Sunday, July 29, 2007

7/28 Live Feeds: 6:00-11:00 PM

Compared to the afternoon, the evening was a sluggish one for the HG. Apparently, their triedness from getting up early this morning finally caught up with them. Here's what went on this evening in the BB house.

Jen and Kail talked about how everyone wants Dick out, yet nobody wants to nominated him. They agree that Jameka must use the PoV on Jen so that they both stay in the house this week. Jen doesn't think that anyone can chang Jameka's mind about her decision to save her. Kail says that they have to win HoH next week and that she's ready to win because it's them against the house. They tried to get Dustin to see that Daniele was a threat because she came close to winning another PoV today. They think that Dustin may target Nick instead of Zach, but then agree that he would target Zach this week. They agree that they would nomimate the floaters in the game, such as Daniele, Dustin, and Nick.

Dick told Daniele that Eric will be the hardest person to get out of the house because he is such a good game player. Daniele agreed. Dustin said that he wasn't totally committed to winning the PoV competition today. Daniele tells him that it looked like he threw it. Daniele wants to vote Jen out this week but agrees to wait for Jameka to decide whether or not she will use the PoV first. She then talks about how bad Kail is at competitions. Her and Dick agree that Jameka will probably use the PoV to save Jen. Dick says that if she does, Kail goes out this week. Daniele reminds Dick that by doing that, they cannot split up their side. Daniele told Eric that she would target Jameka if she used the PoV. She said she would go after Dustin and then Jameka.

Amber continued to cry about Dustin going for the prizes instead of the PoV. (What the hell is wrong with her? I don't understand why she is so upset about all this. He's greedy - get over it!) Daniele told Amber that Dustin made a big mistake today through his gameplay in the PoV competition. Jameka and Jessica are sick of Amber's constant crying. Jessica thinks she needs to go because she is always talking to Eric. Jameka doesn't understand why everyone is upset with her using the PoV to save Jen because she told everyone last night that she would probably use it if she won it.

Dustin lets Jameka know that Kail staying is the best for all three of them because she is a vote for each of them to stay in the house. Jameka thinks that most of the house wants Kail out this week. Dustin is sick of Zach always wanting to talk to him. He thinks Zach is stalking him. @@ Dustin thinks that getting Zach out is the best thing for them to do strategically this week, not Nick. Dustin says that he doesn't like Kail. Jameka says that if Kail stays, she would go after Dick and not Dustin should she win HoH.

That was pretty much it for the evening! Many of the HG talked about going to bed early, even though BB lets them sleep in late. I heard that Dick's side wants to have another meeting, but I'm not sure when they will have it. I'll have another update in the morning!

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