Saturday, August 11, 2007

8/11 Live Feeds: 11:00 AM-7:00 PM

Like I said, Dick has won the PoV! How will the HG react to this? Here's the afternoon events from inside the BB house!

Dick mocked Jameka by faking like he was praying. He spent much of his time before the PoV competition taunting her since he knew she would be his toughest competition. Dustin talked about how embarrassed Dick's mother must be. He also made fun of Dick for being a bartender at age 44. Jameka says that Dick is easy to ignore. Jessica thinks he will move on to her soon because the people he is taunting now aren't fighting back. Jen points out that Daniele and Dick are becoming closer by being alone in the house. Jen told the LNCNH that Dick threatened her life when he attacked her two weeks ago. Eric says he did the same to Amber. He agrees that they will need bodyguards in the jury house. Dick stole Dustin's tattoo sleeves. Daniele told him that he should steal all of Dustin's stuff before he gets evicted so he could wear them in the jury house.

The feeds were blocked for a four hour period between 1:20 and 5:20 PM. Daniele was seen talking with the LNCNH about how alone she feels in the house and the like. (I assume she was trying to save her ass here since Dick won PoV.) They discussed Dick's attacks on everyone. Daniele says that she feels bad because she's his daughter, but she can't do anything about it. Amber assumed that Dick would use the PoV on Daniele. Daniele talked about how it sucks that one of them will go home this week.

The PoV competition involved drinking a variety of substances: tea, hamburger water, steak, bacon and eggs, in addition to others. After drinking, the HG would then have to play croquet. It sounded similar to the BB6 Snack Shack from Hell PoV competition. Dick told Daniele that he would use the PoV on her. Daniele then cried about how it sucks that he will be going this week. She talks about how everyone hates her and will torment her without him around. Dick said that he would stop tormenting all the HG since he accomplished his goal this week (ensuring Daniele's safety). Dick then went off on Dustin again.

Daniele told Jameka that people say very bad things about her (Daniele) and Dick when they aren't around. (During this, Eric goes on about how Daniele will be pregnant with Dick's baby this fall. @@) Jameka told Daniele that she lost her trust with other HG by spending most of her time with Nick. Daniele claimed that Nick was one of the best friends she's had in a long time. Daniele then cried because after this week, she will have nobody to talk to. Jameka comforts her and says that she will never tell anyone about what her and Daniele talk about. Jameka returns to the LNCNH, and Dustin asked if she had a good conversation with Daniele before bashing her again. @@ He said that she brought all her loneliness on herself by spending time with Nick and that he doesn't feel sorry for her.

Eric tried to convince Jessica again about throwing Dick a pity vote, because he knows that America will vote to keep Dick. Jessica doesn't think it's a good idea. Jessica wondered if Amber could win HoH. Eric hopes she won't because she would constantly brag about it. (I agree!) Eric claims that BB is trying to recreate Janelle with Daniele, so he'd rather have Janelle in the house. Dustin thinks that Zach threw the PoV competition because he is good at both croquet and drinking.

That does it for the afternoon! It is official that Dick has won the PoV, but he is planning on saving Daniele, so he would be evicted this week. Dustin looks to be the replacement nominee at this point. We'll see what happens!


Anonymous said...

They should re-think the Dustin ploy if Old Man Dickless does use the POV on Daniele.

America will continue to fuck things up for Eric and Old Man Dickless will stay in the house.

OMD was kinda amusing, but now I'm just bored with him.

Anonymous said...

Eric and Dustin are jerks the way they treat Danielle when she did nothing to them but figure Eric out.

Danielle needs to not worry about anyone but Danielle. Janelle did fine without friends. She should remember that.

I heard Jen is being put up. If that happends Dick is gone. If Dustin is put up we may have a slim chance at keeping Dick with votes from Dani, Eric, Zack and Jen. We can hope but doubtful.

I bet Jess puts up Jenn and I bet eric gets found out very soon!

Anonymous said...

I agree, I hope Dustin is put up and that he get's sent packing home by Daniele, Jen,Zach and oh yes...Eric!!! That would be would totally ruin the LNCNH!!!

Anonymous said...

Ok, well it's not for sure that (1) Dick will save Daniele; (2) Dustin will be the replacement; or (3) America will force Eric to keep ED ... So, we'll just have to wait and see what happens on tuesday ...

Anonymous said...

Danielle did not figure Eric out. She isn't that smart and is way too miserable of a person to be thinking so clearly. She made a lucky guess based on the fact that she was pissed off at Eric for being the first one to say Nick should go; so she wanted to make him look suspicious to everyone else.

BTW, Danielle could never be the next Janelle; I think Jen is way more comparable to Janelle this season (that being a compliment). We'll see what happens, but I really hope Dani or her crazy old man go home!!!

Anonymous said...

Same... I hope Dustin leaves... and why the hell are they showing Amber unbraiding her ugly-ass hair in silence when the rest of the house is downstairs having fun???

Anonymous said...

i heard something about this veto could be used on two players??

i really really hope not.

BB13 said...

I'd doubt that.

Anonymous said...

Thank you. I am bored with Dick too. I want Dick to stay just to torment him that he would be the reason why Daniele is gone.

Daniele gets on my nerves. She supports her father's obnoxious behaviour by egging him on, then she cries to the HG that she can't stop him. Now she's even providing him with suggestions on how to torment the HG further.

Please, Daniele is anything but innocent. She is her father's child. It was just convenient that Dick did most of the grunt work that she would like to have done herself.

Anonymous said...

I believe that Eric will take to the last two. She is smoking hot and he likes her.

They are not stupid enough to put Dustin up. Either way they need to put Jen up.

