Friday, August 3, 2007

8/2-3 Live Feeds: 11:00 PM-8:00 AM

It was an exciting and late night for the HG! Will Daniele stick with the plan to nominate Jen and Kail tonight? Here's what happened last night in the BB house!

Daniele is mad that nobody believed her about Nick last week. Her and Dick exchanged "I love you's" before their talk. (I think this is the first time I've heard Daniele told Dick that she loved him.) Daniele told Dick that she thinks Eric was the one that voted against Kail the past two weeks. Dick says that they cannot leave Jen and Kail in there for a third week in a row. Daniele says that Jessica is also worried about Eric. She thinks she will get closer with Jessica this week. Dick says that he thinks he can trust Jessica, but that he and Daniele can trust each other totally. Dick doesn't like that people see the LNC as the Nerd Herd. He wants to do something soon to change that.

Dick talks to Eric about the other vote to evict Kail this week, and Eric says that it couldn't have been him because he was the most avid to get Nick out of the house. He tells Dick that they should just forget about that vote again and move on to getting Jen out of the house this week. Dick then went outside to smoke by himself, and he WENT OFF on Eric (without him there though)! He talks about how he shoul not have ever trusted him. Jessica joins him and tells him that Daniele told her about Eric. They are shocked that he would lie to them like that. Meanwhile, Eric tried to convince Daniele that he was not the extra vote, but Daniele didn't seem to be buying it.

Amber is still upset about the banner plane. She thinks that her and Eric are the only two that haven't lied yet in the game. Eric says that the person who ordered it had to have been a Nick fan. He then goes on about how he couldn't have been the extra vote. @@ (So basically, Amber and Eric are lying to each other regarding the banner plane that said they were liars!) Eric doesn't think that America could like Jen, Kail, and Zach. He still thinks the extra vote was Jen because they shouldn't believe anything that comes out of her mouth. He then complains about getting disqualified from the HoH competition and how guilty he felt to leave Daniele and Jessica to fight for them. He then goes off on Dick, and Amber agrees with him there. Eric mentions how Jameka and Jessica have been acting weird around them lately. He thinks it was odd that Jameka talked to Jen and Kail after the HoH competition. He suggests that maybe they should start arguing with people so it doesn't look like they are flying under the radar. Amber thinks that Dick will be on a power trip again since Daniele won HoH.

Jen thinks that Amber was the extra vote because she didn't cry after casting her vote. Her and Kail are trying to figure out what the banner said because they missed it. Meanwhile, Daniele and Dick talked once again. Dick is so upset that they evicted wrong leaks two weeks in a row instead of Eric. Daniele is still mad that nobody believed her about Nick. Dick apologizes to her once again. Daniele thinks they should backdoor Eric to ensure that he goes. Dick is EXTREMELY upset, and Daniele keeps telling him to calm down before people see him again. Daniele's plan is to nominate Jen and Kail, then backdoor Eric. She thinks she has Dick, Jessica, and Zach, but they need one more. Dick is through with the LNC and wants them all out now. They agree not to tell anyone about their plan except Jessica. Dick is excited to take Jen off the block to nominate Eric. Daniele knows everyone would have blamed her for the extra vote had she not won HoH.

Daniele and Dick tell Jessica about the plan, and she is shocked that Eric would have done that to them. They think that Eric has been in an alliance with Jen and Kail since week 1. Daniele mentions how he is always talking to Jen. They tell Jessica not to tell anyone about their plan. She agrees but says that Eric wants to talk to her later because he thinks something is up. Their plan is to make sure Jen is saved and Eric is nominated. Jessica says that Jen told her that there is a luxury competition later today. They say that the storage room is full, so there won't be a food competition this week. Jessica leaves and tells Dustin that she thinks the leak was Eric.

