Sunday, August 31, 2008

8/30 Live Feeds: 5:00 AM-10:00 PM

Jerry is seen here playing cards that BB gave the HG this evening.

BB woke the HG up at around 10:30 AM this morning. Memphis told Dan that if he saves him with the PoV, then Dan needs to stop with his "crazy antics." Dan and Memphis want to evict Renny because she has the best chance at winning the game. Memphis wants to save Keesha this week because he likes her as a friend, but he still wants to take Dan to the finals.

Memphis then told Jerry that no matter what he does with the PoV, he still wants to take Jerry to the finals. Memphis tried to convince Jerry that Renny is the better HG to be evicted rather than Dan. Jerry thinks that Dan will turn on Memphis next week. Memphis knows that Renny doesn't like him, so he would rather take his chances with Dan. Dan then joined the conversation and agreed that Renny will win if she makes the finals. Jerry doesn't think that Renny will even make the finals though.

Jerry told Renny that he doesn't think that Memphis will use the PoV, so Renny shouldn't worry about it until after it happens. Jerry thinks that Dan is the best HG to be evicted. Jerry told Keesha and Renny that Dan has already started to campaign for Renny's eviction. Keesha can't believe that he would turn on the alliance the first week they don't win HoH.

Memphis told Keesha that he is saving Dan with the PoV, but both he and Dan will vote to evict Renny. Keesha isn't sure if she can trust Dan with his vote. Keesha thinks that Jerry lied to her about Dan campaigning just to break them up.


Anonymous said...

Rennie,Keisha,& Dan Were my favorites im so sad it will come to an end:(

Anonymous said...

Renny might be leaving anyway, because her family and home are in New Orleans. BB has to tell her something...

Anonymous said...

Can someone tell me this: If a person say Memphis uses to POV can then the HOH put that person on the block. say Memphis. If this can happen why would the person with the POV risk it.

Anonymous said...

S.I.S. - No, because it is the golden power of veto, not only can the veto holder pull someone off of the block, but they can't be put up in their place either.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the clarification-so Memphis takes Dan down and puts Rennie up and both Dan and Memphis vote for Rennie to leave. last 4 standing are Dan ,Memphis, Keisha and Jerry, Sounds good to me. Dan has played the game from the start, Keisha a good part of the time and Memphis has just started. Jerry deserves to be in the last 4 if only because he has outlasted the others.