is a really REALLY ugly whore.
Dick physically abused a woman, twice, on air. What's worse: people with feeble minds are accepting of this behavior.
well... call her a whore if you feel its valid. but why make fun of her thinness? most of america could take a lesson from her about not being fat. or the flip side, she needs help with an eating disorder
How will they vote?
My opinion:
Dustin / Dani (obvious reasons)
Amber / Dani (
Jameka / Dani
Jen / Dick (I think she is attracted to him.
Zach / Dani (he loved the attention he was getting from her. All she had to do was talk to him while in a bikini, she could have probably taken over his business
Jess / Dani. Too bad Jess didn't listen to them when the Dons' tried to tell her about Eric.
Eric / I have a feeling that the AC will go to Dick.
Dick lives in LA. 500k isn't even enough for a down payment on a decent house. The 250k that he'll actually get at the end will be blown in a few nights, with zero to show for it.
Nice car, no gas.
Anonymous said...
well... call her a whore if you feel its valid. but why make fun of her thinness? most of america could take a lesson from her about not being fat. or the flip side, she needs help with an eating disorder
September 14, 2007 3:52 PM
It's not her thinness that people are commenting on; it is her grotesque face. Obviously the only people worth looking at are skinny people. Duh.
Anonymous said...
well... call her a whore if you feel its valid.
Valid? We are talking about dictionary definitions here, sweetheart. Daniel, did, in fact, get in bed with a man for the POTENTIAL to get money. So really, maybe whore is inappropriate. Does cum-gobbling gutter slut make you feel better?
Cum gobbling gutter slut works for me!!! LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So how long before the live feed turns into incest porn?
Anonymous said...
So how long before the live feed turns into incest porn?
September 14, 2007 3:59 PM
I thought it already had. Have you not noticed how Daniel straddles her dad and humps everytime one of them wins a contest? Very creepy....
Why all the hating on the Donatos - both here and on other sites? I LOVED their partnership, though I found Danielle to be a spoiled whiner. But Evel Dick? Dear lord, he was fantastic. He is the most colorful character, both literally and figuratively, ever to enter the BB house. Yes, he is crass. Yes, he could be disgusting with his spitting and belching. But he is smart, clever, and a mastermind at strategy. He didn't lie - he told it like it was. He also clearly loves his daughter, and desperately wants to be in her life. I so much prefer that sort to the self righteous "Christians" who pull the Lord out at their convenience to berate the "bad people" in the house, then turn around and call someone's mother a bitch. What hypocrits. Amber invoking god's name on The Power of 10 was nothing less than blasphemy. Zach's born-again epiphany in the last week was laughable in its transparancy, and I can guarantee it went out the door as soon as he did. Thank god the Donato's are taking it all. I could not have stomached one of the other clueless idiots going home with $500K.
On, Amber & Jameka? Where is your God now? You both were so certain he wanted a "good" person to win. Could it be that God's definition of a "good" person is quite different from yours?
Maryesq said...
Why all the hating on the Donatos - both here and on other sites? I LOVED their partnership, though I found Danielle to be a spoiled whiner. But Evel Dick? Dear lord, he was fantastic. He is the most colorful character, both literally and figuratively, ever to enter the BB house. Yes, he is crass. Yes, he could be disgusting with his spitting and belching. But he is smart, clever, and a mastermind at strategy. He didn't lie - he told it like it was. He also clearly loves his daughter, and desperately wants to be in her life. I so much prefer that sort to the self righteous "Christians" who pull the Lord out at their convenience to berate the "bad people" in the house, then turn around and call someone's mother a bitch. What hypocrits. Amber invoking god's name on The Power of 10 was nothing less than blasphemy. Zach's born-again epiphany in the last week was laughable in its transparancy, and I can guarantee it went out the door as soon as he did. Thank god the Donato's are taking it all. I could not have stomached one of the other clueless idiots going home with $500K.
On, Amber & Jameka? Where is your God now? You both were so certain he wanted a "good" person to win. Could it be that God's definition of a "good" person is quite different from yours?
September 14, 2007 4:00 PM
Self-absorbed and clueless. Thanks for posting.
You wrote:
Valid? We are talking about dictionary definitions here, sweetheart. Daniel, did, in fact, get in bed with a man for the POTENTIAL to get money.