Eric pleaded his case to Jameka about why he was not the second vote. (He really needs to stop talking!) Jameka says that she is happy that Daniele and Dick can reunite this week, but she wants them gone very soon. He then talked to Dick, and the two did an excellent job acting and lying to each other. Dick told Eric that he would never suspect him as the other vote. Eric told Dick that Jen and Kail need to be nominated again this week, but they need to go after Jen. Eric thinks Amber might have been the leak and the extra votes if it wasn't Jen. Dick acted like he agreed. Eric continues to talk about how disappointed he was about his performance in the HoH competition. Eric said that he doesn't care who goes this week, just as long as either Jen or Kail do. He says that after Jen and Kail, they should take out Amber, Dustin, and Jameka. Dick thinks that maybe Jen has been telling Kail all their info, so they should take Kail out this week instead.

Amber told Dustin that they made a mistake about voting Nick out this week. Dustin thinks that Zach has been trying to turn Daniele and Dick against Eric. Dustin says that Eric doesn't have it in him to lie to them. He says that Zach has been telling the house that Eric was the leak. He then tells Amber that Jessica thinks Eric might be the leak too. Amber cries about them being wrong about Nick last week. She then cries about the banner and asks Dustin if he thinks she is a liar. Dustin tells her no. They also think there will be a luxury competition today. Amber wants Daniele and Dick to go soon. Amber says that Daniele will play the game so much harder since Nick is gone, and her focus is now on the game. She says that Eric hates Dick and wants him gone as soon as possible.

Dick tells Dustin that they should get Kail out this weke instead of Jen. Dustin agrees, saying that they have let her through two weeks in a row now. He is also suspicious of Jameka since she has been hanging around with Kail a lot lately. Jessica comes out and says how Daniele doesn't want Kail out this week since she gave her HoH.

Jessica completely sold Daniele and Dick out to Eric. @@ (I was just starting to like her too!) She tells him that he won't go home though because they have the votes to keep him. Eric is upset that Daniele and Dick think he would lie to them because he has been nothing but honest the entire game. He wants to bring the whole house with them except for Daniele, Dick, and Kail. Jessica agrees, saying that Jen could help them because she is good at competitions. Jessica tells Eric that she believes him and knows that he would never lie. Eric then relayed this info on to Dustin. They think that Dick is the leak and that he is trying to blame it all on Eric. Later, Dick talked to Jessica, enforcing his point that Eric needs to go this week.

Whew, that does it for the night. Dick was the last one asleep at around 6:00 AM. All HG are sleep as I post this. At this point, it looks like Jen and Kail will be nominated once again, with Eric planning to be backdoored. It doesn't look like there will be a food competition today, but there will be a luxury one instead. I'll have more info later!


Anonymous said...

Wow-I thought I liked I'm not sure...but what did the banner say?I'm guessing it was negative towards Amber and eric-not surprised about that but I never found out what it really said-just wondering.

BB13 said...

It said- We <3 Nick, Amber & Eric are liars, LNC is the Nerd Herd.

dgh1965 said...

Boy did that banner plane make a mess of things. Eric was just fine until they all saw that.

This could be another interesting week. I think I wrote last week that LNC was starting to divide already, it sounds like a done deal now.

The PoV and HoH competitions are really going to be important from here on.

Anonymous said...

The nerd that is too funny. I really wished Nick could have stayed in the house longer. I liked the drama he caused between the two girls. I am having a hard time picking someone I would like to win this year. Is anyone else?

Anonymous said...

I hope Jen wins it all!!!

bblover said...

I hope Jen wins it all. I wish America could see some of the live feed or the ST2 feed, until I started watching that I didnt like her.

Anonymous said...

I feel bad for Eric. He's only doing what America tells him to do. I really would like to see Amber go because I really can't stand anymore of her crying, I mean, I thought I was emotional, but Amber cries when someone looks cross eyed at her!

Anonymous said...

My question is Why is everyone focusing on how the banner said eric was a liar it also said that Amber was a liar too. I like Eric and think this really is totally unfair to him. I hope he can get out of it.

Anonymous said...

Um, guys...Eric isn't a liar, he's just doing what we asked him to do! We're the ones not giving him the smart moves, we're not thinking about him winning the game, we're being biased and having him do what we want selfishly. We should think about what will help him win instead.

Anonymous said...

