Thursday, August 7, 2008

8/6-7 Live Feeds: 9:00 PM-10:00 AM

Jessie, Keesha, and Michelle seem very annoyed by the many wake-up calls played late last night.

Memphis says that he would nominate April and Jerry should he win HoH next week. Libra would nominate Jerry and Michelle. Dan is concerned that Renny questions his loyalty to her frequently. He hopes that after he votes Jessie out, Renny will finally be able to trust him. April thinks that her alliance will switch things up and vote Jessie out this week. April will only trust Jessie and Michelle if they keep her safe when they win HoH.

BB played wake-up calls sent in by viewers for the HG beginning at around 1:05 AM last night. Every five minutes, another wake-up call was played. The calls didn't end until almosot 4:00 AM. Some of the HG tried to sleep through the calls, but Jessie and Michelle stayed up for pretty much all of them. BB woke the HG up this morning at around 9:30 AM.

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