Saturday, August 4, 2007

8/3-8/4 Live Feeds: 9:00 PM-8:00 AM

With the veto players already chosen, how will the HG strategize? Let’s find out!

Dustin tells Daniele he will fight for PoV because it’s Daniele’s week and she wants Jen out. Zach is going to fight hard because he thinks he will be nominated if the veto is used. He knows the only way to guarantee his safety is to win it.

Jen goes up to the HoH and has a talk with Daniele. Daniele spills everything from Kail and Daniele’s conversation earlier and tells Jen to keep it herself. She tells Jen about the deal made with Kail. Jen wants to work with Daniele because they would make a great duo. Jen tells Daniele that if Dick wasn’t here, Daniele would be much better off. Jen keeps reiterating that she wants to be friends with Daniele before one of them leaves.

Amber and Jameka talk. Jameka tells Amber she needs to pull herself together and how Dustin said last week they didn’t do what he wanted so why should they do what Daniele wants. Amber and Jameka say they are together until the end and no one knows about them so it’s perfect.

The HG get oversized croquet mallets and balls with a note stating- “These may help you in a future competition”- assuming these are for the PoV competition HG begin practicing. Zach says he will do good in this competition and begins giving Daniele pointers.

Some of the LNC talk about Daniele’s supposed backdoor plan. Amber doesn’t think its true but Eric is certain it is because Daniele wants payback for Nick’s eviction.

Kail and Jen have a talk. Kail believes the extra votes were Eric, she also thinks Eric put mustard all over Jen’s shirt. Jen thinks it was someone else like Amber. They want to win PoV and convince Daniele to backdoor someone. They agree that Jen must come off the block this week in order for them both to remain safe for next week. Kail claims that she will submit her DOR if Jen is evicted this week. @@ Jen says that they need to work on not being the targets for next week. Kail says that Dustin and Jameka are the only two that she doesn't want to win PoV. Jen thinks the PoV competition will have something to do with knocking people out. Jen and Kail think that Dustin is definitely working with Dick.

Amber told Jameka that either her, Dustin, or Jameka will be nominated if PoV is used, but Jameka doesn't think so. Dustin told Amber about how Daniele and Dick wante either him or Eric gone this week. He says that if Kail wins PoV, she will use it on Jen because Kail thinks she is safe. He says they need to make sure Jen doesn't win PoV this week so they can get her out. They agree that Daniele and Dick have been really shady this week. They also agree that they don't have the votes to get either Dustin or Eric evicted this week. Amber, Dustin, and Jameka agree that Daniele and Dick need to be nominated if one of them win HoH next week. Jameka tells Amber that they need to step it up because they are seen as weak competitors.

Daniele and Dick agree that the vote is in Jessica's hands this week. Daniele says that she is screwed if Jessica screws them over. She tells Dick that he has to win HoH next week to ensure that they will be safe again no matter what happens this week. They agree that Eric is nervous about being backdoored this week. Daniele thinks she might be able to sway Jameka to their side if they need her. Dick goes on about how this week is the perfect opportunity to get Eric out of the house. Dick says that if someone came back, it would be Nick because America would vote for him and the producers would too. Daniele feels like everyone hates her in the house. Dick told Daniele that she needs to become really close to Jessica. Dick told Daniele that if she wins PoV, she needs to make sure she has the votes to get Eric out before nominating him.

Eric told Jessica that he has no regrets about getting Nick out last week. He thinks that Daniele and Dick are stupid for turning on the LNC this week because everyone except Dick will put them up next week. If Dick doesn't win HoH, Daniele and Dick will be nominated next week. Jessica says that Daniele and Dick think they have her vote, but they don't. Amber joins them, and Eric tells her and Jessica that Jen needs to stay this week so she can do their dirty work next week. Eric thinks that Daniele is the sneakiest person in the house.

Eric was the last one asleep at around 5:30 AM. Currently, the HG are getting ready for the PoV competition. I'll have the morning info up in about an hour!


Anonymous said...

hearing all of this makes me sad-I love daniele and dick and I hate to say it but they need to team up with jen....she is just what they need to stay safe.She is a strong player and could make the difference in the game-I will vomet if dustin,amber and jemeka take the game away from them.I hope daniele and dick can see through jessica's lies and make the right decision!

MissRed said...

I like Dick and Daniele as well. I know that Dick can be extreme, but in his tender moments we can see into his heart. I think anyone can be a jerk, but I hope that when Dick acts out and yells that he is trying to upset people to keep them off guard. The house guests are about to divide into new groups again--and I hope they get the votes to get Kail or Eric out of the house. Jen is not my favorite either, but she would be good for Dick and Danny to team up with. I also think that Zack would be a good team member for Dick and Danny as well. Time will tell. I hope that everyone remembers that these are people playing a game and living in unusual conditions that can bring out the best and worst of the house guests.

Anonymous said...

I see the lower income class of Americans have gotten behind Dick and Danielle. They are pure white trash but a good choice for BB to bring in viewers. Eric is playing the game better than anyone, despite being handicapped by being America's player. Going to be fun to see him get out of this one and then get the white trash out of the house.

Anonymous said...

I completely take offence to the previous poster insinuating that the people who lick dick and danielle are low income white trash. I love these two. From his tell it like it is attitude. It's definitely making thing interesting.
And a side note, i'm far from LOW INCOME