Dick is an idiot. A woman should not have to put up with his behavior and the guys in the house are weak. They should not let that happen. Dick carries on like that to cover up his own inadequecies. I didn't like Jen at first, but now I hope she wins it all. The HG need to get Danielle or Dick out of the game. They are the strongest pair in the house. When will the HG realize that.

Anonymous said...

I can't stand Eric or Amber! Will the producers of BB PLEASE give Amber some Xanax already! She is obviously very unstable! Seriously, where do they find these people?

Now that Nick is gone, I'm not quite sure I want to watch the show. Who do you root for???

Jessica...get a new voice and learn to compete.

Dustin...greedy and stupid.

Jameika...enough of the Bible Banging.

Amber...get a grip! UNSTABLE!

Daniele...gain some weight and learn to be loyal!

Dick...grow up and get a life.


Eric..a tiny little troll.

Who else does that leave? Oh yes, JEN...YOU GO GIRL!

I'm so upset Nick was voted out and that tiny little troll is still in.

I can't believe Amber was the one that suggested, and pushed, for Nick to be put up and then bawled like a little baby after Dustin actually did it!

Futhermore, where were Daniele and Dick when Nick needed their vote. I thought Dick hated Kail??? Tratiors!

In all the years I've watched BB, I've never seen a cast quite like this one.

Bring back Janelle, Will, and Howie. At least they were worth watching!

Anonymous said...

Ive been listening to the feeds on an off today an I heard something about Zach having a ringworm...I didnt catch all the convo but did anyone else hear this?

Anonymous said...

I don't think America should be telling Eric what we think would be best for him to stay in the game. Thats not the point. We should be telling him what we want to see happen. Personally I think Eric is a little weasel. I'd prefer to vote to have him do whatever gets him in the most trouble.

Go Jen!!! She was annoying at first and I was rooting Dick on. Now I think he has gone way too far. He is a hypocrite for bashing her about her personality and then claiming that he knows he is an #$@## and he doesn't care what peiople think of him. If he doesn't care why should Jen. SHe has handled his abuse like a champ, never losing her cool (the iced tea probably helped with that).

Sfink said...

Great Reading, You did a good job with the updates. I agree Eric needs to lay low for awhile.

Anonymous said...

i want dick, daniele, eric or jessica to win.
hate jen, amber, kail and that's pretty much it.

Anonymous said...

Has there ever been an alliance more wrong about what was actually going on in the house than LNC?

Well the jig is up. Erics votes were much of the reason for the confusion and now Dick has the idea that Eric was the culprit. Of course that could just get Dick sent packing if Eric can swing it. Personally I'd like to see both of them go. I hope America voted to have Eric try to explain to the new HOH why Dick should be on the block.

BTW I know who sent the banner plane. It was CBS. Things were getting pretty boring with LNC continuously trying to send home the members of the evil (non)alliance. They needed to stir things up.

mishawaka said...

Eric should go, but later. Dani needs to get Jen out before Jen gets her out. If Eric would have talk more bad about Jen or Kail they would be gone. He did not care we voted to get them out. He went after Nick when he knew we wanted Kail and Jen out. Now he is in deep shit because the HG knows someone is lied. They all know Jen's a lies. He should have been blamming her,not Nick. Eric has failed us.

mishawaka said...

I think Dani should put up Jen and Jamika. So she will use the pov on her self. Every one will vote out Jen then. she needs to go before she wins it all.

OUSL Workshop said...

Don't have a preference for a winner yet, can't blame Dustin for getting something out of that competition and look how the focus is on Eric, Jen etc and not him AND he has 5K and a cool trip...

Anonymous said...

Danielle and daddy need to go. Danielle reminds me of Skeletor.

Anonymous said...

I have been watching BB since it all begain. You have to remember we do not see "everything" that goes on..Sure Dick is true to his name, but come on you are not there to make "friends" you are there to win the "MONEY" You never know what one person is saying to can go with your heart and still get burned in the end. I do feel a bit sorry for Eric because he is doing what "America" wants and that is getting him in the dog house. I agree that Amber has to go too..sorry here crying is driving me crazy..I am a softy too and cry but not that bad