But then again, maybe she got into bed with him, because, um,
she liked him?
Explain Jess and Eric then? In your mind these two are clean and innocent, I bet.
ok but what about nick? or jessica? or eric then
nick is a man-whore?!
Eric is worst of all, you fucking moron. Read!
Anonymous said...
I can't wait to see Daniele face when Dick wins the money......she will be so mad at him.
September 14, 2007 3:32 PM
oh no...she'll be calling him the best daddy a girl has EVER had!
I allow my 11 yr old daughter on here to read this thread and you immature people start swearing and acting younger than her. Shame on all of you. It's pretty sad an 11 year old girl who loves Big Brother can't go into a blog without juvenile adults ruining it.
You wrote:
Anonymous said...
Maryesq said...
Why all the hating on the Donatos - both here and on other sites? I LOVED their partnership, though I found Danielle to be a spoiled whiner. But Evel Dick? Dear lord, he was fantastic. He is the most colorful character, both literally and figuratively, ever to enter the BB house. Yes, he is crass. Yes, he could be disgusting with his spitting and belching. But he is smart, clever, and a mastermind at strategy. He didn't lie - he told it like it was. He also clearly loves his daughter, and desperately wants to be in her life. I so much prefer that sort to the self righteous "Christians" who pull the Lord out at their convenience to berate the "bad people" in the house, then turn around and call someone's mother a bitch. What hypocrits. Amber invoking god's name on The Power of 10 was nothing less than blasphemy. Zach's born-again epiphany in the last week was laughable in its transparancy, and I can guarantee it went out the door as soon as he did. Thank god the Donato's are taking it all. I could not have stomached one of the other clueless idiots going home with $500K.
On, Amber & Jameka? Where is your God now? You both were so certain he wanted a "good" person to win. Could it be that God's definition of a "good" person is quite different from yours?
you know whats written here! why would you let your daughter read? sounds like youre a worse parent than dick!
People talk about Dick and Dani but if you read all the blogs you see that some of them worst the ED.
Hope they can all live with themselves there are really some sick people out there
September 14, 2007 4:03 PM
Incorrect. See above.
Anonymous said...
Maryesq said...
Why all the hating on the Donatos - both here and on other sites? I LOVED their partnership, though I found Danielle to be a spoiled whiner. But Evel Dick? Dear lord, he was fantastic. He is the most colorful character, both literally and figuratively, ever to enter the BB house. Yes, he is crass. Yes, he could be disgusting with his spitting and belching. But he is smart, clever, and a mastermind at strategy. He didn't lie - he told it like it was. He also clearly loves his daughter, and desperately wants to be in her life. I so much prefer that sort to the self righteous "Christians" who pull the Lord out at their convenience to berate the "bad people" in the house, then turn around and call someone's mother a bitch. What hypocrits. Amber invoking god's name on The Power of 10 was nothing less than blasphemy. Zach's born-again epiphany in the last week was laughable in its transparancy, and I can guarantee it went out the door as soon as he did. Thank god the Donato's are taking it all. I could not have stomached one of the other clueless idiots going home with $500K.
On, Amber & Jameka? Where is your God now? You both were so certain he wanted a "good" person to win. Could it be that God's definition of a "good" person is quite different from yours?
September 14, 2007 4:00 PM
what drugs are you taking?
Anonymous said...
you know whats written here! why would you let your daughter read? sounds like youre a worse parent than dick!
September 14, 2007 4:04 PM
Yes, it is absolutely terrifying that a parent would let an 11 year old on the internet unsupervised. That 11 year old WILL be the victim of an online predator, that is an absolute fact.
Anonymous said...
you know whats written here! why would you let your daughter read? sounds like youre a worse parent than dick!
September 14, 2007 4:04 PM
UH-NO I DIDN'T KNOW what was written on here. She asked if she could read a blog about Big Brother and all she got was profanity/racial and gender attack posts and other awful things. Where are the morals?
Anonymous said...
I allow my 11 yr old daughter on here to read this thread and you immature people start swearing and acting younger than her. Shame on all of you. It's pretty sad an 11 year old girl who loves Big Brother can't go into a blog without juvenile adults ruining it.
