Wednesday, August 15, 2007

8/14-15 Live Feeds: 11:00 PM-8:00 AM

Luckily for us, the feeds became more exciting as the night went on. Less than 48 hours remain until this week's eviction, so who will become the first member of the jury? Here's the late-night events from inside the BB house!

Dustin told Amber that America is probably sick of her crying. Amber thinks they like it. @@ Jen told Dustin that it hurt when he nominated her, but she didn't care when Daniele and Dick each nominated her. Jen complained about getting fat while inside the house. She can't wait to go on slop again next week. She then went to eat some ice cream. @@ Amber called Dustin arrogant when he boasted about not needing to work out. She said that he would offend her if she wasn't so close to him.

Jameka prayed aggressively again. She asked for forgiveness due to her mouth and temper. She also asked for strength for herself in addition to Daniele and her family, excluding Dick though. She asked God not to "unleash his wrath" on Dick. She asked God to allow Eric to become a Christian. She went on for well over half an hour.

Jameka feels like she isn't helping the GPA with regards to competitions. Amber says that her and Eric are the same way. Jameka is sad that she cannot compete for HoH though. Jameka is shocked that Dick and Dustin were able to drink all 10 drinks in the PoV competition. Jessica said that she would have done better if her ass was on the line. Amber pointed out that she did better than Zach. Jameka says that Daniele was crying after the competition. Amber says that it takes a lot for Daniele to cry.

Amber thinks that Jen has a crush on Eric. When she accused Jen about it, she denied it though. Jessica thinks that Eric should make out with Jen. Eric says that Jen called him "Mr. America" earlier. (Hmm!) Eric is confused as to what Jen meant by that, but she didn't respond when he asked her about it. Eric thinks that there must be a reason that the DR keeps pushing for Dick to stay this week. Eric thinks that something is up with Dustin as well. He wants to align with either Jen or Zach. Eric asked if they could get Jameka to vote Dustin out, but Jessica doesn't think so. Eric really wants to cut ties with the group since Amber isn't good at competitions and Jameka can't play for HoH.

Eric doesn't think that Dustin's popularity ratings are very high. Jen tells Eric and Jessica that she thinks the three of them are most popular. @@ Eric thinks that Jameka could be popular as well. Jen doesn't think that Daniele is popular because of what she did with Nick. Jen leaves, and Eric continues talking with Jessica. He doesn't think that the GPA will be the final five. Jessica says that Zach thinks that she (Jessica) is closest with Jameka. She doesn't think that she has been spending that much time with her though. Eric says that Jen thinks that she is aligned with him and Jessica. Eric doesn't think that Dick will be able to sway Jen's vote. Eric and Jessica agree that Jameka is a threat to them, so they need to evict her before the finals near. Jessica says that if the vote is tied, she might vote to evict Dustin. Eric doesn't know if Dick would keep them safe if he stayed this week though.

Eric and Jessica stayed up for hours after everyone else talking about everything under the sun! They are still up as I post this. At this point, Dustin could be the one evicted, especially if Jessica continues to want him out like she does now. We'll see what happens today!


Anonymous said...

What is the DR? Does it stand for Diary Room??? And how does it communicate with the HG??? Thanks!!!

Anonymous said...

What the heck is up with Eric??

He had the perfect opportunity to campaign against Dustin when Jessica mentioned that she was thinking of voting him out, but instead he said Dick should be voted out.

Did America vote to save Dustin?

BB13 said...

Anon @ 12:35 PM - The DR is the Diary Room, the place where HG go to confess their inner thoughts. BB talks to them in the DR as well and likes to influence their decisions in the game.

Anon @ 12:50 PM - I'm not sure who America voted for because Eric isn't really letting us know. My guess by looking around at all the comments is that America voted for Eric to evict Dustin. We'll know for sure tomorrow though!

Anonymous said...

I can't say this enough...the people getting all worked up about the HG and letting this run your life is ridiculous!! It is just a TV show! It's one thing to watch the show and check up on things you may have missed or can't see, but to start lashing out at other people and about the HG that you don't even know is pathetic!! I don't have a favorite in the house, but for the Dick haters...what does it say about you when you start complaining about him and then the next minute start saying the same things about the other HG or the innocent people leaving messages here?? If you have such a big problem with a HG, to the point you will constantly leave nasty messages on here...QUIT WATCHING!!!

Anonymous said...

I think that if America vote for Eric to evict Dustin, it will be more fun to see how things evolve in the house.

Anonymous said...

