Saturday, March 8, 2008

3/8 Live Feeds: 9:00 AM-8:00 PM

Joshuah was the first one up this morning at around 9:10 AM. He hopes that Matt is evicted this week and Natalie wins HoH next week so she can nominate Ryan since she didn't agree to the "2 weeks" deal. Sheila wants to bring Sharon over to her side after the PoV ceremony, leaving Chelsia and Joshuah as her only targets. Ryan is worried about Chelsia targeting him next week, but Natalie and Sheila assure him that someone from their side will win HoH next week.

Chelsia says that if Ryan were to nominate James or Joshuah, it would be a good move for him. James tells her to never say that again. (Chelsia, James, Joshuah, and Sharon still think that Matt will be backdoored this week.) Chelsia started to notice how much Adam, Matt, Natalie, and Ryan have been hanging out. James thinks that she is paranoid and needs to relax. Chelsia says that she will not use the PoV unless Matt is nominated in her place. @@ - The PoV is used before a replacement is named.

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