September 14, 2007 4:03 PM
ding dong...social services here
Yes, it is absolutely terrifying that a parent would let an 11 year old on the internet unsupervised. That 11 year old WILL be the victim of an online predator, that is an absolute fact.
September 14, 2007 4:06 PM
UNSUPERVISED- I caught it in like 3 minutes? If she was UNSUPERVISED I wouldn't be writing to you now GENIUS!! Grow up!
Where are the morals?
September 14, 2007 4:06 PM
you tell me. You are the one with zero regard for your child's well-being.
You know what happens to 11 year old girls who are allowed on the internet........tisk tisk tisk....
ding dong...social services here
September 14, 2007 4:07 PM
Are you saying you are in a blog that should be reported to Social Services? You must be a "class act"
September 14, 2007 4:06 PM
UNSUPERVISED- I caught it in like 3 minutes? If she was UNSUPERVISED I wouldn't be writing to you now GENIUS!! Grow up!
September 14, 2007 4:07 PM
Supervised means you read the content first. What you are doing is classified as child-abuse.
What a bunch of ASSHOLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Supervised means you read the content first. What you are doing is classified as child-abuse.
September 14, 2007 4:09 PM
Is that your definition Mr. Happy? Please tell me more and I will grab a pen. You are sooo smart. Thanks.
The mother letting her daughter on the internet to be raped by a predator is the one who needs social services called on her. What an unfit parent...
Who the HELL lets their 11 year old surf the net?
What a bunch of ASSHOLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous said...
The mother letting her daughter on the internet to be raped by a predator is the one who needs social services called on her. What an unfit parent...
September 14, 2007 4:10 PM
this place is starting to suck to many ASSHOLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To the site administrator:
Please track down the IP address of the unfit mother and report to authorities. Arguing over bb8 is innocent--a child's wellfare being compromised is no joke.
Much as hockey players CAN be and HAVE been charged with assault for fighting during a game, Dick should be prosecuted for his physical assaults on Jen. What makes this truly important is that we as a society cannot allow an entire generation to be led to believe that woman-abuse goes unpunished. This is why it is a very big deal, much more so than someone pouring juice on someone off camera. Humanity is at a crossroads--if we as a society choose not to prosecute ED, we are de facto condoning, and indeed encouraging, the physical abuse of women. This is an objective fact, all opinions aside.
Say what?
are you like absolutley high? Never once did Dick physically abuse anyone in the house, his mouth yes was pretty intense, but then again, it was part of his strategy, And oh yeah, it worked, maybe he was trying to get someone to get physical with him so they would be booted, all I have to say is the he knew what nerves to hit, and it worked.
Anonymous said...
Who the HELL lets their 11 year old surf the net?
September 14, 2007 4:10 PM
According to yahoo surveys over 25 million age 10-12 are on the net. I didn't think "big Brother" was that inappropriate there is not an AGE warning on the site.
You wrote:
Incorrect. See above.
Another fine example of a self centered reply.
Its "your way" or no way.
the original poster steps up to tell it like it is. Pretty self righteous when you think that because they are stating their opinion, they are incorrect.
I think it was right on the money. You are entitled to your opinions, but who made you judge over others opinions?
hey einstein, pouring tea over someones head is assault--check the CA statutes. Burning someone with a cigarette is as well...
The facts are that Daniel was not eligible to play as per contract and Dick broke the law, as per LA and CA statutes
What laws were broken?
Anonymous said...
You wrote:
Incorrect. See above.
Another fine example of a self centered reply.
Its "your way" or no way.
the original poster steps up to tell it like it is. Pretty self righteous when you think that because they are stating their opinion, they are incorrect.
I think it was right on the money. You are entitled to your opinions, but who made you judge over others opinions?
September 14, 2007 4:13 PM
opinions are useless. the facts remain. nice try though...
hey einstein, pouring tea over someones head is assault--check the CA statutes. Burning someone with a cigarette is as well...
Whoa, now Jen is the one that approached Dick with the cig in his hand, she instigated it, and I am not sure where you come from, but in my country, The instigator would be the one filed with assualt.
Whoa, now Jen is the one that approached Dick with the cig in his hand, she instigated it, and I am not sure where you come from, but in my country, The instigator would be the one filed with assualt.
