Tuesday, March 18, 2008

3/18 Live Feeds: 3:00 AM-3:00 PM

Chelsia was the last one asleep last night at just before 4:00 AM. BB woke the HG up shortly after 9:00 AM this morning. Joshuah told Ryan that Chelsia may be plotting to vote him out this week. Ryan says that Sheila will vote Matt out. Joshuah says that the only way Ryan will be safe next week is if one of them wins HoH. Matt says that he is done with campaigning and thinks he has done enough to stay in the house this week. Joshuah tells Matt that he thinks that he will stay this week. (Joshuah is continuing James' plan to make Matt think he's staying this week.)

Sheila told Ryan that she is afraid that he will nominate her if he stays. Her gut is telling her to keep Matt this week. Adam told Sheila that he is voting for Matt to stay, but Sheila wants to vote Matt out since she can compete with Ryan better. Sheila wants to have the vote tied so James has to make the decision. She thinks that she, Joshuah, and Sharon will vote for Ryan to stay, while the other three will vote for Matt to stay.

So much for not campaigning - Matt told Joshuah that he would have both his and Natalie's jury votes if he keeps him this week. Matt and Ryan both think that the vote will be tied this week. Sheila told James that she would be voting Matt out because she doesn't want to break her word to Ryan. James claims that he doesn't care who is evicted this week. James told Matt that he has the votes to stay this week. Matt promised James and Joshuah that they would not be nominated if he or Natalie won HoH next week.

Sheila is mad that James won't take the initiative to gather the votes for Matt to be evicted this week. She thinks that he is afraid of Matt and doesn't want to personally evict him. James heard this and is really upset with Sheila. He wants to dump a bucket of cold water on her. James received his HoH camera and spent most of the afternoon taking pictures with it.

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