I am certain Dick will give the power of veto to his daughter.

Anonymous said...

Why does eveyone take Dick so seriously? It is a game and it is the way he choses to play it (whether you like it or not). Personally I would prefer someone to be in my face honest than talk behind my back(Like the LNCNH does). Everything he has said is the truth and that is why it bothers them so much! I would love to see Dustin gone and I am so over Eric being AP. He played everything so wrong last week. He made himself look like an idiot. I bet he could not be quiet for 2 minutes.

Anonymous said...

In a twisted way, I dont even like watching the show anymore, because your updates are so detailed and great, that by the time the show comes around it's old news.... I end up fast forwarding through most of it... lol

Thanks for the great updates, always enjoyable!!!

lilredsmom said...

Is it stragedy Daneille is using about "loneliness"? It seems kind of odd she would reveal her feelings when considering she claimed to her father "I'm a very private person".
The POV winner was cool. Dustin's
Court is so high and mighty.
Jemeka thinks she's all that and perfect. Talking about how Danielle has a bad attitude and isn't interested in changing.
Amber continues to fill her "pie hole".
This year is sooooooooooooooo mindless with all the gossiping.

Anonymous said...

Everyone ranting about ED should just stop and listen to the insults being thrown by the others in the house.These are just low class people and they are on national TV showing their rears. Dustin, Eric, Jameeka and let's not forget the idiot racist Amber.(I wonder if what she said was about black people and not Jews if she would still be on the show?)

Anonymous said...

Please, Daniele is anything but innocent. She is her father's child.


i totally agree with you.

i cant stand to see dicks face anymore either. he is such a waste of a person.

isnt it about time for a double eviction week????

and everyone who says its going to be boring....oh please. if gay bashing is your entertainment find someplace else.

Anonymous said...

Amber is on the show right now talking about how embarrassing for her mother and friends to hear what Dick is saying about her.Funny, I was thinking everyone she knows is embarrassed too. FOR KNOWING HER!She has proved the old saying on this show. Keep quiet and let everyone think you are a fool or open your mouth and prove it.

lilredsmom said...

I'll be so glad when I don't hear Dustin's voice on BB8.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, I think all of us miss Dr. Will. We are hoping that one of these players will step it up by being clever and entertaining at the same time. Dick is the most entertaining, but his vulgar language gets to be too uncomfortable. He is kind of clever, but I am not sure his strategy will work for him. I would love to see Eric take all his tasks seriously even at the expense of his game.
I hope that Danielle and Dick convince Jen and Zach to vote out Dustin,(instead of voting along with the house)in hopes that Eric the mystery voter will vote their way. If Eric really has any brains he should talk Jessica into putting up Jen. But from what it sounds like, Dustin is going up as the pawn. Definitely not a bright move.

Anonymous said...

If Dustin does go up, we HAVE to tell Eric to vote Dustin out! I would love to see the look on Dustin's stupid face when he got evicted, and forcing Eric to do something he doesn't want to do is an added bonus - can't stand either of them. Amber, Jameka, Dustin and Eric are my absolute bottom four in all of BB history! They are all so hypocritical it makes me naseous. People who live in glass houses....

Anonymous said...

Jameka really is a hippocrit. She promises Daniele that she would keep their conversation between them and then she runs and tells Amber in the HOH room. Jameka really needs to take a good look in the mirror and realize that people who live in glass houses should not throw stones. If she was truely a good "Christian" as she says she is she would know not to belittle and down grade people behind their backs.

Anonymous said...

Daniele totally screwed up last week. Not by targeting Eric, but the way she went about it was stupid! She should have nominated Dustin and Amber with Eric as an alternate. Kail and Jen would have voted with her side, and then she would have had the numbers to get rid of one of the Freak Show Four. If noms stayed the same, Dustin would probably have gone, if Amber (very unlikely) came down and it was between Dustin and Eric, it doesn't matter because one of them would go and the remaining one would be left with a fractured alliance and one less on "their" side. If between Eric and Amber, Eric (should) have gone, if CBS didn't intercede on his behalf again! Zach, Kail, Jen, ED - there are your four votes.... Putting up two people who would very likely vote how you want them to was stupid, and that's why her plan didn't work!

Anonymous said...

dick will get the last word and jamica can really call herself a true christian ,she shows it by all the back stabbing and her emptey promise to not tell anyone about her convo with dani. you got to love this game.i hope they put dustin up and the pawn becomes the next victim of evil dick and the ed gang. ..!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think the ultimate pay back for Dick is to evict Danielle. Hit him where it hurts! His goal is to get them so pissed off that they vote him out so why not crush his little dream and send his bratty daughter packing. Also, if they put up one of their own (LNC) they deserve what they get for playing the game so stupidly. Making the votes even would be the stupidest thing you can do in this game if you want your alliance to be the last one standing. Get rid of that sheep Zach. No one talked to him until they needed his vote now he thinks he's "in." What a tool!

Anonymous said...

"Amber, Jameka, Dustin and Eric are my absolute bottom four in all of BB history!"


Anonymous said...

Daniele is PWT and her and her 440y.o. bartender father need to go home to the trailer park.

Dustin or Jameka should win BB8

Anonymous said...

Amber as "America's Top Model"??? GIVE ME A BREAK! Did you get a load of her gut on Showtime last nite??

Deborah said...

I have a question about how BB attempts to convince HG to do certain things or vote certain ways? Does this really happen and if so, how?

Also what does @@ mean in your blog?

PS Dick's gotta go!!

Anonymous said...

i can not wait for dustin, eric, and amber to be out of the house. evil is the most intertaining player on the show there is no show without him.

Anonymous said...