September 14, 2007 4:16 PM
Well in America we have freedom of speech, no freedom to assault women.
Whoa, now Jen is the one that approached Dick with the cig in his hand, she instigated it, and I am not sure where you come from, but in my country, The instigator would be the one filed with assualt.
September 14, 2007 4:16 PM
Jen did not touch Dick. He assaulted her. Fact.
and pouring tea over someones head, WHAAAAA, Thats assualt?
don't think so, check your states statutes!
You wrote:
opinions are useless. the facts remain. nice try though...
The OP stated facts. Give an example in the post where they are wrong?
So far, all you have done is put others down. Where are YOUR facts?
So far, all you have done is put others down. Where are YOUR facts?
September 14, 2007 4:18 PM
FACT 1: You are a moron
Anyone second that?
True. I wanted D and D to win all along, but there is no denying that he assaulted Jen.
Jen did not touch Dick. He assaulted her. Fact.
Wrong rewind the tape and watch again, she was grabbing at the cig.
I Do!!! Moron!
My wife and I 2nd and 3rd the poster is a MORON!
FACT 1: You are a moron
Anyone second that?
great comeback. that holds water..
neener neener neener....
FACT 1: You are a moron
Anyone second that?
September 14, 2007 4:19 PM
I second that.
I also refer the poster to the facts written in black and white in the CA statutes.
Ditto for me, what a moron
Really big words coming from someone using anonymous
what a moron
signed, 11 yr old girl
Wrong rewind the tape and watch again, she was grabbing at the cig.
September 14, 2007 4:19 PM
"grabbing at" is in no way illegal--she did not touch him.
Ok what is the op?
"Hey, I'm chuckj and i live on the internet. I haven't bathed in weeks and i once saw a naked picture of a GIRL!"
she grabbed the cig and that is how she got burned! No grabbing no burning.
chuckj baby!!!! WOOOOOOOOO!
does the j in chuckj stand for jerkoff?
Girl, yuck! Gay here freak, and your name has been in these logs for weeks.
Actually I am chuckj, I just arrived at the 11 yr old girls house. Her mom isnt supervising.
chuckj said...
I grabbed Dustin's cig and that is how I got burned! No grabbing no STDs!
September 14, 2007 4:23 PM
and you say Dick initiated it, then tell me how?
still waiting
ya really need to get yourself together here.
You have been debating over a discussion, and then you go and have to ask,
what is the op?
You are debating something that you don't even know what you are debating.
Those of you that called me a moron, and dittoed it. Way to back Chuck.
just because I am anonomous, this bothers you, why?
you're the one talking facts, so give me some, and keep the insults to yourself.
ya really need to get yourself together here.
You have been debating over a discussion, and then you go and have to ask,
what is the op?
You are debating something that you don't even know what you are debating.
Those of you that called me a moron, and dittoed it. Way to back Chuck.
just because I am anonomous, this bothers you, why?
and it bothers me because you come in here with an attitude, why? Because the person you wanted to win is in the jury house?
And you aren't even man or woman enough to use your own name?
You're bogus.
"Keep the insults to myself?"
Thats rich! You have spouted insult after insult, and then you have the nerve to preach?
I haven't insulted you once!
and I don't need anyone backing me
Chuck Chuck Chuck...
easy their Chuck....
chill Chuck.....
dang, another loose cannon.
Anonymous said...
ding dong...social services here
September 14, 2007 4:07 PM
Are you saying you are in a blog that should be reported to Social Services? You must be a "class act"
September 14, 2007 4:09 PM
are you like absolutley high? Never once did Dick physically abuse anyone in the house, his mouth yes was pretty intense, but then again, it was part of his strategy, And oh yeah, it worked, maybe he was trying to get someone to get physical with him so they would be booted, all I have to say is the he knew what nerves to hit, and it worked.
September 14, 2007 4:12 PM
yeah...verbal abuse is pretty intense...what do you think these people have been saying for MONTHS now!!
Anonymous said...
chuckj said...
I grabbed Dustin's cig and that is how I got burned! No grabbing no STDs!
Anonymous said...
So far, all you have done is put others down. Where are YOUR facts?
September 14, 2007 4:18 PM
FACT 1: You are a moron
Anyone second that?