If they keep Dick, he'll start his game play all over again and start harassing anyone who is in his way. Get him out. I can put up with Dustin for another week. After what Dick did to everyone before and after the veto, how can they possibly still want him to stay?

Anonymous said...

Someone posted on CBS chat that it's Dustin by some things ERic has said today...maybe he didn't know the results of the vote when he and Jess were talking then... but he SHOULD have known, since we voted for him to be on the block!

Anonymous said...

thank you bbvii for all your updates your rule with an iron fist....... PLEASE kick dustin out. Dick is the whole show. I dont know why people hate him. he has not said much that was not true in the house. Atleast people know how he feels up front

Anonymous said...

I don't know why everyone hates Eric so much. He is in such a hard spot trying to play the game and doing what America wants for him. I wish they wouldn't screw him over so much. Really - what makes the guy so bad?

Love this site - thanks for doing it. I swear I'm addicted to it although I find myself regretting it when it comes to watch the show because I know what happens. It is so hard to keep the news from my husband.

I think Eric is an ok guy and I wish America would be a little better to him.

Anonymous said...

Jessica is a puppet because she is so easily swayed.

I figured that she should be one of the final three, but she's too week.

Even though she's not the youngest, her little girl voice makes it hard for anyone in the house to target her. Plus, she hasn't really pissed anyone off.

I think that the winner should have some battle scars to talk about, and as of today, Jessica has no battle scars to speak of. She is liked, no one has yelled at her, and she doesn't reveal personal information that makes her come off as a whinny two-year old.

Anonymous said...

I am nearly sure that America told Eric, the little weasel, to vote Dustin out, but he is so against Dick I'm not to sure he will do as America wants him to. But Dustin needs to go and leave Dick in the house. Dick is very smart, he knows how to work all these people. That's exactly why they don't like him, they know he can work them. Go Dick and Danielle. Jameka and Amber need to be the next up, I also think Jessica and her whiny voice needs to go. And I agree with another comment, if Dick does get voted off I think BB will bring him back just to start havoc in the house.....I hope they would anyway...

Anonymous said...

I am losing sympathy for the GPA.

If any of them (AP not included) changes their vote to evict Dustin instead of Dick, then even though I dislike the man's comments, maybe he deserves to stay.

If he could do all the stuff he did to people (pots & pan wake-up call, constant yelling to the point where the GPA is forced to flea to the HoH room), and they still keep him around, then he may just be the second smartes player in the game (Jen being the first).

Daniele and Dick will rule the house bigtime if Dick stays. Amber and Jameka better brace themselves for the worst that is yet to come.

Anonymous said...

Why in the world would Jen or Zach believe ANYONE from the GPA that they would be safe if they voted for Evil to go home??!! How frikkin stupid are they??!! Dick and Danielle would save them before the GPA.

I'm praying that the DR keeps pushing for Dustin to be sent home.

I can't for tomorrow's live eviction!

Anonymous said...

BB8 will be sooooooo boring if Dick is sent home!

Anonymous said...

A. If you think that America's Vote has any influence on what Eroc actually gets, then I got some swampland in Florida to sell you. If that were the case CBS would release the results. CBS clearly wants ED to stay for ratings. Therefore if a million people voted for him to go, and one voted for Dustin to go, Dustin would still go, because he does ZEE ROW for the ratings.

2. I read here Jamika was praying for Eric to become a Christian? Is this true. That's the mosty anti semetic thing a person can do. Is she sayign being Jewish is not legitimate? Yet she gets all upity when ED states a fact about starving children in Africa. Once again., it's okay for the black person to spew racisim, but a white person says anything with the word Africa in it, and they are labeled a racist.

Anonymous said...

Ohhh Please let this work. I feel like I am on a rollercoaster. They go back and forth so much you don't know what the hell they are going to do!

Please let Dick stay and Dustin leave. Wouldn't that be so sweet to that arrogant, greedy SOB! Sigh Dreamin on a sunny afternoon!

I don't care of Dick or Dani win or lose. They are just the most entertaining in the house imo.

Amber thinks we like her crying. Is she ever right about anything America thinks, LOL! She is a bigot and ignorant.

Jameeka most popular? NOT Most popular preacher maybe. She started out being America's Favorite but that slipped away pretty quick!

Zack wont go there. He needs to vote Dustin and that's it.

Jen I think she is a very unpredictable player! Better watch out for her. She could make final 2

Eric where should I start. If he does not start campaigning to get out Dustin and he is supposed to I am done with the whole AP thing because he is hardly trying at all in any tasks he does not like!

