Tuesday, July 31, 2007

7/31 Live Feeds: 8:00 AM-1:00 PM

The feeds were ULTRA-boring once again this morning. Most of the HG just woke up within the last hour or so! Here's the little news coming at you from this morning in the BB house.

Kail was the first one up at around 10:40 AM today. Daniele and Dick that Dustin has been on a power trip this week. (I'm starting to see that, but nobody was worse than when Dick was HoH last week!) Dick told Amber not to tell Nick about her knowing all along about his nomination. He said that she can do what she wants, but telling Nick might be a bad decision for the group. He then went off on Jen for a little bit, calling her an idiot and saying how she follows him around all the time. @@

That's pretty much it for the morning! Like I said, most of the HG have only been up for an hour or so, and they haven't really said much. Maybe things will heat up as the day goes on.


dgh1965 said...

Maybe things will heat up? I think we can count on it. It sounds like Jen and ED are already warming up.

I wonder if they (BB) will hold back the booze as long as tensions are running high? They didn't give them any last night that I saw.

Anonymous said...

What does DOR mean?

BB13 said...

DOR - Drop out Request or Voluntary Exit as Dick says.

dgh1965 said...

Hey bbviii,

Has anybody ever DOR in the history of the show? I do remember that guy was kicked out.

BB13 said...

i dont think so.