September 14, 2007 4:19 PM
I think that would be considered an insult!
ok, then, lets talk about his thing with danielles contract, how did she brake it?
to all the D & D haters out there... get a life ! danielle does
not have to be committed to any one
"man".....she just turned 21...she
is young and pretty and has a whole
life ahead of her ! my god, she
wasn't married ! she's like the
majority of other 21 yr. olds....
they are ALL moody ! and as far as
Dick goes.....he is who he is ! at
least he is honest about who he is!
i loved the whole BB show and am
thrilled they won ! congrats to
them both !
and sorry not a loose canon, just tired of a bunch of whiners, and you all say danielle is a whiner
hey einstein, pouring tea over someones head is assault--check the CA statutes. Burning someone with a cigarette is as well...
Whoa, now Jen is the one that approached Dick with the cig in his hand, she instigated it, and I am not sure where you come from, but in my country, The instigator would be the one filed with assualt.
September 14, 2007 4:16 PM
hey einstein...watch the tape again...jen was sitting alone on the sofa outside and dick approached her and blew smoke in her face...he was the instigator!
seriouse, how did she brake her contract?
Then he sat down, and she came at him, fast forward a little.
and back to the contract. really would like to know what that was all about?
thought we were talking facts?
I think they left, darn! Now can anyone tell me what the contract breaking was about?
are you talking to me again?
2:25 - How do you know what the contract that Daniele says? Were you there? Did you read it? Funny how everyone thinks they know everything!
2:25 - How do you know what the contract that Daniele says? Were you there? Did you read it? Funny how everyone thinks they know everything
My thoughts exactley, and the deadbeat dad comment, who said he was a deadbeat dad, he just hasn't talked to his daughter for two years.
D and D are boring anyway
chuckj said...
Then he sat down, and she came at him, fast forward a little.
September 14, 2007 4:51 PM
I have had enough of this season, which I plan on boycotting the final episode since no one could get rid of idiot #1 and his daughter idiot #2. I did get a kick out of the HOH competition though. I think it was the longest that Dick went without a cig. He has to be getting money from the Big Tobacco Companies!!!
Anonymous said...
To the site administrator:
Please track down the IP address of the unfit mother and report to authorities. Arguing over bb8 is innocent--a child's wellfare being compromised is no joke.
September 14, 2007 4:12 PM
I cannot believe the self-righteous people on this blog. Who made you God?? First you want D&D strung up and now you're attacking a mom who rightfully complained about the language on this site. It is supposed to be "clean"! You people are delusional.
Have you folks forgotten there will be 2nd prize money also? Both of them have won, with the only difference being the amount of money each will carry out of the house. As far as I am concerned, they are both deserving of this win. I could not be more proud.
I do however, hope for the future, that CBS / BB will speak to each contestant before hand & tell them the language needs to be minimal. I also hope any future players don't try to use God as a crutche to try & get ahead when they couldn't be further from christian than the ones we saw this year. To my knowledge, Kaysar & Jason were the two that never faltered from their faith the entire time they were in the house. That is something to be proud of. Jameka & Amber? Please, they must pray to a different source than I. I can't believe they were praying one minute & cussing like sailors the next, then drinking on top of that? That was very disturbing.
Daniele may not have much to do with her dad once she leaves the house, but I do think they have made a little progress on mending a broken relationship. I never thought I would here the word, "I love you" come out of her mputh, but we all did. That was real & very touching. Way to go Daniele!
I can only wish the both of the the best of luck in the future, & hope they spend the money wisely.
jennifer c.
learn proper english if you're going to make judgement onto people you do not know, Just because they are white and don't have their nose stuck in the air doesn't make them "trailer trash", r u having flashbacks from your childhood? Quit being a sore loser, just because a "good" person in YOUR opinion didn't win, man u sound like Waaaaaammmber!
D&D all the way!
ps,,,, I'm african american and I was routing for Dick from the beginning , how u like those apples?
September 14, 2007 8:22 AM
It's not a very good idea to attack a person's english skills when yours are very weak. I assume you meant you were "rooting" for Dick. Routing is what UPS does for packages or what an Air Traffic Controller does for airplanes. No such word as "onto". Last, but not least, you don't make judgements on to people, you make judgements of people. Learn proper English.
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