The night proved to be a bit more exciting than the evening. Most of the HG stayed up way into the night as BB lets the HG sleep all day on Sundays. Looks like it will be an exciting day then. Sigh. Here's the events happening last night in the BB house.
Daniele is sick of Amber calling her a spolied brat. She says that everything she has she worked for. Dustin says that he is the same way and has never owned a credit card. Nick is also sick of thinking that he can get whatever he wants because it's not really like that.
Eric thinks that Dustin will get nominated soon for taking the prizes in the PoV competition. Jessica says that a lot of people are mad at him for doing so. Eric thinks that Jameka saving anyone who pulls her name with the PoV is ridiculous. Jessica says that she talked to Jameka today, and she (Jameka) said that she's not telling anyone what she is doing in the game anymore because people always get mad at her for doing so. Zach joins them, and he thinks that Jameka using the PoV will put both her and Zach in a vulnerable position. He says that it will also cause chaos in the house. (Just what they need!) Eric later told Dustin and Jessica that he was the mustard prankster. (I'm not sure if he meant it to be a joke, but Dustin and Jessica seemed like they believed it to be the truth!)
Jameka told all of Dick's side (the Late-Night crew, or LNC) that she still plans on using the PoV to save Jen. Dick wants to go over the reasons not to use the PoV to see if she changes her mind. He points out that Jen is close to Kail and possibly Nick and Zach as well. Eric then says that he doesn't want to even discuss that because they have already agreed on using the PoV. Dustin says that they cannot argue her decision, but Dick thinks otherwise. Dick talks about how Jen manipulates people and the like. Eric still thinks they should focus on taking out Nick or Zach and not worry about Jen this week.
Dustin asks the group whether he should nominate Nick or Zach. Eric thinks this week is the perfect opportunity to backdoor Nick. Jameka says Zach because he doesn't have anyone, so they should just get rid of him. Daniele and Jameka agree that Zach wouldn't vote for them to win. Dick points out that Jen or Kail wouldn't vote for him either, but they are still in the game. Eric says they should keep people who either hate all of them or like all of them equally. He mentions Zach hating all of them, so they should keepm him instead of Nick. Dustin thinks that Zach would vote strategically and not personally. Jameka repeats that Zach creeps him out too much to keep him. Dustin keeps saying that he wants to nominate Zach, yet most everyone has said that they would rather see Nick nominated. Dick points this out. The group points out that if Nick leaves, Jen would only have Kail, so that decision would hurt her as well.
Eric says that Nick has a better chance of winning HoH and knocking out one of them than Zach does. Amber says that even though she likes Nick as a person, she would rather see him go because he is strategically a stronger player than Zach. She says that even though Nick would be a vote for her or Daniele to win, she would rather see him go because it's best for the group. Daniele starts crying because she doesn't want to see Nick go, yet she knows it's better for the group. She would rather see him on the jury though. Daniele would rather see them vote Jen out this week. Jameka is still pushing for Zach to be the one nominated this week. The group says that while Zach has no chance of winning, Nick could, so they should get him out this week. Amber then starts crying because she doesn't want to see Nick go either. Dick says that if Nick is up, he will vote him out.
Eric thinks that Daniele would be better off if Nick left this week. Dick agrees with him. Dustin is now saying that Nick needs to go too. Dustin then agrees to put Nick up only if they will vote him out this week. Everyone agrees. Dick thinks that Daniele will try really hard to win HoH if Nick goes. Eric agrees to tell Nick that he is the one going up and thus going home. The group feels it's best not to tell him because Nick will go crazy tomorrow. Dick and Eric agree to take the fall for the decision, so that Nick doesn't go after anyone else. Dick asks everyone to watch after Daniele because she will be an emotional wreck this week. Dick feels that Daniele might be the best person to tell him. Eric says that if Nick asks him about it, he will let him know. Eric complimented the group on all contributing to their talk tonight. Everyone seems proud of their efforts. Dick also tells Jameka that he appreciates her agreement with voting Nick out.
Dustin is upset because all the good-looking guys in the house are leaving. Dick thinks he will leave the house straight and not gay. Everyone agrees that Kail is afraid of people, which is why she spreads lies about everyone. Dustin, Eric, and Jameka think that Kail would nominate Daniele and Dick. They would need to fight for Zach to be backdoored.
Daniele is still bumming out about voting Nick out this week. She hates that after this week, she won't have any friends in the house. She says that Eric has Jessica, Amber has Dustin and Jameka, Jen has Kail, and that leaves her and Dick. Daniele hates how Amber was trying to make it seem that Daniele didn't have to vote out Nick. Daniele points out that she is willing to vote Nick out, but Amber would never vote Dustin out. Dick says that he will put Amber and Dustin up if he wins HoH. Daniele says that Eric said the same thing. Dick told her that if things ever get tough between her and Nick, to let him know immediately. Dick points out that Nick going would be best for her relationship with Kris. He then talks about how they were supposed to be on BB6. (I doubt that. Daniele would only have been 18!) Dick tells Daniele that he is proud of her for voting Nick out this week.
Amber says that she will win HoH next week because God is proud of her and Jameka for voting Nick out instead of Zach. @@ - I'm really sick of all this God talk! Amber says that she had a dream that Jameka won PoV this week and Amber won HoH next week. Amber thinks that Dustin made a critical mistake today and that her, Eric, Jameka, and Jessica would be the final four. Amber wants her and Jameka to be in the final two. Amber hopes that either Jen or Kail win HoH week 6 so they can take out Daniele or Dick. Jameka is fine with them winning next week because she doesn't want Daniele on the jury. Amber talks about Daniele being a spoiled brat again. @@ - Especially since her parents give her anything she wants, right? Amber is worried about Jen nominating her and Dustin instead of Dick. Jameka is sure that Jen will nominate Dick for sure, but maybe Dustin too.
Daniele joins them and says that she will tell Nick that he will be going home after the PoV ceremony. She says that he might blow up for a few hours, but he would calm down eventually. She thinks that he would want to be told that he was going home. Jameka leaves, and Amber asks Daniele if she is mad at her for what she did earlier. Daniele says that she isn't mad; Amber just made her feel uncomfortable. Amber apologizes and says that she doesn't like making people feel uncomfortable. (She's the queen at doing that!)
Dick was the last one asleep as he went to bed around 7:15 AM. All HG are still asleep (and probably will be throughout the day) as I post this. I'll have more later, if there even is any new info!
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