Dustin- Lieing, Conniving, Arrogant, Greedy, Backstabbing, Control Freak. He didn't like Dick being in the leader seat and took over as soon as the oppurtunity came up.

Dick foul mouthed and mean for game play but outside I bet he is not nearly as bad as all that. Remember Danielle warned the girls in the beginning. "My dad has never been a real father figure to me. He was a friend a MEAN friend." Should not be a surprise to anyone how he is acting.

Dani- Give the girl a break. She has hung out with all of them. I have seen her hang out with all of them through the show. Yes she spent a lot of time with Nick. Jess has spent a lot of time with Eric. Jameeka has spent a lot of time with Amber. Amber has spent a lot of time with Dustin. Come on. Everyone spends more time with one person then the rest this year. It's how they are all playing. What is most unfair is how those people have treated her for her fathers behavior. She does not act like him at all in any way shape or form. The whining is annoying but so is Jess whining, amber crying and Jameeka preaching and Jen's vanity.

It's a game. Plus DR can say anything they want but they cannot make them do a darn thing.

Anonymous said...

Eric needs to do his job as the AP to get Dustin out. Him and Jess should save their asses and make a deal with Dick and Dani. If Dustin stays then ERIC BETTER BE NEXT ONE OUT. If Dutsin gets voted out then we really need to help Eric get out Amber, Jamika, and JEN!!!!!

Anonymous said...

How does people in the DR try to influence votes?

Anonymous said...

Are you for real?

If a black person talks about religious conversion then it's considered racist?

The Jehovah's Witnesses
are always in my neighborhood preaching and trying to get people to join them.

Are they racist too?

You don't even make any sense. You just sound dumb!

Stop trying to stir the pot.

Anonymous said...

This is my first time on this site and I must say I am disappointed as it appears that BB8/CBS tries to influence the votes of the HGs. If that is the case, so much for reality/unscripted shows. By the way, what do you mean by "@@"?

And if Dick stays, he will be even more unbearable!


Anonymous said...

I hope Daniele, Dick, Jen and Zach are the final four. Jessica, Amber, Jameka, Dustin and Eric are not interesting enough to keep me into the show to the end. The GPA is a big JOKE!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I really hope Dustins voted out, I can't stand him! As for Amber, if he leaves I won't be able to take her crying for the rest of the game, it would probably be non-stop! They both need to go! :)

Anonymous said...

I love Eric. He is the cutest little thing I have ever seen. I feel really bad that he has to be AP. It sucks that he can't just play the game like everyone else has. Now he's under a microscope because the HG "think" he is scheming against them all. It's a shame, he is the most likeable person in the house.


Anonymous said...

Re: anonymous 1:58, I totally agree with you on Jameka! I can't stand her!

Anonymous said...

Dick needs to play the game and stop playing his emotions... In fact, all of them do... Where did they get these people from? I don't think that there is one intelligent game cell between them (maybe with the exception of Jen!)

Anonymous said...

I don't like Eric.

Has anybody else noticed how he changes his facial expressions drastically in a split second. He can be laughing really hard one second, and then the very next second he has a very serious look on his face. That to me reminds me of people that you just can't trust at all. He looks like he has some kind of nervous condition. When he was chosen to go up on the block last week, I thought he was gonna fall apart. I can tell the personality of someone by their body language, and Eric is the king of person I wouldn't trust with anything.

Unknown said...

What is GPA???

BB13 said...

GPA = Good People Alliance, which is the new LNCNH.

Anonymous said...

Someone already asked "How does people in the DR try to influence votes?"... I'd really like to know, too... What happens exactly?

Anonymous said...

Ha, Eric should stay in the group and wait till all the opposing members are voted out Dick Danielle Zach Jen then he should persuade each of the HoH's to nominate people here's how i think it should go Dustin amber jameka then he should get Jessica out XD

oh and the Hg's go to the DR to say those things that tyhey say XD

Anonymous said...

I'll say it again...

I think ALL of the houseguests are certifiable N U T S !!! I'm serious. I think they chose people that were unstable in some sort of way to go in with the Alice theme.


Anonymous said...

K - I so agree with you... these HGs are certifiably C R A Z Y!!! I hope that BB and CBS are willing/able to pay for the psychological/psychiatric counselling that these paranoid, overly impressionable, delusional, nut-jobs will need once they leave this house!

Anonymous said...

you'll let people use the word "fag" but you don't accept my comment? what exactly are your standards here, blog admin?